How can we unite together and stop Trump?
Our protests and reconquista are working, but that will only start to help in 20-30 years, and that's gonna be stopped if that bitch Trump is elected
How can we unite together and stop Trump?
Our protests and reconquista are working, but that will only start to help in 20-30 years, and that's gonna be stopped if that bitch Trump is elected
Question: Why are you so stupid?
Because Trump would deport all of my friends and destroy my culture if he's elected.
The only way we can beat him is by organizing protests against him like the San Diego one
I will join you as long as breeding with white girls are guaranteed.
We dont, we get our shit together and become functional states in order to stop being ridiculed by the civilized world.
also op is a faggot
kek we dont have to, hes doing it all by himself,
Of course
They'll make castizo babies with us
>not wanting to reclaim our rightful land
>Unite together
We hate each other more than anything.
Your country is literally full of Africans. We don't want your help stopping Trump.
Why exactly are you proud of being mexican?
The government can hardly handle 32 states, more land just means more money for politicians to steal
I hope Trump kills you and all the chicanos.
Because I have mexican blood in my veins
My parents came over from Mexico, and barely knew english. Nobody tried to help them and I resent the US for it
How about your friends stop breaking the law and come here legally, moron?
Fuck off you have to go back.
>being a race traitor
>Mexico: 1,381,853 niggers
>Argentina: 149,493 niggers
Try again, beaner
Because it was rightfully our land in the first place. We shouldn't have to wait years going through a process to allow us to go onto our land
We want to get away from the chilangos, and you want to add even more clay to the chilango state...FOR SHAME
Go back to Europe puto
I don't want our people to rely on Foodstamps and become breeders. Fuck you, loser.
At least we are not Venezuela
That title belongs to the conquerors who spawned your rapebaby mongrel asses, when they drove the foreign hordes from their home, just like what Trump is gonna do to your brown ass, mestizo bastard.
Well you will have to haha
There are gonna be 132 million of us here by 2050. Get used to it
"mexican blood" = spaniard rape babies with abos. it isn't a thing at all. "mexican" isn't real you dumb mutt, you just resent success because you are lazy and poor.
>Fellow Latinos
Nobody in "Latin America" uses that term you dirty Chicano. plus i don't side with smelly brown manlets.
Hillary has something to say about that puto
>Caribbean Islander
>not black
I don't talk to niggers, they're the only people worse than whites
I find it funny that most actual Mexicans hate you.
What are you fucking fighting for? It's literally just an racial identity crisis for the mexican-american 2nd gen spoiled children.
>Hola mi amigos
>*illegally crosses the American border*
>So eses
>*steals American jobs*
>Tu know
>*collects welfare*
>That we
>*drinks a 6 pack of corona*
>So hold up ese u sayin that we
>*joins a gang*
>Jajaja u sayin that
>*smuggles drugs for the cartel*
>*brings his family of 6 over the border*
>*has no national pride*
>*runs from border police*
>*gets beheaded*
>Be argentine
>Go to Villa Fiorito
>get shot
You're a moron. Any Hispanic person that is successful and not retarded does not give a fuck about Mexico, Mexico didn't do shit for them.
fuck off Mexican faggot. im latino but people like you make me wanna just genocide all chicanos like you.
Neither has america, pendejo
All it has ever done to us is try to deport us and keep us from entering. Americans might be more racist than Jews, I don't even know at this point
>1st gen are anchor babies
>2nd gen revolting to government
>3rd gen is war
>4th gen land is ours
You're a race traitor is what you are
we don't have to do anything
sjws already support most of the cause.
You know I'm right.
>on a board with id
wew lad
We just need to elect hillary into office and nothing can stop us
We will be the majority by 2050, pendejo. Get ready
>All it has ever done to us is try to deport us and keep us from entering
Have you tried LEGALLY EMIGRATING? of course not i'm asking for too much from a Indio.
