daily reminder that JAPAN IS THE TRUE ENEMY. they infiltrate the global economy and politics for global domination. you think China is the threat? what if I told you Japs and mainland Chinks have regularly held meetings, political and economic, during the height of the cold war? the chinese-japanese diplomatic conflict is merely a pretense to keep the world ignorant and its people drunk on nationalism, REMEMBER THAT THE CHINK COMMUNISTS ACTUALLY BENEFITED FROM JAPAN INVADING CHINA. oh how ignorant every one of you are.
Daily reminder that JAPAN IS THE TRUE ENEMY. they infiltrate the global economy and politics for global domination...
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The nips were behind this whole mess? holy fuck.
Fuck off filthy gook, japs are honorary aryans and there's nothing you can do about it.
And depending on how successful Abe is in restoring the good old imperial ways, your women just might go back to their old habist too.
Will you just get the fuck over yourself and become friends with nuclear hojo already.
>combination of shit tier white cucks and niggers
>thinks japs are honorary aryans
yes, you would be the one to know.
I'd side with Japan over butthurt Korea anyday. Fucking Koreans are nothing but a copycat culture; actually copying the Japanese they hate. And Japanese women don't need plastic surgery to be average.
Shit tier whites are still better than filthy gooks who kill themselves at alarming rates because their women are natural prostitutes.
Why are you guys so fucking pathetic anyway? You don't even have a negro problem.
>thinks its japs over gooks
>concede everything for japs culture
>just for dat loli kiddy porn
you do you famalam
>korean logic
then I must ask, why do your cucked whites want to become like gooks? because we aren't forcing them to.
I can agree with this
Japs are the enemy of all humanity
regardless of race political opinion male or female
Brainwashing all with their disgusting "anime"
Nuke the Gook
Japs have done much to fuck up Korea but at least their pussies now and they're economic boom has past. You need to take back north Korea instead of getting fat of America's cheese tits. Otherwise the North will. Forget about Japan that's your real problem.
What a lovely voice.
>why are retarded people retarded
Go figure. At least we don't have an entire culture built upon drooling over whites and japs.
haha what the fuck? how is this real?
>think he can pretend no point concede
>americucks are already infused with nip culture
at least ours was similar so it's easier, just why the fuck do you do this to yourselves america?
>some brazilian cuck did plastic surgery 10 times to look korean
>mfw we own more than half your airtime
>mfw brazilcuck doesnt think he would become brainwashed like this in 5 years
>some brazilian cuck did plastic surgery 10 times to look korean
i never would have imagined reverse-double eyelid surgery existed
that is some funny shit man
>random retards trying to look like gooks is newsworthy in gook land
>mfw random koreans drool over brazilian men and women on video
>mfw it's not even worth going over to Korea to fuck some whores because they all have brick faces
same goes for u too unfortunately, america.
>mfw south korean companies dominate latin american electronics, power, steel industry
>mfw they dont realise thyre just cheap prostitutes for korean businessmen
where do you find this shit? is there a tumblr "fandom" for extreme-koreaboos or something?
Alright, I'll bite.
Where's South Korea in all of this?
you niggers will argue about anything
>doesn't realize gook culture is infused with nip culture
Maybe this picture will help you wrap your head around what Japan has done for you ungrateful Koreans. Not to mention the countless Americans who died for what is today, South Korea. You're a disgrace to Koreans, you're really leaving a bad impression on me. Ignorant Korean fuckwit.
Not sure if stupid or just baiting, american and chinese companies are the ones dictating the rules around here.
Now go call the suicide hotline before Japs start harassing you online in gook forums again.
just googled "kpop white people plastic surgery"
south korea is less than 50% of japan's economy. it holds no economic weight in the matter
DURING the korean war, DURING the cultural revolution, japanese and chinese gov't officials and organisation members held meetings, sometimes even without ameican consultation.
this is a photoshop, not plastic surgery
are you gook or white
>bitching about Nippon on fucking Sup Forums
>korean flag
100% filthy gook.
