How come Japan is the only uncucked country?
How come Japan is the only uncucked country?
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Why do women have daddy issues? Is this problem in Japan?
cause all daddies are betas now and if youre not a beta daddie your kid looks at al lthe other beta daddies and sees how 'good' their kids have it and make u into one
Because America has already cucked them for the last sixty years.
Japanese men went from warrior farmers to a bunch of sexually repressed accountants whose women get stolen by Western men and so they just draw cartoon porn into their forties to jerk off to and read manga packed onto the train before they commit suicide later that day.
Women in japan still wear dresses and dont have daddy issues
Do women want to fuck their fathers? Is that what you say?
Yes, because Japan is the only country that have issues, fucktard.
They are mental children so when they get pumped and dumped it re-enacts being abandoned by their fathers AKA their mothers divorcing their fathers and keeping them away from their fathers.
Husbands are basically supposed to look after wives like daughters they fuck and expect to do more chores. That's in the marriage ceremony the father hands off his daughter to the groom.
Then why does Japanese women fuck their fathers
Japanese guy with his White girlfriend
RIP Madison
You're a retard? Is that what you say?
They don't have sex or girlfriends to be cucked in the first place.
You never got jews.
keep telling yourself that whilst jacking off to cartoons as your country grows old before your very eyes
yeah with mutant tentacles aparently
Japanese women are all whores who aren't even sexually interested in their own men.
she can still give head me thinks.
would watch cripple porn of her.
>Not cucked
>Lose all your culture for American materialism
You got cucked while back when they nuke you bro
Strong culture and delicious delicious xenophobia. East Asian culture is my cannery in a coal mine. Even though some aspects of it, particularly Chinese, are horrid.
Because after WWII, we sent our finest, smartest, most red pilled men to help them rebuild. They structured the entire country based around red pill ideology.
Half a century later, we see the effects of a hyper conservative country. They are an island nation that lacks resources, and they are dominating everyone around them.
Meanwhile, Western countries that lost their red pilled men decided that women should have a say in government, which is why we are here today.
>anime obsessed
choose one
Beautiful blonde model with her Japanese boyfriend
>Beautiful blonde model with her Japanese boyfriend
Same couple as above
>kaio symbol on the front
classic sluts don't know anything
it's kame on the front
kaio on the back
>cucking (NTR) is one of the MOST popular fetishes in japan
Because their culture is extremely patriarchal. You must remember that they have an extremely rigid class system which represses deviances from social norms and intellectualism. It's quite disgusting the amount of political repression their is actually. For example, the murder of Japanese Communist Leader Inejiro Asanuma was stabbed and killed on stage by a Male Japanese Ultranationalist goes to show how patriarchal, since Asanuma wanted to extend women's rights and abortion rights, and their inherent reactionary impulses to silence dissent.
As a Marxist, and an American Feminist, it is my duty to essentially spread discontent and raise their class consciousness and thus cuck it to save it from bourgeois imperialism and fascist domination.
hmm.. close but it would take one more generation to get rid of that extreme of slant eye ~armchair eugenicist
japanese men re the biggest cucks
>>Beautiful blonde model with her Japanese boyfriend
Do you like her blue eyes?
why is he drinking pee out of a bag
Fascism and communism are two sides of the same left-wing coin. People who are genuinely right-wing are classical liberal.
Because Japan has rose-tinted glasses, same as all other countries.
>extremely low birthrate
>not cucked
lol married couples don't even have sex with one another
You at least need a sex drive to cuck or be cucked (that is the cuckstion)
good bait friend
>beautiful [...] model
She looks like an average white woman.
Japan isnt uncucked,Japan was already cucked ages ago when your country was forced to strip down its military history and tradition for good,weebs would argue otherwise though.
Because only females read that shit and there are alot of them.
>When you can't distinct porn from reality
the post
Get out of here r/AsianMasculinity. Asian pussy belongs to white dick.
But why do they deny war crimes?
Never apologize
Don't ever change, English teacher
Hot blonde girls + Japanese men go together like peanut butter & jelly.
>be married and sleep in separate beds
>be married and never have sex with wife
>be addicted to pornography and distracted by childish cartoons
Japan is literally the most impotent society.
>The JFPA survey in 2014 found 44.6 percent of married couples in Japan were not engaging in sex for an extended period.
In those rare moments when his libido gets the better of him, Nakamura turns to his smartphone in search of an online porn video for quick masturbation.
>āIām not interested in real-life sex. Just watching those videos is enough,ā he says.
