ITT : Politicians you care for
ITT : Politicians you care for
they post this picture literally every hour, bc mrn hate her so much and she is so hideous they think this makes her more likeable.
have seen 5 diff shill posts tonight with this. fuck you op shill
>she will never manipulate you
>little girl's dream is to become president
>succeeds by vanquishing a backwards savage
beautiful. i can't wait to end this dark chapter of american history.
Since when do we have a Muslim running?
lmao, it's like reality is too much for this racist loser so he has to spew paranoid bullshit all over the place
Right? How can that faggot not realize Hillary is the first woman dictator we all need.
That's exactly why we need her. She had to become ruthless. She'll utterly fuck up ISIS.
Yeah, hopefully she'll give Turkey nukes so they can help fight Isis
Ohh boy here we go
I would go back in time to hatefuck a younger Hillary to death
>Juan post by this ID
The shilling is fucking real
Boy did she age like damp leather in a septic tank.
mein fuhrer
this guy too
this is now a young politicians thread
this based mayor and hilloli of course
Check out this cheeky cunt
How far back, bruv?
I would reck that shit
Why does he look like Ted Bundy in this pic?
Uncle Hugh likes Little Hillary more than the boys...
Little Hillary is sitting on his knee with her mouth already open...
>Now we see where Bill got his kink for blowjobs...
Because he's a killer president
what is it with cheeky cunts and that kind of stripes
what a chad
Who is that and why isn't it Rand Paul?