Development in the Assange vs Sweden case


Source (Use google translate):

For those who dont know:
>Assange is wanted in Sweden for the rape of a feminist, and Assange has refused to travel there for questioning because he fears that the swedish government will give him over to the US. This is why he's been hiding inside the Ecuador embassy in the UK for the last 4 years.

Here's the news. The swedish government has now finally agreed to question Assange inside the embassy, which means he doesnt have to go to Sweden to have the charges dropped and risk being executed on American soil.

Is this an attempt from the US government to make assange not leak those documents about Hillary. by making their puppet state drop the rape charges, thereby making him a free man again?

I think the timing of all this is a little fishy.

Other urls found in this thread:

He will never be free. That is his great sacrifice. He will be on hit lists around the world until he's been dead for years.

>someone accused of rape
Literally no one cares
Everyone knows rape is a cry wolf
And real rape isn't even that bad in 90% of cases. I'll give a fuck when it's a random stranger who forces you violently

I wonder what his supposed dead-mans switch is.

Has he himself every mentioned it, or is it just assumed that he has one?

If he actually has one i guess we will know one day.

They want him to be more open to assassination.
That is the ruse.

Next month's news
>Assange suicide, 19 stab wounds

You think Swedes will be doing the "interviewing"?


Sweden will have to interrogate Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

- It is crucial to be able to decide whether to prosecute or not, said Karin Rosander the Prosecution.

Sweden will have to interrogate Julian Assange located in Ecuador's embassy in London for more than four years, writes the country's foreign ministry said in a statement.

Ecuador's Attorney General has informed the Swedish Prosecution Authority that a date for the hearings will be decided in the coming weeks, according to the press release.

sent reminder

The Prosecutor's Office made a formal request to Ecuador in January to interrogate Julian Assange at the embassy in London. Sweden sent a reminder in June, Ecuador now answered, according to Karin Rosander, Director of Prosecution.

This investigation has been ongoing since 2010. Actually, all the investigative measures carried out, except for the interrogation of the suspect. It is of course extremely important for the investigation, says Rosander said.

It is crucial to be able to decide whether to prosecute or not, she says.
Afraid to be extradited

Wikileaksgrundaren Julian Assange is in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid being extradited to Sweden. He is suspected of rape in Sweden in 2010, and according to him he is afraid to Sweden in turn will give him to the United States, where he was threatened with a long prison sentence for having published 500,000 secret military documents.

TT have searched prosecutor Marianne Ny who have vacation and therefore can not comment on the information.

please let the world burn

>mfw the swedish interviewer stabs him and says "for hillary"

Assange is an attention whore.

Is Assange redpilled?

>hey we dropped the charges you can leave the embassy now!
>Julian Assange found dead of hanging with 2 gunshots to the back of the head in apparent suicide

The leftist goverment of Ecuador is probably not amused that Assange is using their embassy to stage attacks on Hillary Clinton.

no. he supports trump and is trying to undermine Hillary

kek wills it.

If you think he's going to survive long outside of the embassy I've got sum bad newz

That's probably why he's been making so much noise and doing so little.

He dropped the first leak to show he's not bluffing. And he's sitting on the second one, using it as a bargaining chip.

I though the same thing when I saw him on Bill Maher

How can they even convict him of rape 4 years later, its basically he says vs she says and it'll be thrown out in court for insufficient evidence.

Why can't he walk out of diplomatic house, sit in diplomatic car and ride to airport to diplomatic plain and fly to country that won't give him away?

This world is not yet out of heroes. Godspeed Assange.

This might be satire but this sentence in that exact wording has appeared twice before in the last twenty minutes, in other threads.

>mfw he is killed and Sup Forums is btfo forever

Triple checked for kek!!!

hope this little shit gets double tap

See this

pic related

You think sweden being cucked to hell is just a meme?

>Assange suicides by bullet to the back of the head and double tap to the chest.

>Charge dropped
>You are free to go Mr Assange
>why aren't you leaving Mr Assange?
>go on, go out side.
>Mr Assage go out there right now.
>I insist, please stop resisting and go outside
>Quit being so problematic Mr Assange.
>You'll regret this!

>its basically he says vs she says and it'll be thrown out in court for insufficient evidence.

