What do burgers think? Is it even surprising for the Obama's to do dumb shit anymore?
What do burgers think? Is it even surprising for the Obama's to do dumb shit anymore?
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>Black girl smoking weed
>Surprising at all
when did right wingers care about people exercising their freedom?
Oh shit she smoked weed!
>mfw she gets in trouble for this before Hillary gets her due jail time.
I'd smoke a joint, fuck her, and then make her call me "Massa" when I came.
She's like 17 and it just makes her dad look stupid. She just has to wait like a year where she's irrelevant to go out and party and no one will care.
Has Onigger said anything about it? It would be hypocritical as fuck if he defended her.
>It would be hypocritical as fuck if he defended her.
Well, Michael Phelps lost millions over this. Hopefully she gets addicted to H and overdoses.
The only thing she should be smoking is muh dick.
Just wait till Obama holds a press conference condemning her.
woah... actually now that think about it this is a good thing!
now obama has to make it legal!
I'm shaming Obama via twitter for being out golfing while his daughter was getting addicted to marijuana.
Her father's a former pot smoker and did well for himself.
I'm a former pot smoker and I didn't do quite so well for myself, but that's not the pot.
So...it's more dumb in the meaning of she lives a public life and doesn't consider the public backlash she could face.
So the secret service just stood there and watched her smoke a joint?
> this is a good thing!
The secret service is known for cocaine and hookers. Weed is nothing
You just know this man is fixing to invite her for a weekend in Toronto.
Who cares? more people die from alcohol.
Give me one good reason why this nigger chimp shouldn't go to prison.
You can take the nigger out of Chicago, but you can't take Chicago out of the nigger.
Plus they're just bluepilled kids, this happens all the time to anyone's kids who aren't in power.
All the cool kids allegedly smoke marijuana.
I hate obongo, but this is a bullshit non-issue.
I'd rather focus on the fact he's constantly running with hillary when he should be doing his fucking job.
[Citation Needed]
Also going to need a [citation] proving that is is healthy, which it certainly fucking isn't.
it just shows how shitty her parents are
im waiting (dick in hand) for her white male gangbang vid
She's a butterface
Would fuck her face down ass up
What a fucktard.
Music should enhance the drug experience, not the other way around. The last thing you want to do is build something healthy (appreciation for music) on something that's not healthy (dude weed luhmow).
Sadly, its called feminism here.
Woah those alleged trips. I'm so allegedly high right now. So glad I'm not one of those lame kids who doesn't even allegedly smoke marijuana.
>make bullshit claim
>hurr show me your proof
Or, you know, just enjoy the music.
There are no citations because the studies are still being currently done. I am going to tell you from experience though. There was this kid from high school named Codi. He was stoned all the fucking time, it's all he did. He did that for 2 years even after we graduated. I just met him a few weeks ago and holy shit. He is slow, something seems off about him. His cognitive function legit deteriorated. He is not the same Codi from School. He actually moved back in with his parents because he can't function on his own. He also doesnt drive anymore, he rides his bike everywhere just like the mentally ill. I'm not even going to advocate for anti-weed legislation. Because now that I found my own proof for the effects of Marijuana - I'm just going to let all the users burn themselves. Serves them right.
These nines cancel out and leave only one nein.
btw codi did stop smoking in response to his reduced cognitive function
Yes, but she did not inhale.
> It may help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health.
I went to school with multiple people who smoked weed and they ALL have had at least some problems with their lungs directly related to their smoking.
Here are some better sauces mate.
checked and keked
Who gives a shit. I hate Obama but this literally not even fucking news.
Just about everyone has smoked pot once unless they're some kind of turbo nerd faggot (*cough* Sup Forums *cough*)
Not to mention Bush's daughters were notorious whores and drunks.
Okay if we're going to use bullshit anecdotal evidence might as well use myself.
When I hit 17 I had my first siezure, it took me two months to get my medication in my system. I lost my license for a whole year (which is perfectly understandable). Even though the meds stopped my siezures it didnt stop the ticks I had developed. My neurologist told me the siezures could have damaged my brain to the point I started having the ticks constantly, waking up to take a shower and losing all motor control for 2 seconds which would result in me slamming my head into the tiles gets really old. So I started smoking weed, while I still get the ticks in a blue moon the difference is night and day.
