New Queen of Sup Forums?

>Based Tranny BTFO's Islam!

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fuck off kermit

i would drain his balls with my mouth so hard his nuts would invert and turn into a vag

Bangladesh ? I thought you guys were Muslim wtf

Turned it off after the first sentence

>I'm of the idea that any idea is above criticism or ridicule

What a painfully idiotic statement.

Sage has been used. Do not give this faggot views.


It's just a really good looking young man

typical fox news 40 something bitch in that picture

where in Bangladesh are you man I am fascinated by your country

>getting mad at an image because shes white and attractive

You all may be faggots but you sure are consistent

based tranny is an oxymoron

what ever man

I vote ann coulter queen of Sup Forums

I'm one of those hipster ex-muslim atheist who are getting hacked in here. Sad!


Would u fucc that boipucci?

It's probably just the same as girl pussy at this point.

Dhaka, the capital.

This qt better not awaken anything in me

Looks better than a ton of swj "girls"

>Based Tranny
>Based Tranny
>Based Tranny


Who is this semen demon?

>Inb4 homo

I'm straight bruh.

A man cannot be a queen. Just as a dog cannot be a man.

man I don't know how you can stand it isn't the population rising by 10 million every decade or something ? like what's the country side and the capital even like .



I'd rather sleep with/marry a tranny like that than the run of the mill sjw chick.

o and don't be worried about these cunts lol

Canada does it again. Nice one leaf bro

This totally changes my mind. I'm a liberal now. Homosexuality and non-whites are cool.

Can someone explain what is wrong with his skin/lips?

your gay son

Yeah. We need some big happenings™ like earthquake or flood to curb the population explosion. Islam really fucked up this beautiful country in every way imaginable. Mullahs preach to make more babies and people listen, fml.

queens don't have dicks.

Proxy or genuine rare?

She has some good point s in my opinion and says the things that get SJW angry

Our last president said:
>Islam belongs to Germany

So if a religion belongs to a nation why shouldnt it be critisized like one?

I see people criticizing the church on weekly basis for every bigoted shit they do.
I see people saying . Fuck da church
But criticizing Islam is somehow shit

I would do him.

I'd ask you the same.

god dam man I was watching a documentary about the place people couldn't catch any fish in the rivers nothing but ones the size of your thumb . why don't you get out I suspect you have family there .

Can I marry her?

Or is it him?

Or it??

I don't want to offend, islam, muslams, femmies, trannies, #blackcrimesmatters, nigger, faggits.

I'm so confused. Good thing its 2016 and my President hires woman at a 0.5 click cause of the chronological time and space we are in.

Praise allayugayh (((Kek)))

Max qt

>I don't want to offend, islam, muslams, femmies, trannies, #blackcrimesmatters, nigger, faggits

of-course a shit monkey like a bangali would think a dude who likes to dress up as a women can be based.


It's a guy.

Seems to me a perfectly reasonable statement if you ignore the fact that she misspoke

Trannies are abominations

I think what's really inspiring is the quality she shoots for. It does certainly help that she not only passes but pretty much has Jazz level stealth and beauty. The rest of us trannys are pretty much across the board looking like this.

Nevertheless, she doesn't let her looks go to her head THAT MUCH and stays pretty consistently on talking points that really aren't that hard to grasp. It's not like anything she's saying is so revolutionary, so it really comes down to presentation and she nails that given her target audience.

You ever seen an American sjw?



The one time Canada actually tries..
This tranny is of that one percent of trannys who aren't fucking retarded. If pol had a sex change this would be it.


Trannies can't be the queen or based or anything other than degenerate and mentally ill, end this meme now

I'm of the mind that that no idea is above criticism or even ridicule and
I've definitely been really outspoken against Islam on my social media

You've got great reflexes! If only your hearing was up to par :^(

>Islamophobia is reasonable
The title is contradictory. If it is reasonable, then it's not a phobia. If it's a phobia, then it's not reasonable.