It's sweden. The cries of a woman is usually worth more than any evidence. Just like Norway her testimony is often enough to punish people for rape, but to counteract innocent people being punished for rape our rape sentences are pretty low.

Someone who rapes a woman with weapons might get 18 months prison. While someone like Assange who starts touching people sexually until they wake up and then have sex with the girl they also get about a 18 months prison sentence. is a BRIBERY ATTEMPT!

They are going to promise him immunity in exchange for not releasing the information.


The greatest happening of our time must commence.

He needs to come out and say if Seth Rich really was an informant or not.

Fuck policy.

We have a chance to have a new American Revolution. If Clinton can be linked to the murder, it means bye bye to her, and the Democratic party. Forever. They would never recover.

>implying anyone would ever want to go to sweden in the past, present, or future
>implying the feminist isn't lying

i hope this happens

The truth about 9/11, duh

Because emabassies are seen as foreign soil. Once you step of that foreign soil your in another country in Assange's case britain so they can detain him. Then he will be shipped off to the US and put in jail for however long.

The brits i believe are spending millions on survelliance of him.

I wondered if he could cut a deal with the russians and get extracted by spetnaz and shipped of to russia covertly.

Although if the OP goes wrong then the russians will get into the shit.

Basically he is stuck and there is no way he can leave the embassy ever for the rest of his life even if the swedish case goes away.

Also he isn't a diplomat, he just their under the Ecuador's hospitality.


Most people outside the USA don't see any real difference between Hillary and Trump except that Hillary will likely bomb us more.

Both are considered extremely right wing. I can not think of any right wing party in Equator (or Norway for that matter) that is to the right of Hillary.

It would be like worrying that someone in the US would not be amused that someone was using their embassy to stage attacks on a so called right wing member of the communist party somewhere. I am 100% certain that Ecuador don't give a fuck about that old war witch.

Only russians execute reporters and agents with a sens of honor.

Polonium soup for every one.

Never forget 5hat vodka niggers.
We know your murderes.

In the west law and staate are seperate.

Oh, well Thanks for Correcting the Record senpai!

Spot on.

open borders is considered right wing in Norway?

i wonder what his neet life is like in the embassy

>mfw the interveiwer yells "hillary ackbar" and he suicides by flamethrower to the back of the head

Assange supports the truth and is trying to undermine government corruption.

Trump just usually says the truth and Clinton is the poster child for government corruption, that's your problem.

Butt-hurt anti freedom Paki.


>found hanging in suitcase with two gunshot wounds to back of head.
>laptop missing, room cleared of assange's prints
>ruled suicide.

A bomb implanted inside himself that would make a really awful mess if it went off

>Russian forces entering British territory and forcibly taking a man the Britcucks want to arrest
Are you fucking insane

> don't order the cranberry juice julie
This shit literally reads, regret = rape

Or they pay him for shilling and a good job deviding america more.

Ever took in to account your hero sold him self to the highest bidder?

They'd be deniable operators. Probably a rag tag bunch from all over who have been living in europe for some time.

If they get caught well people will know it was the russians but they cant prove it.

These guys will just say they were paid by peru to storm the embassy or some shit.

The truth is in your dubs, Kek wills it.

Dude if they try to kill him its gonna be a shit-ton more that gets released. His dead mans switch is connected to a fucking pandoras box of information.

The entire world is going to end at that point. Maybe that is what we watch the whole world burn.

Illuminati card thread? Illuminati card thread

Han kan dom följa runt hela världen och jaga för våldtäkt men mussarna uppmanar dom till sånt betende

why is every single fucking one of these cards too grainy to read

>Ever took in to account your hero sold him self to the highest bidder?
Considering everyone wants him

Unlike Snowden...Assange actually has a good set of ideals that he follows. He also hates Clinton since he knows the type of monster that she is.

The leak will is inevitable.

We are part of the Shengen agreement, the EEC. If anything it's our fiscally conservative rightwing that is the BIGGEST supporters of open borders due to the boost it gives to the economy.

The only people I can think of who is against the Schengen agreement (and therefore open borders) are the party "Rodt", which is the biggest communst party. But they want all the refugees they can get to norway on the other hand.

Old cards created in the late 80s / early 90s

Your problem is beliving in all this.
Fbi and nsa know and dont act. You know why?
Because you got a smear campain going on and only acusations with no evidance are thrown around.

