CRISPR/Gene Modification Thread

Master Race here we come.

Sup Forums's thoughts on the advent of gene modification in humans? A future where diseases are a thing of the past, every guy gets a big dick and is six foot five sounds fucking fantastic.

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6'5" is awkward, lanky tall, you'd probably want 6'2".

Gene modded humans are likely to be the only ones that can endure long term space travel.

But I thought people were beautiful at every size?

Will this shit work on people who are already alive i.e. me?

This will completely destroy libs stupid "everyone is equal" paradigm.

they should do a bait and switch and send all the people who sign up for gene mods into gas chambers instead. Anyone so cucked by hyper-materialist degeneracy that they want to drastically change their God-given physique deserves to die.

t. 6'2

To modify dick size don't you audio have to modify heart size or capacity as well as various factors that affect the brains?

>Be future baby
>Get big dick and 6'5
>Lung capacity never increased so pass out Everytime I get a chubby and suffer arythmia
>Die young and unhappy
Nothing changed but my height and now I have heart probblems
Also why make dicks bigger? Make vaginas smaller and grow babies in tubes.

t. Dreamer

No, only reproductive organs

>how long till hermaphrodites exist?