Because when people came to their country.... they said "turn around and go back where you came from or we'll slit your throat".
>Hot blonde girls + Japanese men go together like peanut butter & jelly.
Same couple as above
>Japan had the highest rate of ED (34%),
>says beautiful
>shows pic of a 3/10
chinese women are dead from all the poison in the air
Yeah OP, what the fuck are you talking about? Your women are such whores that they exclusively fuck guys from other countries.
>Japan is literally the most impotent society.
Japan population = 120 Million
Canadian population = 30 million (with 1/4th of them being Asian/Chinese immigrants and another 1/4th being blacks/arabs/natives)
Did you forget how babies are born or something?
how do you explain this?
Race-traitor, get out. Stop spamming Sup Forums with non-white degeneracy.
>its an "/r/asianmasculinity raids Sup Forums to forget how shitty their life is" episode
Wow, same actor in all those movies, she aged well too.
Not really. They go good with niggers though, honestly.
>A bunch of movies
>A fucking super hero comic
Meanwhile, we can see real beautiful white blondes with real Asian men in this thread.
At some point you realize that you do not matter, you are just a cog in the production-consumption machine. Nothing will change if you live, nothing will change if you die.
There is no Japanese Empire to fight for, the Emperor has no mission for you. There is only the repetitive travel to the work cubicle, work and travel to your non-work cubicle.
This for the next couple of decades and then you die anyway. So why not today?
now this is next level bait.
>Hot blonde girls + Japanese men go together like peanut butter & jelly.
Elliot thought so too
Ming bringing the bants
This, can any Nips explain this shit?
The Nips believe that if they drink the yellow piss of blonde woman they might become blonde as well
her left(our right) eye looks underdeveloped or bruised
>never got jews
Top fucking kek laddie, they all have the radioactive jew coursing through their veins by now
Chinks are immune to the sjw poison.
Jews didnt flea to asia a few thousand years ago, they came to our countries and we didnt know better, so we let them in.
As israel says, dont trust the dispora.
Our media controls our government. Our government tries to control other governments. Japan, if there is one thing you need to listen to its this. DO NOT FALL FOR OUR PROPAGANDA!
Don't know.
Post moar pics.
>asian cuckposter who dumps his yellowfever folder in every asian thread
>he thinks jews are weapons
>Tfw white
>Tfw dating qt 3.14 flat Japanese waifu
Eat shit, Nips.
wtf I want to fuck goku now
No Christianity, therefore no Jews.
This is going to change soon as their western host becomes inhabitable for them.
Superior race
>lol i'm so naughty!111!
>not now mom i'm busy
You aren't pathetic at all, user.
Yoishi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times Weekly, reported that Israel sabotaged Fukushima.
Japan supported Palestine and had offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Only a few weeks later, the Israeli security firm Magna BSP sought and won the security contract at Fukushima. They had access to the infrastructure and completed their work a week before the "earthquake" and tsunami.
The cooling valves at Fukushima were designed to open when the electric power is cut off. Electric power is needed to HOLD THE VALVES SHUT. Meltdown could only happen if there was sabotage.
Earthquake and tsunami did not lead to the meltdowns. Buildings were standing until the tsunami swept them off their foundations. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake is supposed to demolish buildings within 1000 miles.
If you aren't retarded, then you know by now that Stuxnet was developed by Israel and its purpose was to give bad commands to Siemens SCADA control valves and cause centrifuges to destroy themselves. It was also designed to send fake information to the control room. Technicians at Fukushima did not know that the reactors were overheating until it was too late. They were not able to open the valves that SHOULD have been forced open just by the pressure of the steam being generated by the hot reactor.
Magna BSP not only had access to the Fukushima infrastructure to insert the Stuxnet virus, they also installed monitoring equipment inside containment that was connected to their offices safely on the other side of the world where they could control the reactors to self-destruct.
This. White, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls deserve ONLY BIG ASIAN DICKS. I want to see white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls get RICED.
>japan dindu nuffin!1!
>dey sto my moneys too japan!11!
>How come Japan is the only uncucked country?
>reddit meme font
>with babby's first special FX filters
pls go
Don't you people have an entire industry revolving around men flirting with women, because most of the Japs are so autistic they don't know how to do that?
Also, don't you have an entire industry revolving around porn cartoons for men?
I don't care about the bitch but that is a really nice swimsuit
underrated post
fug, I remember that. Noone really knew what it was for back in the day, only that it infected machinery.. guess we know now.
Also screencapped.
Its a bitch that looks like Goku