Pol/ is looking more like b/ everyday

I think it's time to leave.

God be with ye

but where will our countries shitpost if we leave here?

shut up and get out

The anti shills did this.

They can never just ignore a thread.

Red dit and Australia destroyed everything

Shit no need to make a speech about it, just go.



I wish I could leave, but I can't. It will take my mum taking away my computer privileges if I don't do my chores to get me to leave.


>omg pol is b tier now
>posts shitty bait thread



This is Sup Forums? I thought this was Sup Forums?

Well what happened to Sup Forums, then?

What do you call a man lying down in a pile of leaves?


Sup Forums really is going downhill, i've even gone back to my blue pill state before Sup Forums, now i just come here to laugh at the lunatics and their crazy theories.


If you werent here observing the same problem after donglegate then youre most likely part of the problem nigger

Shut the fuck up and check these digits Sup Forumsro

If checked I quit for one week and cry.

Fuckin' checked Awoo



Thats because the average age on Sup Forums has dropped DRASTICALLY
Now its almost synonymous with Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders.

Its become the case of retards feeling welcome in a group of people playing pretend retard.

K see you tomorrow

r/Sup Forums flooded Sup Forums

Who is mot?



the guy that owned this place before got

Sup Forums is alway like this when there is no happening

Get over yourself my dude

op claiming id

this is now a sink thread
post sinks


time to regroup on sadpanda

This is a real shill demoralization thread

Avoid and sage

After the election the redditors and CTR will leave.