Devide america and rule the world. Your more devided and ocupied figthing with in then dealing with your external targets.

So whatever happened to Guccifer 1.0?

Hopefully something about Ecuador, his life is in danger even in the embassy if that's not the case

the US should just annex ecuador as the 51st state. problem solved.


well just let the arabs take that one...

damn you guys are cucked hard.

Do you have a National Socialist party?

>that pic

Well on the bright side, the time traveler (that fed the info to the creator of the illuminati card game) knows that assange will live a bit longer into old age (as he is portrayed in the card).... though i don't know he seems to be ageing a year every month at this rate, can't blame him though.... literally carrying the weight of knowing he could bring this whole global shit-show crashing down.

If he wanted to.

What are your thoughts on supporting an aussie shitposter like julian?

Fuck off Hans. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. America is ultra close to being engulfed in a civil war right now. Unless something leaks to prevent the pressure the whole thing is going to blow.

There is a lot of anger out there. Unlike Europoors there are a lot of militia groups in the US that would be more than glad to fight.


I posted this in a earlier thread but the oregon crud thing is real, in washington I think it was there was white goo falling from the sky making everyone sick. Most thought it was a government experiment

It's to get him walking around in public. Much easier to assassinate someone when they aren't holed up in an embassy.

Give him 3 weeks and he'll end up tragically committing suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head, padlocking himself in a duffel bag, carrying the duffel bag to the trunk of his car, and then driving his car off a bridge. So sad, such a tragedy.

you fucking idiot they didn't print them grainy. it's a low-quality digital image.

Apparently the request for this was sent from the swedish government in january, so I doubt it's related to hilldog leaks

Is there a whole collection of these? I've also seen the Deep Agent/Milo one

>Polonium soup for every one.
Hurrr only Russia has polonium!
Western media will never mention it sold some to fucking UK few years prior to incident though.

care you make your case with out namecalling?

Ideals and belives are nothing worth when your life is in danger. Surviving is the strongest instinct.

Cant trust him. He do what ever he has to tostay alive. Even when it means to lie and be used.

Whats the next thing you tell us? Torture is a legit tool to get relibel information?

What will one tell you to stop the pain?

It's a miracle Assange hasn't managed to shoot himself twice in the back of the head by now.
I guess it'd be too conspicuous to have him off'd.

So are the "interviewers" going to pull a Litvinenko on him?

holy christ. this will never be a story

And so will the leftys oposing trump.

So you rather destroy the usa. Not patriotic at all.


> Ideals and belives are nothing worth when your life is in danger. Surviving is the strongest instinct.

KYS. Under this logic the American revolution in 1776 would have NEVER happened. That is the most ANTI-AMERICAN statement that I have heard.

Fitting from a cucked German. Your ancestors would have gladly died to protect their nation you Marxist disgrace. KYS. You are a fucking disgrace to Germany.

I don't think assange is that stupid. After all, if he was, he'd be dead by now.

Trust him he is russian. Well known fot keeping there word.



We have several, but I think even they see how the Schengen agreement benefit us tremendeously. It keeps things cheaper here than it otherwise would be and makes norwegian companies a good choice for other countries even if we have huge wages and huge prices. Without open borders we would be fucked because then we would not be part of the EEC.

he's been living in one of the most expensive neighborhoods of london, that 99.9% of ecuadoreans will never visit, ever, because you know, we are third world scum that is not welcome anywhere without a visa, and no normal person is qualified for one.

fuck him.


But that happened before the cards were created.

The real spooky stuff are the cards that clearly detail people/events that gained notoriety more than a decade after their publication.

Typically, at his status, a "dead man's switch" is entrusted to another person who, upon the death of the former, will divulge all appropriate information.

An intelligent person, such as Assange, would have selected a like-minded individual of (probably) dubious interaction some time in the past. This person would not come up on any analysis of his (past) interactions and will operate without risk/pressure.

The revoltiun was not because of belives but just money and greed.

No taxation.
Not because of libberty.

England wanted your sheckels and you got pissed.

He is like Stallman, the Gentoo guy. Doesn't care about money, I think he enjoys fucking over powerful people. He can't resists not to leak the info.

Damn i want this game as well as the Iraq U.S. Military deck of cards.