>not reading the IDs
Typical Abbo, illiterate as always
Come up with a good independent candidate that has more charisma and attitude than Trump with a good name and sexy look.
Then put in a hard strike 3 to 4 weeks before the election that makes all the news so that nobody will miss it.
Hey retard, Asians didn't have help either, and they outwork white people. Here's the secret to getting money in America. GET OFF YOUR FILTHY MONKEY ASSES AND GET A JOB!
>this triggers the spoiled mexiburger children
latino isn't a race you uneducated fuck. just because i hate people like you doesn't mean i hate all latinos.
why are you so upset my racially handicapped friend? Don't you understand that Hillary will start WW3?
I don't go to poor places unlike you.
Why should we be forced through a process to come onto land that is rightfully ours?
sometimes i wonder if you know that most other central and south american nations hate Mexicans...
WW3 will just kill all of the whites. We'll just dodge the draft. Fuck that shit
>What are you fucking fighting for?
Why, the Republic of Aztlan, of course. Granted, we might need some help actually defeating the US Army in order to claim the lands of our ancestors (or the lands north of the lands of our ancestors, the oral traditions are somewhat vague).
So, if you Mexicans who still live in Mexico could be good fellow brown people (or close enough) and die for our attempt to play Civilization: Real Life Edition, that would be greatly appreciated. Oh, we'll also need you to give up the Northwest corner of your country as well. And after we expel the white and asian people from our new nation, we'll need you to send money and trained workers to make up for the economic catastrophe and labor shortage our little Brown Power Movement is going to cause. No, that's not a poop joke, so stop laughing.
Thanks for all the help you'll be sending us. With this, we will be able to keep the legacy of the Aztecs alive. Or at least my interpretation of the Aztecs' legacy.
>t. Ungrateful bastard who left when things got tough and hasn't shut up about his Mexican heritage since he stopped actually being a Mexican
I have plenty of Guatemalan and Honduran hermanos
We're all the same (except for Argentines, they're niggers) against the white race
Hey here's a crazy idea what if instead of making yourself a target for ICE by coming here illegally you try the legal process that way you don't have to sprint across the desert in triple digit degree weather just to escape the border patrol
>just taking Aztlan
We'll be a MAJORITY by 2050.
We'll take the entire country.
If you're too weak and poor to protect your land then it's NOT YOURS
ahahahahahaha stupid wetbacks you wish you were white Spaniards!!!
>sprinting across the border
Most of us are visa overstays. Border Patrol only catches the ones who don't realize it isn't that hard to come over
South Africa was only 15% white when it cucked itself. Your point? TRY AND START A RACE WAR BEANER
>wishing we were white
Hell no. I'd never want to be a member of that race of cave monkeys. It would be nearly as bad as being jewish or a hue
Sorry m8, but no. Why dont you try canada instead? They are more cucked in there, they may let you in legaly with your 8 brothers, parents and grandparents.
>what is conqusest
STOP HIM?! im voting for him to kick your ungrateful ass out
i bet you look like a fucking nigger as well. now how tall are you ? yo u wont do shit "hermano" if you want to take over. go to other states not just California..
We don't want a race war
We'll just vote Democrat and the demographic change will make it impossible for any candidate against our interests to win. Goodnight to white America
Yeah, but you're concentrated in the Southwest. In the rest of the country you ain't even going to be close to a majority.
That made my night
California is just the first
After that it's New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and our Cuban hermanos are working on Florida.
>fellow latinos
Kill yourself. Nobody hates latinos more than latinos. TRUMP 2016
I'm with you OP.
I agree with everything on what Trump preaches except for the immigration issue. And thus for one little thing I'm now #MentallyHill
God bless Obama for DACA
Greatest president to ever live.
>mfw I'm legally stealing some white boy's job
Send in the Mexican birds of prey!
Shill post
Stop feeding the trolls
And what happens when there are 130 million of us?