>I'll never be an asian shemale, dominated by masters big white cock
Why even live?
why are Koreans always so mad at us... we don't ever post shit like this about your fucking country. Go play Starcraft, drive your Hyundais, and work for Samsung. Why are you Koreans so sensitive??
>Beginning in 1871, Japan began to force Korea out of the China's traditional sphere of influence into its own. As a result of the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95)
>you entire history was written by the japs
I don't trust the Japanese at all after reading up on their war crimes during WW2. I'm not big on nuking cities in general but if any country deserved it in recent history it was Japan during WW2. The Rape of Nanqing and Unit 731 were inexcusable, and those are just the two most well-known. As was the US involvement in covering up the warcrimes and forgiving them postwar of course.
USA has done much worse things than Japan 2bh
Yeah, agreed. Too bad we didn't get to nuke the Germans for the war crimes they committed, they really deserved it.
>drop bombs
Or are you talking about the middle east?
Seemed justified.
Meanwhile Japanese execute prisoners of war and go around raping everything that moves.
you bombed Serbia
you love Muslims
Slavery of niggers
pretty much wiped out native Americans with your germs
It's much worse than executing them. They tortured them in some of the most unimaginable ways possible; including live vivisections, freezing limbs until they fell off, testing chemical weapons on them, infecting prisoners with STD's and forcing them to have sex with each other, throwing grenades at them, the list goes on. The prisoners were referred to around the campus as Logs because that's all they were to the scientists. It was way, way worse than just killing them and being done with it.
Rape happens on all sides, it's not a Japanese thing. Go back to public school and burn your Zionist history books.
If you think Americans and Germans weren't doing this behind the scenes then you are out of your fucking mind. There are child pedorings all over Britain amongst the Elite, ffs. MK Ultra? Alcohol Prohibition poisoning? It gets as darker the further you dig.
>gook can't tell the difference between basic photoshopping and plastic surgery
I don't really disagree. Just pointing out stuff that the Japanese did that was particularly egregious and well-documented. The world is a pretty fucked up place senpai.
At least Japan has the decency to brainwash us with cute girls instead of degeneracy.
>calm down Korea
you should be glad you are not part of the China sea yet
and that china kips their pet-dog "best korea" from attacking you
While there are a lot of butt hurt Koreans who still whine about Japan this retard comes of as a troll that just wants to create animosity, both against Japs and Koreans. He might very well be the same troll who posts with a Jap proxy every day. Maybe he's one of those jews who role play on the internet to bring chaos to the goys.
Pic related is OP
Oy vey much holohhoaxx, much 6 googolplexes
German = pure evil = vilan = ilegitime satan
USA = pure good = super hero = legitime god
>failing countries
like to blame an external enemy
instead of taking charge of their shortcomings
Yes the maps are evil.....but never the chosen ones
oh I'm sorry, did I not notice something
do you have more pics of her?
>japs taunt us with
dont you mean "steer industly"
Do you have the picture made by that angry Korean?
You know the one showing the korean impregnating the Japanese woman while the Japanese cuck watches?
I am sure you have it.
is that what Portugal means?
plotted Jap Maps
>check flag
>it's a bootleg Japanese one
What the fuck did I expect
I'm trolling against the retards who don't see who propagandize weebshit around the world.
By the way I'm pretty sure the drawers of that map had autism and AIDS
fuck off slav, finish your bantz at home
>not having subway feasts
1st world country my ass
>mfw you slants are all our cheap whores and mail order brides and nail parlor workers and laundromat managers in Asia. Your women don't even want you, doormat. Angry m8? You've been whited.
Oh Korea. The Asian Poland.
fuck that, I'll give you one
>mail order brides
jesus christ man it isnt the 70s
Korea should apologize to Chinese and Americans before claming against Japan
This looks fucking awesome
The one thing I like about slavs
and why is that nip?
