Finns are not European

Finns are not European.

Please do not associate Finns with euros.

Other urls found in this thread:Åland_crisis–Ribbentrop_Pact

Is that why you have a high suicide rate? You guys are just nips?


OK then you are frozen Asians



Even ADOLF HITLER the MASTER of Nazi-Germany AGREED that FINNS are NORDIC, ARYAN nation
>Hitler decreed in November 1942 that "from now on Finland and the Finnish people be treated and designated as a Nordic state and a Nordic people", which he considered one of the highest compliments that the Nazi government could bestow upon another country.

FINNS are clearly übermensch as Hitler did AGREE

All these Finns trying to blend in with the Mongols or Aryans and the like when they're clearly Elves.

Just accept it you knife eared bastards.

Good goy, come to our chink federation.

No. Never. We aren't slavshit or swedes.

I thougt finns are russian & swedish rapebabies.

Finns are European.

Finns are the best people in the world
They keep the hope alive in the nordic region


I thought philippines are spanish and chinese rape babies.

finns are better than euros honestly. they are scandinavian

Finns are 5% Asian, 95% European. Meanwhile...everyone south of Stockholm is a dirty 300th generation Middle Eastern refugee.
So who is the real European, the Arabian kebab or the 95% European?


No we're not. I just read about SS soldiers and how Nordic women were applying to be their wives. But most of Finnish women didn't pass because of race issues.

Can confirm.

It is, but it's mostly malaysian.

we wuz kahns

i wish to visit finland some day. they make some of my favorite guns too. i also like sahti. and the idea of saunas. and finnish women are so hot. i think i got born in the wrong country. i look scandinavian though, i could fit in

No you couldnt. You talk shitloads but never actually say anything. You would make a mess.

Finnish women got rejected after applying to marry SS officers. Sad!


oh hell no i like hunting and fishing isnt that what finland is all about

i know who this guy is. do you?

U I forgot the mämmi & sauna, also moomin.

Father of MW montages

ive had your pizza too

You guys are so fucking azn your white slanted eyes prove it.

If we say that finns are mongols then we could conclude that swedes are indians because thats where they originated from.

I have actually met him.

Well Swedes are Arabs so close enough


wow if real very cool

Häyhä was a great guy
mfw liberal cucks whined about Lauri Törni being Nazi and our Secretary of State for Defense visited his grave in Washington.

germans arent even nordic or germanic, you must be retarded to think he can declare u nordic.

We never did tbqh senpai.

>>>Finns are not European.

is finland still safe or are they sweden now?

They fight like Aryans. Their K/D ratio in war is insane. Look at the Winter War.

We're safe for now, rapefugees are actually leaving the country since the land and the people are hostile.


excellent, look forward to visiting some day

>Fight like Aryans

Uhh, do you understand that aryan/orja means slave in Finnish? You're basically telling us we fight like slaves that is a huge insult.


you are more scandinavian than denmark

I don't even care about the Aryan thing. I'm just saying it's not like you guys are an inferior people.

I specifically said you guys have a good K/D, so it's not insulting. Don't be a cunt.

Fuck off slavelover

How long do you think they would have lasted if they fought actual soldiers? If Stalin did not purge his generals? If Finland did not get supplies and equipment from Sweden and Germany? If Carl Gustaf Mannerheim lived in his home country Sweden?

O-one pack of gondoms pls :----DDDD

Do you realize that Aryans are Iranians and street shitters and not Europeans?

No one gives a shit about Mannerfag, a known homosexual with 2 Lesbian daughters.

He only called you Nordic because you sucked his dick. He also called Japs honorary Aryans, but that's a bushit title he only gave them because they allied with him. Had the Slavs allied with Hitler and Finns fought Hitler, then Slavs would be the Nordics and Finns the niggers.

Finland did not get supplies from Germany during the winter war.

He thought you were inferior also which is why he had German men inseminate Norwegian women in the Lebensborn program to replace the Norwegian bloodline with a German one.

If we wouldn't have lasted, you would have been destroyed.

Thank you for the material aid, but you should have equal respect for us since you're a country that hasn't fought in 300 years and just like always before under your power, we fought to keep you safe.

Also, Mannerheim's family is originally from Germany in the 1600's. Go to wikipedia, my friend and educate yourself :) Also, Mannerheim's grandfather's father was the first Mannerheim in Finland and considering the timeline, they didn't spend time in Sweden at all. But I can say for your feelgood that he was a swede if you would feel better knowih that there is actually ONE "swedish warhero" kek

>Swedish war effort

keep lying to yourself.
During the Continuation War (1941–1944) Finland was co-belligerent with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union, and dependent on food, fuel and armament shipments from Germany. read that too


Reminder that all the Finnish culture owes to the Swedes. If not for Sweden, you would still dwell in yurts as your brethren from north-western Russia do.

