Which one is most worthy of being preserved?
I'd say it's probably the ANGLO NORSEMEN
Which one is most worthy of being preserved?
I'd say it's probably the ANGLO NORSEMEN
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pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes
tan germans
-Brave and fearless
Blonde haired men never contributed anything to society.
>Anglo Norsemen
-Poos in Loo
Polish should be exterminated
He's married to a serb and i can't blame him
Whichever race makes up the natives of Netherlands and Denmark
The best European race is Jesus. We are all equal under our lord.
Sicilians, obviously.
He could have done much better.
Besides the fact he's very good looking, he's also incredibly rich and talented.
Why did Brits turn out so ugly on average? Are there legitimate studies? Which British group best resembles the original inhabitants from before the Celtic invasions?
Celts and Mediterraneans.
Most successful white men usually have shit tier taste in women.
But then again, who knows? This lady could be wife material, have a heart of gold and doesn't play games. I've only met two and a half Serb women in my life and they were all rather nice and friendly.
where does this meme that English are ugly come from? I've seen good looking women from every land except from maybe East Asian country's and aboriginals.
Great post, Rabbi. If we split the goyim up, they will be easier to defeat. Divide and conquer, as they say.
It's not a meme. Brits have potential to be very attractive but on average they are very ugly. For me, niggers, pooinloos, South East Asians, japs and Koreans are not attractive at all unless they've had some race mixing in them.
Founder Fathers, specifically Benjamin Franklin said "Anglo-Saxon" (English)
He could have had almost anyone.
It makes no sense.
she's tall, beautiful, and probably won't cuck him. seems good to me. hopefully slav genes will prevent cuckoldry in the family.
ANGLO master race - they have contributed most to the modern world and it's advancements.
I guarantee she has 2-4 inch heals on in that photo.
She has a symmetrical face that is obviously atractive. But she's nothing special. Many many women are better than her looks-wise.
Someone like bale doesn't need to worry about getting "cucked". That's out of the question and doesn't factor in at all.
Right- Germanic. Responsible for everything of value for the last 1600 years, including the computer your typing on, the cellphone in your pocket, the glasses on your face, the list goes on and on.
>But Italics invented muh concrete!
>Also, Germanic includes the English retards. Aarrggh, I get so tired of having to explain the term.
she's 5'11 according to google. idk maybe he doesn't want a sexpot. his words: According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Bale's own dysfunctional family all but dissuaded him from ever getting married. He said, "I never planned to marry. Everyone was divorced in my family so I didn't have very healthy ideas about marriage." That all changed when he met Blazic.
I don't think that's true m8.
So? Bale could have done much better
Being of entirely eastern European descent myself, Id say the most worthy (not what I would pick, but objectively the most worthy) is probably the English
You don't THINK that's true? That's the best you could come up with? Well, IT IS TRUE. Now go cry in your bowl of cheerios you Greek faggot. You had your time 2500 years ago. Then you suddenly decided to stop thinking of shit and inventing shit, for God knows why. Now all you do is sit around and drink wine. The Italians had to take over for your lazy ass, and then we had to take over for them. We literally had to create the ENTIRE MODERN WORLD for you fuckers. Did you take a shit today? I hope you enjoyed the toilet we invented, just like everything else you see around you, you prissy Greek faggot.
None. Every single European race are sheepish docile cuckold.
Why do I get the feeling that you're a nigger?
lol whitey here is angry
kek, you can cry about your """"""Germanic superiority"""""" while i plow your wife in the next room
There was a bit of Serbian immigration around my way and I don't think much of the guys, just standard self interested wog bastards, but the women are more wife material definitely, and there are some smoking hot ones.
Czechs, they're top tier and no one is even close
Slavs will inherit the Earth
no, he is Jewish 99% sure of it
Its us or no one.
US or Germany?
Germany is cucked as fuck and USA is an empire that is going to crash down veryyyyyyy soon
>Srboslava Blažić
this is the most Serbian name of all time
You're already letting it go. No need for sad, we will be benevolent rulers.
Bale is a jew
And you're a gypsy. That's definitely a race that shouldn't be preserved, not that you need any help with that.
Celts and Anglo
We're basically responsible for anything worthwhile
I'm not and furthermore the stereotype saying Romanians are gypsies needs to stop.
