Italy, Japan, Poland, and France are our greatest allies. Sub-69ers can get fucked.
Italy, Japan, Poland, and France are our greatest allies. Sub-69ers can get fucked
>60 %
wtf how did that happen?
Goyim, you forgot Israel
>Most powerful race
>Not in the list
Where is israel
Found another chart. Your cool in my eyes Marcos.
You're in this chart , but I've got my eyes on Chayyim.
Why does everyone hate us?
>60% favorable of the USA in Britain
>about the same % of people voting out In the referendum in england
Rly makes u think
Because you guys DO NOTHING and ARE NOTHING. Enjoy President Hillary Clinton, loser. 60%. :)
How would you feel if another country had the highest gdp, greatest military, most olympic medals, most nobel laureates, greatest universities, highest income per household, most millionaire households, and soon to be greatest first world leader this earth has ever witnessed?
impressive, considering how dedicated our media is to bashing america every chance they get
>Loves us
We literally turned had a proxy war with the USSR there. Why do they love us?
Greatest fans, I love you.
We haven't exactly been a good son in our dad's eyes.
after vietnam fell to the commies, life there wasnt exactly nice.
similar to korea
>north korea run by anti-US commies
>south korea run by capitalist US puppet regime
>north korea becomes a giant gulag
>south korea becomes one of the most wealthy and developed countries in the region
>south koreans are like "wtf i love america now"
Sounds like you have a inferiority complex going on there.
Yeah, but we literally gave up on them.
Here's a more recent list.
>Italy coming out to love the US even though they stopped immigrating here.
You know what? You guys are alright.
My country turns back shitskin boats. I have nothing to feel inferior about - unlike you, Mr 60%.
Wow, Africa really loves us. But I guess American liberals are their biggest donors, so they would.
You're basically the Nigger of the world.
You constantly shout about your dick size, beat the shit out of people who hurt your feelings and all the while think you're amazing for doing so.
I would like to direct your eyes to Gracious Germany's approval percentage.
Your stance on Chinese expansionism in the south China sea scores a lot of points I imagine.
Yeah except we're successful, so we're more like the Romans of the world. Romans // Ottoman Empire // British Empire were all the same; the problem with niggers is they lack infrastructure, education, and the basic societal need of not fucking killing each other all the time.
Why are we not on the list?
Notice me senpai~
Ayy thanks for the ABMs
But we also protect all you militaryless faggots and create all the technology and movies you love.
You should be grateful you get anything.
We'll annex you soon enough.
Because they hate China more you retard. Your petty little war is nothing compared to 500 years of on and off conflict between the viets and china. You'll probably end up fucking it up again, so don't get to used to it
Thank you very much for pay for defense. Love you.
i always knew Italy is was a bro
>tfw guido from Jersey
It's not necessarily how successful you are, but how you got there. Dealing drugs can get you a-lot of money, but that doesn't mean you're a successful person. You country's power is built upon the invasion or subversion of other countries, your scientific success built upon taking leading scientists/intellectuals from other countries.
Brits are that low because loads of people say 'Americans R dum' and 'Americans R fat' but people in the UK are nearly as fat and most people are anti intellectual. Also we've been in your wars so there isn't anything to compain about.
We are a bit tsundere
Per capita you take in more refugees m8
At least 25% of that is mudshits so we should be at 94% to be perfectly frank with you my close relative.
Don't worry france we'll get rid of those filthy mudshits for you. We remember Lafayette
J'étudie le français. J'adore votre langue et de l'art.
You Thai? What's Thailand's opinion on the US?
The fuck, Greece?
Charles Martel shall return
>russia + germany
RussoGerman alliance when? :(
Greece hates literally everyone. 35% positive is a high score.
Cuckmany, your approval continues to fall.
Considering no one voted your bases in our country and you de facto allied with our last dictator and helped him maintain power... I'm pretty sure 58% is as high as it can get in Spain.
You already fucked that up once you bratwurst sucking rapebaby
>Only 69%
So apparently, we have 31% Muslims who are angry you support Israel.
>french stereotypically hate americans
>french like america more than brits
52% is still too much
But that's wrong you retard.
>Amerifats can't into per capita
What are you clowns even rambling on about. Allies?
YOU'RE FUCKING RUN BY JEWS. Who in their right mind want's be on the wrong side?
When Russia nukes your ass, I'll be having a cup of tea, or jerk of or whatever.
>french, a nation with a very large majority viewing us favorably, is upset that the statistics don't show them favoring us more
US to replace Germany in Neo Axis under Trump.
pt 1
>The favorable view bar can't show how favorable the canadian view towards U.S. is.
L-Love you too.
pt 2 :^)
Still not as bad as UK though, they take in a fuckload apparently
I'm surprised it's only 69%. I never met someone who unironically hate the USA.
>the fucking PALESTINIANS like us more than turk-roaches
I honestly can't wait to stomp those roaches within the next decade. Thank god Erdogan is finally giving us a reason.
Not as favorable as I'd like but you're not too bad.
>Poland thinks favorably of USA
have you really not?
damn, now im starting to feel bad for that muslim invasion of yours
stay safe brother
It's impossible, all the people i know hate burgerland, me included. You amerifat still tink the world love you, but the only thing you have done to us is only bad thing, always involving us in your stupid war. Your country are a disease in this world, and you know too well.
Numbers don't lie Ahmed (). Why don't you go back to your shitskin cunt?
>Philippines 92% favorable
Dawwwww, thanks ameribros :3
But where is Israel ?
They are good friends.
Apparently they unironically really like us. I dated a foreign exchange student from Grenoble and when her family found out she was dating an American they were thrilled. I thought it was just because her dad was a paratrooper but then she told me with pride in her voice about how much they hate muslims and how burkas are illegal in France
Japan 72% favourable? What the fuck? Hiroshima? Nagasaki?
US: 80%
We get to kill the traitorous fifth column when?
>Israel 82%
TOP KEK since when does Israel need to have such high favorable rating for their lap dog? If they want something, they just 'demand' it and the nice little cucks will deliver
In due time brother, in due time.
Japan as a whole doesn't want an apology from the US. Basically only liberal peaceniks and activists are for an apology in either country.
I think I found them
Well, do you hate your butler?
Those were all great ideas by us. You should've grown balls and done it first.
Hello, greatest ally.
Soon we'll like you more than you do.
Italy likes us?!?!
Do they...want to eat a burger together? Don't tell them we said that!!
ohhhhhh beefed it againnnnn..
*hides under covers*
you're part of the 20% I don't like
lots of people hate the US here no matter their origins.
is there a more recent poll?
We should get russia to abandon allies with Pakisan and ally with india instead and take out the Pakis. They are basically an Iran like country but no1 talks about them
Found the Muslim why don't you kill yourself you piece of shit fucking Mohammedan.
May your prophet boil in a lake of piss for all eternity.
back to africa, nigger
go write a le existentialism book and forfeit your women in a war you gigantic faggot
God bless you, oldest ally
i'll cook you a decent burger, not fast food-like
moms spaghetti:-D
Why would you want them to have a positive view of us?
Anyone who has a positive view of us is probably a nigger lover.
The 40% of Brits who said they don't like Americans are the same cucks who voted to Remain.
I'm Irish/German American... I say fucking the English, Chinese and Jews. Do you realize they're working hard to undermine us as I type?
The Anglosphere must be destroyed.
you stopped the nips from raping them to death