My uncle actually got one 3 years ago. It isn't a dead trend.
pics or fuck off
>jjokbari posting
As expected.
thanks america.
we shouldnt have ever helped them on their feet.
koreans are what niggers are to whites.
They even went full nose and staged a right wing protest in japan to blame us for racism until later we found out it was all coreans.
says the Korean people who being scoled by the pope
>mfw 80% of korean population were peasants
>mfw 95% of korean industry dependent on japanese machines
>mfw 8% of engineers in korea were korean
>mfw over 50% of graduates of keijo uni by 1945 was nip
pls fuck off with this meme
When Will Koreans pay debts to China,Japan and America?
Far East Russia,Taiwan,Vietnam dislike you people too
after you accept that chinks and gooks are naturally superior to nips.
>mfw 80% of korean population were peasants
>mfw 95% of korean industry dependent on japanese machines
>mfw 8% of engineers in korea were korean
>mfw over 50% of graduates of keijo uni by 1945 was nip
exactly. you just validate my pictures.
we helped you on your feet. gave you machines etc. you people were still a bunch of farmers.
if there were only a few coreans are in universities it just meant that we were far more advanced, these things take time. look at the picture above, because of us you guys went to school.
yet we need to apologize for giving you tools and means to educate yourself?
kek nip. in the end it says IN NINETEEN FORTY-FIVE, JUST BEFORE KOREA BECOMES LIBERATED. for all they claim, korea was not ever developed under jap rule. those city pics had no effect on actually helping korea develop.
>well documented
Thats the difference. The winners dont record thier own crimes.
Korean "State-made" History Education.
Indevendent day is Ausgut.13.1948 by U.S armed forces
Not Year 1945.
What did you Korean people during 1945 to 1948?
Then why do we have to listen to nigs complaining about 'Mah evil colonialism'
>those city pics had no effect on actually helping korea develop.
of course it did have an effect, look at you now.
you are still savages but have cities now.
you were not able to reach that point by yourself. we could move forward while you stayed as farmers.
>korea was not ever developed under jap rule
you just ignore the pictures and information.
even if it didnt matter that you had a higher standart of living, the school enrollment picture clearly showed because of us you and your women could go to school.
>mfw nip confuses liberation and establishment of countries
>mfw nip tries to change topic
not gonna work senpai. truth is that your country lied to you this entire time about your history.
stfu gook
In the cold war america and china where best frends. So what best kolea poster posting from wolst kolea?
>mfw colonial koreans had 4 years of primary education instead of 6
>mfw PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS had to take entrance exams
>mfw middle school had 0.03% acceptance rate
>mfw colonial schools only taught nip and korea industrialized post-wwii IN KOREAN
pre-Nixon senpai. japs and chinks got together regularly pre-1971
>Confirmed G.I tyrone
Brazil has the biggest colony of japs out side of japan living.
How can be brazil be more worth housing japs the kolea?
>kolea confirmd shit tir country
you keep saying that but dont show your face.
pretty accurate since you guys all hide how you really look.
how you can claim that you are not where you are today because of japan, i cant understand.
Its pretty much all in the 3 pictures above.
Not even bother continuing to writing with you.
Korea "State-Made" History Education
Korean War is "the Indevendent war from Japan"
yeah this is why Koreans throw shits(Literally) and hanged to pull statue of General Macarthur down onto he ground by their hands like statue of Saddam Hussein in S.Korea.
Koreans behaviour made Chinese,Russians and Japanese angry. do you remember Koreans?
Koreans eat shits(literally) and prefer to drink Poo wine(literally)
>it's a "korea vs japan" episode
my favorite
>mfw germany call us shit tier
kek nah its fine. you guys are already pretty bluepilled anyways
You make it very easy. Just pointing the obvius out.
But yet we have it better then you kolea.
I'd rather than rioters in the streets than accept millions of sand niggers.
T. Nazi hiding in south America
tfw no qt 3.14 nip gf
Well you better start spreading your ass gook since your president already has.
still mad about the comfort women, Park?