What does Sup Forums think of Plasmer? Probably one of the best of Marvel UK's superhero titles...

What does Sup Forums think of Plasmer? Probably one of the best of Marvel UK's superhero titles. Such a shame it came around just about when MUK was finished and never got a sequel or continuiation in any other title.

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I know nothing of Plasmer other than some legal stuff happening with Defiant's Plasm.

Here's what it boils down to, user.

Long-running MUK villainess tries to give herself superpowers instead of just creating henchmen all the time, manages to do so but she also splits into two halves, one moral and one amoral. The "evil" side thinks she's the real villainess and the "good" side becomes a shapeshifting superheroine called Plasmer.

>slimegirl forms
This was ahead of it's time.

She actually splits into like a hundred of those little buggers, but discovers that each time she does her intellect also splits between the halves. So after a couple of splits they're all really really bimboish.

that costume would never work today

I was a big fan. im pretty sure i still have those issues downstairs somewhere

It was a funny series and quite ahead of its time.

She's really weird looking but I'd still.

She's supposed to be a Heavy Metal type future amazon

Given she only got a book so Marvel could screw over a competitor, fuck her.

It's okay, Shooter's company was garbage anyway.

I really enjoyed Plasmer. The contrast between giant Heavy Metal homage and goody two-shoes personality was a bit predictable but also greatly executed, so it got a bunch of good laughs outta me. Plus, it was nice to see one MUK title that wasn't 50% guest stars.

Her gushing over Cap was pretty good. Black Knight was a bit unmotivated, but yeah. Oh Silver Surfer was in it for some reason too.

You know what, fuck it. We never have MUK threads. Might as well go the extra mile.




Having read a few series that she was in, most notably Motormouth, I'm surprised Mrs. Mullarkey even HAS a good side.

Speaking of which!


It was pretty deeply repressed, but it's a nice touch that nobody is purely EVIL for EVIL'S sake.

Seriously, I figured she'd split into "Apathetic Mullarkey" and "Unspeakably Evil Mullarkey" like in that one Ren and Stimpy episode.

>That shit-eating grin




That's got to be one of the best weaknesses/power drawbacks I've ever seen.

Why does she have hairy forearms?

Seriously, this guy's got the best faces.





My Reference-I-Don't-Get sense is tingling...

Here's a thought: what would be funnier, Plasmer's voice being all growly and brutal and savage, or Plasmer's voice being sweeter than candy?

Call it


And after all of this, won't you give me a smile?

>Here's a thought: what would be funnier, Plasmer's voice being all growly and brutal and savage, or Plasmer's voice being sweeter than candy?

I'd like to think she talks like your stereotypical heroine from an old cartoon or movie. The whole "HALT VILLAIN!" and "IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE" type of deal

Onwards and upwards!

Glenn Dakin was one of the latter wave of MUK creators. He also wrote some of the last few issues of Motormouth, including her solo issue from 2014's Revolutionary War. Which, sadly, featured no Plasmer.


Good, bad, she's the girl with the sass.







Is Mullarkey's outfit getting sluttier or is it just me?

>Well, there's no need to talk so fresh!

Oo err.

This guy.
This. Guy.


Ok, so it's not just me.


>Flying fist with hair and a face
Hal Jordan eat your heart out.






Halfway there, boys and girls!


What the fuck is that outfit

Turned out nice again, didn't it?




At least she's honest.


This guy looks like he escaped from a Bill Sienkiewicz comic.







>I mean it's just not done!

I'm still shocked there's enough of it to be ripped out of her in the first place.







And now, the heart-rending, soul-searing, pulse-pounding, molecule-unstabling conclusion of Plasmer!



In all fairness, Summer Holiday is super fucking catchy.









Warheads is one of my favorite MUK concepts: teams of mercenaries sent into alternate dimensions to hunt for alien tech.