Does anybody here have experience with off the grid living?

Does anybody here have experience with off the grid living?

Do you have any plans like me to move way the fuck up north?

How do you get started?


Solar energy is the biggest meme

whenever you want to justify something just chalk it up as "powered by solar energy"

You would have to compromise. You will not get indoor plumbing like that picture. You will not get anything more than small amounts of usable energy from the sun or wind if you really want to be off the grid. And you will have to bust your ass.

Yeah man. /out/ has fuckloads of these threads.

>black water

OP so cucked, even his water is BLACKED

>How do you get started?
Money and that's the fucked up part.
Basically to live like a hermit you need money, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.

Look at this. It is a good example of what you need to be self sufficient. Even with this you still need to trade some stuff and buy other things.

The prepper / doomer / homestead / off-grid shit is retarded

Go read Ran Prieur's "How To Drop Out" and "The Slow Crash"

There is no big crash coming. Only a slow decline in living standards for your entire lifetime

The secret is in the book Early Retirement Extreme. I'm too tired of sharing any more than that. Save some fucking money and take years off of wage slavery. Live on nothing. You'll actually be free

I've actually been thinking about this in a serious way. I just want to move to northern Ontario to get away from the cesspool that is Toronto. It is suffocating living in this degenerate hellhole. You might want to look into mini-home. I forgot what the technical term is for these units but they are pre-furbished and they can be placed on a plot of land of your choosing. You don't even need to be connected to municipal infrastructure. Now, I do realize that the mini-home movement is part of an ideology fostered by urban degeneracy, but I guess it is a start.

>Live on nothing. You'll actually be free

This. Despite the constant memeing solar energy is very expensive. Expect to drop 25k minimum on battery and panels if you want to run a laptop. Good luck lugging it miles out into the country.


Solar panels? Wireless satellite net? You would save so much cash not having to connect the property up with cables and pipes etc to the grid.

The fact that houses in the worst parts of my city are selling for 750k has me thinking along these lines.

One year of increases in houses has obliterated my deposit. And fuck a 35yr mortgage.

Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to move to a small town instead of going off the grid in that case?

>One year of increases in houses has obliterated my deposit. And fuck a 35yr mortgage.

If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?
If everyone is buying houses, would you?

Yes, it is possible. With a dry toilet and a wood stove you are on good track.

Don't tires let off noxious gasses?
Every time I've watch a documentary about some hippies/hipsters living in an "earthship" they make excuses for using tires and explain how it's not so bad after a few years...

yeah, when burned or heated significantly, they can emit carcinogenic fumes - although if you're just using them as an insulator, you should be fine.

Those hippies were using tires for the interior walls and always had problems. Then again most of them live in the extremely hot states of the US.
I'd only use tires for perimeter walls personally, just in case.


You fags want the comfort of modern living but in some fantasy land wilderness. Just go live in some smallish town outside the GTA and you'll be fine.

Sewage is the number one problem. Good luck with your "solar septic tank" and "peat filter".

A pit outhouse is easy to build and maintain but it won't allow you to use running water. Without running water and sewage you can live indefinitely but quality of life drops drastically.

Other problems can be solved with money, this one has to be solved with engineering (AND money/labor).

Currently living off the grid. 5kw solar system with battery storage provides all the energy we need, but we have a diesel generator for the very occasional time the sun hasn't shined for weeks.

25mbps satellite connection is good enough for internet. Composting toilet is no different to a normal one.

Sup cucks?

yeah, personally i'd say it's best not to use it at all, unless you're really on a budget.

I'd say that if you're planning on living off grid or innawoods for a long time, you'd probably want to consider investing in a proper shelter, with a good structure, etc.

If it smells, it gives off gases.
Solar panels are fairly cheap (cheaper than diesel generator) and very straightforward to install and maintain. They are very economical if used to replace/supplement a diesel generator because you get to save on fuel, fuel delivery, and most importantly, generator wear. Generator wear is expensive, and commodity generators are not designed to run interrupted for long periods of time. So you're going to be buying a lot of lead-acid batteries anyway, solar panels allow you to take good care of your generator and survive once it does break.

Why off the grid friend
Do you get lonely
Do you ever shitpost your plants and stuff

>proper shelter, with a good structure, etc
Do what the bears do, goinnacave

If I won the lottery I would build one of these

"earthship" homes are too often hippie influenced, mine would look futuristic and cool

Because it's better. I have 100 acres right next to a national park.

Gas bottles are hooked up to the gas stove, hot water is via fireplace and solar.

Shit couldn't be easier. It's easier than paying for utilities by far.

I'm also only 40 minutes drive to a pretty big town where I can load up my ute with supplies.

>5kw solar system all we need
>but also need a diesel generator

post pics

Haven't used it in a year, but it's nice to know it's there.

>mfw thinking about city cucks

I'll take a few later.

Inb4 70 series landcruiser ute

>northern Ontario
Make sure you bring full body bug suits for half the year, water resistant breathable for the other half.

I don't think some of you actually get out of the city very much. Inna woods isn't all it's chopped up to be, and don't forget the hatchet. You will need a wood stove as well. Probably a gun, and town runs at least once a week for bagged milk.

Naw it would look like shit

that glass would fucking bake you in the sun

Am I the only one getting this rare?

>There is no big crash coming. Only a slow decline in living standards for your entire lifetime
how can you tell?

Sneaky rare

>The fact that houses in the worst parts of my city are selling for 750k has me thinking along these lines.
Did you vote for John Key?