Romania has 3% gypsies.
Yeah, because I will totally believe these gypsy-manufactured statistics. What's next, Jews are only 3% of Israeli population?
Serb here
Serb women hold very old traditional values. My family members that are women will not serve food to other women before the men and believe that hillary clinton is not qualified to be president because she is a woman.
Whose Internet did you steal to post this Silviu?
Smartphone pickpocketed in London, I guess.
The Welsh have the purest proportion of ice-age hunter gatherer genetics.
You both.. you better shut up, boi!
kek who cares for those abos
Aryanids are the master race
And if we don't, what are you gonna do? Run us over with your caravan? Have your fortuneteller granny curse us? Play your accordion near our houses at midnight? Steal out pipes? I'm waiting, RIDF or maybe GIDF.
I will do that and more...
>What's the best European race?
but there is only one race, the human race, you moron.
Powerless gypsy rage is so entertaining, I come to Sup Forums just to fuck with Romani people.
Top three occupations of Romanian women:
1. Beggar.
2. Fortuneteller.
3. Romance scammer.
Top three occupations of Romanian men:
1. Beggar.
2. Street scammer.
3. Scrap metal thief.
>We literally had to create the ENTIRE MODERN WORLD for you fuckers. Did you take a shit today? I hope you enjoyed the toilet we invented, just like everything else you see around you
you sound like you believe that "america" is a nation or something, not an influx of immigrants, specially the scientists. So please, sperg somewhere else.
Romanians are God tier Europeans
France is the core of Europe, and Corsica is the soul of France. Therefore, Corsicans are the core Europeans.
Top three occupations of Polish women:
1.Sucking dick
2.Sucking nigger dick
3.Sucking AIDS infested nigger dick
Top three occupations of Polish men:
1.Clean anglo toilets
2.Clean anglo toilets
3.Clean anglo toilets
>brown nomadic people who came from India
Try harder, GIDF.
Can a gypsy get more salty than that?
>Sucking nigger dick
You can only wish. Stay brown.
Fucking savage.
I will therefore conveniently not mention all the cash i've spent in sexual trips to Bucharest
Also responsible for the biggest conflicts in Europe.
Ww1 ww2 and soon to be ww3, none of which would be a reality if we didn't have filthy germans
>be poolish
>clean toilet
>get cucked by AIDS infected nigger
> you get AIDS
> die
Such is life in POOLAND.
kek, why the fuck would you come to Bucharest to get laid? There are plenty of est european whores in Italy as we speak.
Waste of money t b h
Kek don't you have cleaner, sexier whores in Italy than Bucharest, bonoducci? What are you going there for whores when you have millions at home?
Were just awesome for being born
I like getting my groceries straight from the farmer if you know what i mean senpais
Beside the local pimps charge a 200% markup on the whores.
Hungarians probably.
They're essentially what Germans would be if they hadn't handed their country to that cunt and bent over with the asses open.
I should add that their women are fucking off the charts hot and love white Aussie dick.
The redheads
Turks & Ukrainians
They make the best vidya gaems (mountain blade & stalker)
Best language even tho its not European
We love freedom, we fought in several wars to the death for it
We have the best girls
We have the biggest dicks in average in the Eu
We have goulash lol
We have what the west cucks don't
>We love freedom
Hungary and all of the V4 seem great.
>that map
Based England
also pic related
>be a gyppo
>your clan leader tells you about great jobs for Romanians in London
>when you arrive it turns out the "great job" is begging
>your handlers take all the begging money for themselves
>you get arrested and deported
>back home your clan leader just built himself a pimped out mansion
>you still live in a cardboard box
Such is life of a gypsy.
Theres only one race in Europe, there are many ethnicities though. Also you know the Angles were from Jutland right? Meaning Anglo Norseman is like saying French Frenchman.
...so, you're an american living in Italy.
-drink beers in the street at 4am everynight
this, blondes have done nothing for the advancement of whites compared to brown haired.
I would say the Jews because overall they are the most intelligent race. The average IQ of a Jewish-American is 113, while that of an Asian-American is 106, and White-American 103.
depends on where you go and who you know, for the most part its down to the class system
>cant go outside in the sun