Hey Sup Forums,
I'm a half black half Mexican user and I just thought I'd share a little story of something that happened today.
So my family was having a community BBQ so I thought I'd head over and join them. Most black anons should know what a community BBQ is. It's basically neighbors and family get together, cook some food, drink and smoke weed. My father is black and my mother is Hispanic. They have a giant fucking Hillary sign in their front yard. Yet to their dismay, I'm a Trump supporter. So I decide to head over as I live in an appartment and am more successful than anyone of my family members.
Growing up I was always made fun of and bullied for "acting too white". Basically I got good grades in school and I didn't speak the English language like a complete retard.
So I arrived at my parents house with a 'Make America Great Again' hat. I walked through the front door and my mother greeted me and gave me a hug and said "did you wear that hat to start some shit". Of course I laughed since they know I support Trump and shrugged it off. But my brothers who are both grade A dumbass thugs immediately jumped my ass. Throughout the night I was berated about my hat, while i gave simple yet intelligent rebuttals on why I support Trump and think Hillary is the devil. Due to the fact that I was talking to a bunch of dumb ass niggers who were high and drunk, my point wasn't taken seriously.
Anyway, it came to a climax when my loser brother grabbed the hat off my head while I was explaining something, and he threw it in the fire. I stood up and grabbed my hat and burnt my hand a little, then left.
All the literal niggers were hooting and hollering as I walked away. I said goodbye to my mother then left.
So my question is this. Do any other anons of color have this problem? I'm the most successful member of my family ( I make more money than both of my parents combined and I moved out before both of my older brothers) yet I'm mocked.