The Greatest Story Never Told? Yeah right!

Alright Sup Forums, I just got done watching this piece of shit for a documentary and all I gotta is; I want my 350 minutes back. The monologues and the cinematic especially in the first episode was cringe worthy to say the least, and it did not bring me onto this national socialism band wagon like everyone said it would. And probably the over herofication of Hitler is off the walls. I'm sorry but I do not believe this guy is the messiah this documentary is making him out to be, this is just as if not more biased than all of the Jewish made anti-nazi holocaust documentaries out there. No politician is flawless, all of them are scum and get their hands dirty one way or another. Fuck this documentary, you are all just as much sheep as the idiots who believe the anti-nazi documentaries on the history or the discovery channel .

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>can't handle the truth

Go back


Nazism is overrated. Anyone who needs or is dependent on a big government for their survival is a fucking pleb faggot.


>big government

Cry harder you little bitch. There is nothing wrong with a morally upstanding, virtuous big government.


Lel, you actually watched that piece of shit all the way through ?
Pretty much skinhead tier m8
You want something a little more factual, watch the BBC doc, the one that Ian Kershaw scripted. think it's called "warning from history" or something like that.


Is this real, what the fuck am I looking at?

I think google blurred them out, but you can still tell the flags are there

>more factual


Like the US government or the EU government? Yeah, government is starting to sound pretty shitty now, huh?

Hitler in Colour

one day you'll grow out of it

Nice find m8, jewgle will purge that soon.

>us government & EU government
>morally upstanding

Pick one you fucking retard.

Anyone who's world view is influenced entirely by a documentary is a retard. Read books and make your own mind up. Just be aware every writer is human and push their own beliefs. You have to have to be critical and see past it. Also primary sources are gold dust. TGSNT is a decent starting point to giving you a taste of the other side most aren't used to hearing but it is far from perfect.

Primary sources> books> documentaries

>grow out of it

Laffen m80, you're in the wrong place.


>TGSNT is a decent starting point to giving you a taste of the other side

well yeah, if the other side is contemporary neo nazi faggotry - it's got fuck all to do with historical fact though.

Morality is completely subjective. You may think the Nazi government system as morally upstanding but those who love the US or the EU system don't think so and vice versa. So who exactly am I or anyone else is suppose to take seriously? The answer, none of you.

>he fell for the hitler did nothing wrong maymay
Serves you right you fucking faggot.

>I want my 350 minutes back
I don't think they pay shills to watch this, so I doubt you even wasted 1 minute
>cringe worthy
>band wagon

leddit please get out and never come back

>subjectivist fallacy

Come back when you grow up, faggot.

>he thinks Hitler did something wrong
>good goy

>tells me to grow up
>uses a word as juvenile as "faggot"
I'm so sorry I triggered you and insulted your overrated political movement. Lol.

Other side as in Hitler isn't the devil spawn he's portrayed as. TGSNT is the opposite to what most are used to hearing. Neither are correct though. The truth is always grey, never black never white hard to define. Irving's Hitler biography is like a literary version of TGSNT but grounded in facts and less worship but again that's just another starting point.

Seriously, kill yourself

Watch it again you definitely didn't get the whole point of the movie.

>being this new

Are you struggling m80, couldn't handle the truth so you're throwing a tantrum?

>Untermensch masquerading as Nazis

Hitler was a joke and a traitor to the German people


I'm on part 10. Me and my girl will probably watch 2 more hours of it tomorrow.

Me? Tantrum? I'm having a blast, aussie.


Laffen. How so m8?
>nationalized the bank
>led Germany out of a depression
>reduced unemployment entirely
>retrieved stolen land and citizens
>removed cancerous kikes from positions of power, influence and authority
>rekindled German nationalism

>crying on a Siberian rug trading forum

Well this is embarrassing.

>over herofication
>literally just listing facts in chronological order

I guess when they make documentaries about JFK and the Cold War/his presidency/his assassination it's all "over herofication" too innit :^)
>daddy did nothing wrong