Anons of Color - The nigger lifestyle

Hey Sup Forums,

I'm a half black half Mexican user and I just thought I'd share a little story of something that happened today.

So my family was having a community BBQ so I thought I'd head over and join them. Most black anons should know what a community BBQ is. It's basically neighbors and family get together, cook some food, drink and smoke weed. My father is black and my mother is Hispanic. They have a giant fucking Hillary sign in their front yard. Yet to their dismay, I'm a Trump supporter. So I decide to head over as I live in an appartment and am more successful than anyone of my family members.

Growing up I was always made fun of and bullied for "acting too white". Basically I got good grades in school and I didn't speak the English language like a complete retard.

So I arrived at my parents house with a 'Make America Great Again' hat. I walked through the front door and my mother greeted me and gave me a hug and said "did you wear that hat to start some shit". Of course I laughed since they know I support Trump and shrugged it off. But my brothers who are both grade A dumbass thugs immediately jumped my ass. Throughout the night I was berated about my hat, while i gave simple yet intelligent rebuttals on why I support Trump and think Hillary is the devil. Due to the fact that I was talking to a bunch of dumb ass niggers who were high and drunk, my point wasn't taken seriously.

Anyway, it came to a climax when my loser brother grabbed the hat off my head while I was explaining something, and he threw it in the fire. I stood up and grabbed my hat and burnt my hand a little, then left.

All the literal niggers were hooting and hollering as I walked away. I said goodbye to my mother then left.

So my question is this. Do any other anons of color have this problem? I'm the most successful member of my family ( I make more money than both of my parents combined and I moved out before both of my older brothers) yet I'm mocked.

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keep fighting the good fight, user, and don't let anybody tell you you have to be a stereotype

Godspeed OP. Keep doing what you're doing.

It just makes me sick that so many people of color follow liberal ideology like sheep and mock intelligent replies on why they are wrong.

It makes me fucking sick. It's like they want to be cattle.


lol you're a faggot bro. its one thing to hate the nigdom but its another to come on this site and call other non-whites racial slurs. Also Trump's a faggot. Hillary is an evil crook but I honestly believe Trump is controlled opposition with how stupid he's been lately.

You are not black, you are American. Have a great life in a great again America and forgive your family for being niggers.

>half black

the left half?
the bottom half?
the outside half?

c'mon, don't leave me hanging

Sheiit. But you're biracial. Not black. You're a whole new race bud. Congrats, you've made an impression.

Hello CTR.

How much do you get paid an hour?

My unemployed brothers might be interested.