I wouldn't expect some dude who thinks he's a woman to understand this though. He just repeats things that other people have already said (usually milo) and thinks it's more important now since he said it dressed as a woman. I fucking hate this world. So many people are doing this now. They all make the same exact fucking videos and think it makes them edgy.

That's not what she said. It was

>I'm of the mindset that no idea is above criticism or even ridicule

can't your government impose some sort of population control?

Are trannies just an American meme? I never saw one in Europe.

>The title is contradictory. If it is reasonable, then it's not a phobia. If it's a phobia, then it's not reasonable.

This is autism-tier semantic quibbling. The fact that you seem to think this is insightful is retarded.

>So many people are doing this now. They all make the same exact fucking videos and think it makes them edgy.

Who fucking cares if they're motivated by egoism/money/whatever. Getting more people to rally against Islam/Multicult is more important that your butthurt feelings about a given pundit.

You're not even trying are you?
durka phobia was coined by the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD as a way to get the west to pussy out of self preservation. All the normies recognize this term, and consider it scripture. So, if you want to address the issue( of self preservation), you have to call it by it's artificial name.

Nope. "ladyboys" exist everywhere, (not so much in countries where they are killed on sight) but no other country values them as much as the united cucks

Its hard to find another bengali faggot in pol, all of them seem to be degenerates

I am going to engage with the ideas presented, regardless of the author's life-choices with which I may take issue.

There is no valid reason to live like this:

>Hey guys, check out this anti-Islam video!

>AWESOME, do you have a link?

>Yeah, but be aware, the speaker is a tranny.


The one losing out on any potential enlightenment is the one avoiding the video. If your beliefs or particular stances on gender/sex cause you to reject sources of ideas and information based solely on the identity of the presenter, the only person that is hurt is you. You've essentially decided to seal your own brain in a vault..... because the presenter "triggers" you. This makes you a fucking SJW.

Engage with dissenters, especially when they are diametrically opposed to your way of life. At worst, you come out with your own view reaffirmed.

>This is autism-tier semantic quibbling. The fact that you seem to think this is insightful is retarded.
No, it isn't. It's a stupid fucking title from a stupid faggot

>Who fucking cares if they're motivated by egoism/money/whatever. Getting more people to rally against Islam/Multicult is more important that your butthurt feelings about a given pundit.
Why can't they come with their own ideas or their own thoughts. This does a disservice because it takes views away from someone who is actually thinking. It's all normie tier bullshit, too. It's the most entry level stuff imaginable and if you're just running in circles watching the same video 5 times from 5 different people, how is that helping spread or create ideas? You're a fucking pleb if you don't understand this.

>durka phobia was coined by the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD as a way to get the west to pussy out of self preservation. All the normies recognize this term, and consider it scripture. So, if you want to address the issue( of self preservation), you have to call it by it's artificial name.
Jews were the ones to start pathologizing right wing ideas, the Muslims just rode their coattails. The truth of the matter is, just using the term at all gives it power when it really should have none. Fuck the normies and fuck what they recognize. Why would you give power to them? Another pleb on my board. Both of you need to leave

Oh, look, an alt-alt-right.
Look at you! So special you! Keep it up with your
>Why can't they come with their own ideas or their own thoughts
original ideas! Go get 'em you special snowflake!

>Oh, look, an alt-alt-right.
What does this even mean?


fuck off faggot

>Why can't they come with their own ideas or their own thoughts.

People are always going to absorb information from people smarter than them. And you're just assuming this person has no thoughts of her own because what she says is the same kind of shit you hear from others. But what exactly needs to be original here? The point is Islam is bad. There is no new ground to cover here. All you need to do is relay this message to as many normies as possible and make them digest it.

>This does a disservice because it takes views away from someone who is actually thinking.

Like who?

>It's all normie tier bullshit, too. It's the most entry level stuff imaginable and if you're just running in circles watching the same video 5 times from 5 different people, how is that helping spread or create ideas?