Hell, even your victory from the 2nd World War owes to a Swede!


fuck off ivan

Probably because Sweden was not at war with anyone during WW2, However

1/3rd of our supplies.

135000 Rifles
330 Guns
12 Fighters, more than 1/3rd of your current air force at that time.

Maybe you should learn about the politics at the timeÅland_crisis

You could have gotten a lot more help, probably even won.

I met him as well, but I was very young and I didn't really understand why people made such a big deal about him. My grandfather served with him during the WW and also fought in the Continuation War. Brave men, both.


They're a soulless people.

How retarded are you Akhmed? Very fucking I would guess

Åland belongs to us though. There is a place called Jomala there.


The municipality is unilingually Swedish.


Yes but all lands which once belonged to us will always belong to us.

Greeks and Finns are in the same set, they are honorary Europeans. We are more like Eurasians.

Why do you even want Åland? You are losing a lot of money from owning the islands.

What is the general swedish opinion when it comes to WW2?

I mean general, not a Sup Forums powerfantasy opinion.

Like the lands annexed by the Soviet Union?

Thanks for Swedish Mausers we did not have ammo for

>330 Guns
Thanks artillery pieces we didn't have ammo for

>12 Fighters
Oh wow so generous

You know what you should have done instead of giving us useless swedish fags, useless rifles and useless cannons? You should have let British and French come help us against commies. But obviously you didn't because your government was already under commie-cuckspell.

You didn't help us for shit, stop trying to take other countries' and our glory for beating bolsheviks.

Not really a discussion, just that a lot of us think we should have helped Finland a lot more, nowadays it is probably that we should have helped more refugees and stopped being racist.

I guess u couldn't read.

Sweden, which had declared itself to be a non-belligerent rather than a neutral country (unlike for the rest of World War II where Sweden tried to uphold neutrality) contributed military supplies, cash, credits, humanitarian aid and some 8,700 Swedish volunteers prepared to fight for Finland. The Swedish Army, which had been downsizing its armed forces since the 1920s, transferred approximately 1/3 of its equipment to Finland among them 135 000 rifles and 330 guns and large quantities of ammunition

>Probably because Sweden was not at war with anyone during WW2

That's exactly my point you idiot. It's just hilarious to see Swedes do damage control for their cucked ancestors every time this comes up. I know WW2 left you in a cultural void but try not to embarrass yourself.

I don't think Finns are. They're basically snow farmers.

We want the total dominance over their #1 export, potato chips. They're apparently closing now a factory there and their income dropped like 30%

Everyone knows about this guy here. He's a national hero and we're proud that a Finn is still the best in something.

Sweden is more arab than scandinavian though

While the Swedish government didn't help much, we should still honor the few Swedes, Norwegians, and other people from all over Europe who volunteered to come and fight.

You didn't let Brits and French come fighting communists. That's enough for me to dislike you for rest of my life. You are the reason for millions of dead russians and europeans.

I think you hold the Britcucks and French in too high regards.

They were perfectly fine giving you to Stalin, just as they were fine with giving away all of Eastern Europe.

Indeed, we were not at war, therefore you should not have recieved any help at all, too bad we did help you.

Nazis blockaded supplies for Finland during winter war retard. They were allied with commies at the time.–Ribbentrop_Pact

>12 Fighters, more than 1/3rd of your current air force at that time.

No, that was 1/3 of Swedish AF at the time.

I met him on a guided tour of Salpalinja in 1998 or 1999. Quite modest guy and he saw stuff like speaking about war as civic duty, to keep memory of war alive.

You had around 31 or 33 fighters at that time.

They blockaded the baltic because of their occupations in eastern europe, they also helped volunteer hungarians and created danish volunteer forces.

Genetically speaking, you have to accept they are northern euroasian and we are central eurasians.

>Thanks artillery pieces we didn't have ammo for

Half of 'em were horribly obsolete light infantry guns, but 40mm AA-guns, 37mm AT-guns and few 105mm howitzers were already in use by Finnish army, all of 'em were produced here. 105mm howitzer is very much indication how serious Swedes were with their defense before WWII. Finnish type designation was 105H37... Swedish is m/40.

Small arms were pretty useless due to wrong caliber and the fact that small arms were pretty much only thing Finnish army had enough.

Pls, lebensborn program in Norway was to raise more Nordics and since we were Nordic than Germaniggers he used us.

Finns are still barbaric Asians though.

Spoken like a true cuck

>You had around 31 or 33 fighters at that time.

We had about 100 Fokker DXXI's, 20 Bristol Bulldogs, 35 Fiat G50's, 42 Gloster Gladiators (15 of those from Sweden) and 30 MS406's during Winter War.


Europe is not just race, it is culture as well. But when a country fails on both? What are they? Ethically they are Mongols, and culturally they are nothing.

No. Full asian. Only fennoswedes are white.

except that they are
geographicly at least they are