We'll inevitably spread out. Either that or we will have an independence referendum to reclaim all land illegally taken by the treaty of guadalupe-hidalgo
Estadida cuando, brother?
you think that will work? i think that lots of generation z Hispanics living outside of California are actually becoming more conservative. most will be voting for the first time in 2020..
>Because I have mexican blood in my veins
Not an argument.
Why do you deserve to be here? You are entitled why? The whole point of america is no one will help you, but no one will stop you if try hard enough.
Do you think the pilgrims had help when they came over here?
Do you think the irish had help when they came over here?
Thank you for perfectly demonstrating why everyone despises you. You are all children and we are tired of taking care of you.
If I was shilling it would be
>1 post by this ID.
You don't think I actually believe what I post? Silly racists.
It was signed over to the US in a treaty agreed to by the Mexican government before the American Civil War, more than 150 years ago. I think statute of limitations is invalid at this point. It's like saying the Falklands belong to Argentina or something.
Fuck off I'm voting Trump
The only people becoming conservative are the race traitors.
Everyone I know is voting for Hillary (she's still a bitch, but she won't deport us)
You're a nigger, you aren't welcome ITT
>3rd gen is war
Can't wait. truly can't wait.
>Implying anyone's getting deported
It won't pass congress
>5ft Mexican manlets feel superior to anyone
>island niggers
It will literally be white cucks, Latinos in the military, UN, and US government under Hillary vs a few crazy whites who think they can winc
Hispanic here
Donald Trump never said he wanted to deport mexicans. He just want out illegals out of the country to protect Americans and make sure Mexico doesn't bring crime and drugs to the country either.
Look I love Mexico but white people want and need jobs to provide for their families but illegals are taking their jobs and don't want to go through with the legal system.
Hell my mother was an illegal but she a least got a green card and citizenship and pays taxes and owns a house in California.
You the type of people who misinterpret information and the (((media))) is brainwashing you to believe trump hates mexicans
you apparently wish you were Spanish.
hence the term "reconquista" which is a reference to the reconquering of the Iberian peninsula.
And the fact the Mexicans never owned any part of US lands.
Spain did.
And since Spaniards are considered Caucasian, you wish you were white.
Unless you don't know what reconquista means.
Or you think independent Mexico ever owned part of the US.
In which case you're an idiot.
They want part of kansas! lol.
They will never take norcal.
Why the fuck would I want to stop Trump?
Do you think I want more of you fat disgusting Indio fucks flooding my country? Holy shit, my ancestors have lived in Tejas since the 17th century, you cocksuckers are all from the South. You aren't of my race, you don't belong here, this is not your fucking country.
"Mexican" shouldn't even be an ethnicity, there is nothing connecting us except that we speak Spanish, your shitheel ancestors murdered mine by the millions, why the fuck should I want to share a country with you? Fucking Aztec cocksuckers, you are genetically inferior. You have never produced ANYTHING. Not even ONCE in the entire history of our people, it has always been the higher caste, the Spaniards, who have done everything.
Fuck you. At least the fucking Anglos have accomplished something. How many Natives fought the Muslims in Spain? Fucking none. My father still has the sword our ancestors used to slaughter the Moors. I would die in fucking flames before I let you disgusting Socialist weasels infest this country with your loathsome sun-worshipping culture. You all worship the government. The government has never done SHIT for you and you should know better.
Trump is right. You have to go back. I'd go back myself if I could do it with one of you in either hand. I'd kill myself the first day across the border but at least I would have served my nation. My children have blue eyes. They will never be slaves.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, the important question: Will the good looking members of your movement start wearing the Maxtlatl as casual wear in public? Gotta re assert your Mexica heritage after all. Unless you're ugly, in which case you can just wear a burlap sack or something.
You should seriously look up "FIRST MEXICAN EMPIRE" you retard.
Let him, this brown manlet just has napoleon complex.
>being proud of being a Tejano traitor to the 1st Empire