It's not killing people
Just look at the effects of alcohol
if people want to fuck their lives it's none of my business, and none of the government's concern
educate people on it, tax it, and regulate it
seriously, seems like you people are opposing weed legalization because of the number of SJWs for it. I swear to dios that if the SJWs were against weed you'd all be for it...
i'd smoke weed if i looked like "her" too
>those sources
Yeah turns out taking a drug before your brain is fully developed is bad for you.
Also I love that it brings up driving under the influence of pot when drinking and driving kills thousands a year.
yes both of our stories are true. But guess what kind of conclusion i can draw from this that works against your pro-weed: Weed is like a prescription drug, benefits a medical condition but comes with dangerous side-effects. Therefore weed needs to be at least a DEA Schedule II drug.
I'm 99% convinced they had to choose obama as a president because if they chose a man with sons instead of daughters there was a 99% chance they'd end up killing someone
this is probably a conversation they had in secret at the dem national congress
It seems I disagree with all Canadians about everything, ever.
That makes zero sense, I can go to my doctor and tell him my back hurts and get synthetic heroin. What dangerous side effects? My buddy goes to a tech school and some of the smartest kids even smoke on the weekend or every other day.
Stop acting like pot is dangerous because its not.
Also every source I gave has been cited over 300 times.
Only comes to show, no matter how you raise your daughter, she will always turn into a degenerate whore.
It's sad, really.
Remember Obama bragged about how he used to smoke weed back in the day so I don't think he would feel too stupid.
Who honestly cares, out of all the bad shit Obama's done people care about his daughter smoking weed lol, pathetic.
This is one of the better things to come from Obama anyways.
the problem here is that you think tech school is hard
it still made codi stupid.
it only goes to show no matter what you do to a monkey, it remains a monkey.
it's sad, really
Didn't the Bush girls get fucked up all the time
Just sayin
Does anyone else remember this?
I guess you can say;
You can take a nigger out of the ghetto, but you cant take the ghetto out of the nigger.
Implying he won't blame Trump somehow
Keep up kid, notten persunel
It's not easy growing up when your dad founded isis
If someone can study mechanical engineering taking high end calculus classes and other bullshit while smoking weed it obviously proves it isnt that bad.
Codi was a retard from the start, his parents were obviously dipshits for spelling it Codi.
She's not a very good muslim.
OR, it proves that a smart person who takes a few iq points off is still relatively high iq
the fact you can't understand that speaks volumes about your own ability to judge things appropriately
Link to vid?
Also look at the second video, bitch is a whore.
>The Australian
Obama can't exactly lecture her given he's an aberrosexual pothead.
> muh gateway drug
>be daughter of the president
>all you have to do is not be degenerate IN PUBLIC
George Bush's daughters were worse.
one of cheneys daughter is a full dyke
bushs daughters we kiking it out non stop;
Weed is for degenerate faggots.
No, they were white.
Looks like a cigarette
Nobody cares really because dudeweed is normal now and Obama's admitted to doing it in college himself in his autobiography.
>a degenerate is a degenerate no matter how white
Under rated post
>witness claimed
must be true, ainnit?!
>Using the lefts attitudes against them.
That's... clever.
>if you don't smoke weed you're lame
I smoke volumes of ganja, and I knew that. It all depends on a person's awareness and ability to think. It's also genetic.
cant wait until the facialabuse vids
Weed is legal in D.C.
speaking as someone who is 100% in favor of the complete legalization of marijuana and personally partakes of it i see no problem with it.
speaking as someone who enjoys watching neo-lib shit bags get pissy, i'll enjoy watching them whine about a non-story and get a taste of what trump supporters have had to deal with for roughly a year.
Sasha will forever remain pure.
These are the long-term effects on an adolescent. This is somebody who smoked every day since puberty and never looked back.
I smoke every day and haven't been sick in years.
She's clearly the superior one
Why is this even an Issue.
>THE ONE GOOD THING "The Obama Family" has done is this.
someone post the justine trudeau with young boys webm
There's always that one whore in the family nobody likes and the successful sister the family keeps comparing to the whore.
Obongo and Tranny are just bad parents.
Dont act like Obama hasnt converted one of his safe rooms into a grow room. You know that nigger is high all the time, its the only way to explain how fucking stupid he acts.