Being normie tier bullshit is the whole point you mongoloid. And these people are rapidly gaining popularity among people, how is that not helping spread ideas? You're just a cunt who cares more about your feelings than what would actually help make the world better. There is no need for new ideas to be created about why Islam is bad, the ideas and facts are all around, the only task is to disseminate it to normies.

Would you watch a 5 year old discuss Islam? Why waste your time watching a video made by a mentally ill retard when your time could be spent watching or reading people who actually know what they're talking about?

>Some degenerate woman BTFO other degenerates
>hey! Let's make her our queen!

Bro if you want to survive come to Athens, you will find many of your compatriots. Preach your ex-muslim hipster atheism to them so they can become good guys like you. But please note, you have to accept and show respect to our orthodox christian religion.

See ya in Athens

PS you can enter easily in greece thanks to our radical leftist government, just pretend you are refugee or fugitive from Syria.

>People are always going to absorb information from people smarter than them.
This person is not smart.

>Like who?
Millenial Woes

Pale Hominid

Adam Wallace

Even Stefan Molyneux. There's also people like Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, and other academic types constantly discussing ideas and organizing think tanks whose videos can be found on youtube

>Being normie tier bullshit is the whole point you mongoloid. And these people are rapidly gaining popularity among people, how is that not helping spread ideas? You're just a cunt who cares more about your feelings than what would actually help make the world better. There is no need for new ideas to be created about why Islam is bad, the ideas and facts are all around, the only task is to disseminate it to normies.
Just show someone the news if you want to convince them Islam is bad. The media hides the news stories from them and many people don't know this. How is does this video help more than that? Normies will just dismiss it as Islamophobia because it is exactly what they think Islamophobia is. They can't call the news Islamophobic. Plenty of people already know Islam is bad. What needs to be discussed now is what we're gonna do it about it. But these faggots don't even care about that. They care more about being right, popular, and edgy

Alright, this guy said it much better
Aaaaaaand strawman
You're so obsessed with being far right that you have entered modern liberal thought. Get out of this country.

>Some degenerate woman.
Blaire is an acceptable person, but don't feed the group think that reassignment changes gender.

I thought Iran was pro transgender because some trannie appealed to the leader in the 80s and made an impression upon him. He then issued a fatwa to excuse trannies.

How the fuck is that a strawman, you dumb bitch. You've got such a boner for this dude in woman's clothes you can't think straight

>This person is not smart.

That was exactly my point, that they have probably absorbed ideas from smarter people.

>Millenial Woes
>Pale Hominid
>Adam Wallace
>Stefan Molyneux
>Richard Spencer
>Jared Taylor

And how successful are these people in gaining the audience of a large amount of normies? If you want to reach the general populace you can't do it through academia alone.

>Just show someone the news if you want to convince them Islam is bad. The media hides the news stories from them and many people don't know this. How is does this video help more than that?

That's what this video is. It's counteracting the mainstream media narrative. It doesn't need to do more than that.

>Normies will just dismiss it as Islamophobia because it is exactly what they think Islamophobia is. They can't call the news Islamophobic.

The fact that the audiences of people like this are rapidly growing shows that plenty of normies are being convinced by these "alt-right" Youtubers. The fact that she's a tranny is great too because it gives a shield against the SJWs.


Typical atheist bangladeshis being a homosexual faggot.

By exaggerating, MISREPRESENTING, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate.

A tranny's opinion = a five year old's opinion
A five year old's opinion = mentally ill's opinion

you're a moron

I wanna push my balls into her boipus

Ya got me :((((((
Now imma vot librl and get mah gibemedats

I thought it was Milo's title


Open a news paper and look at the advertisements

At least 30-40 Brazilian tranny whores guaranteed m8

Blaire is OK, but Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is the one true Queen of Sup Forums


Those manly hands....

What a fucking beautiful tranny. God damn. I would tongue fuck her arsehole for days on end.

I would like to take bjs and handjobs of this fella because he looks like a girl but I wouldn't want him to take his pants off that would ruin it.
I have spoken.
>pic related
>mfw i nut in a tranny's mouth

Fuck! That was heartbreaking.