>come back from Paris
>everyone was either black or arab
what the fuck happened?
>come back from Paris
>everyone was either black or arab
what the fuck happened?
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Nothing happened Goy.
Where were you ? On the Champs Elysées and around Montmartre. No wonder why then.
You should have checked the Latin Quarter.
>wow one place out of all of paris has a couple whites
face it your country is a shit hole thats filled to the brim with shitskins.
I was disappointed to see that some of the comfy 1800s era neighborhoods over by Pere Lachaise is now pretty much all Surinamese and Ivory Coasters.
and to answer your question shitposting OP I assume it is because France has always allowed anyone who was from an ex colony that was Francophone to immigrate super easily.
It's a no brainer if you have a smidgen of intelligence and speak french why would you live in Benin or something when you can immigrate to France and go to university for free or nearly free.
You'd have to be a real dumbass to not go to France, even if you live in some shitty socialist 1960s high rise in the Parisian Suburbs.
I don't deny anything, actually you should have checked Bellville and or Olympiades aka Chinatown, that would have remind you home where asians robots cuck your kangourou wife.
Fuck the whole Rive Droite.
I guess it's progress, finally France looks like their football team.
>Be American in Australia
>Go to Syndey and Melbourne expecting San Fransisco tier degeneracy
>Turn out to be decent 90% white cities
>Go to Darwin
>Abos are shooting up outside the airport, begging for gas at every station
Your abos are worse, why not just kill them?
I'm going end of September. Will be staying in La Marais.
Think it's pretty white there.
Paris hasn't been white for at least a decade
The rest of France will follow, Allah willing (pbuh)
The arabs are attracted to france because of their hairy women and history of beheading
Melbourne is fine compared to the rest of the world, northerners and westerners just hate us because we got rid of 99% of abbos and their petrol stations are still BLACKED.
>it´s a recently terrorist active zone
>full of arabs and blacks
world needs racism because racism shows youre fucked if you relax around blacks, not because it´d be fun to tell them to fuck off but coz something always goes wrong when you got ethnical minors as majority.
Arabs dont try to make Paris better or fit into society they try to turn Paris into Syria. Same with africans
We tried that
We even tried to use eugenics to breed them into whites, believe me we tried
I like French posters, no matter how shitty skin you manage to get
love you oldest ally
pbuh only said for the prophet (pbuh), for Allah we say (swt)
try harder next time.
I was there a few years ago and the day I spent at the arc and Eiffel Tower I saw guppies arabs and blacks selling shit or begging. Outside of those areas Paris was pretty cool despite the smell, I attribute that to being from a smaller town where public urination is frowned upon. Please France don't tell me you're letting Paris north of your river get blacked.
fucking owned by a sandnigger charles
What's with all the grafiti in Melbourne though? That was my biggest gripe with it.
some of its pretty cool bro
Hardcore "tolerance" happened.
Enjoy your cultural enrichment.
No we hate you because you're a bunch of fucking faggots. You have a Greens MP for fuck's sake.
Makes sense that those who dont have to deal with subhumans would support them. Sure is comfy in a white suburb after all.
Just fuck my continent up.
Actually, its around the other way tbqh
JCVD needs to become the Hasselhoff of France even though he's from Belgium. No one will notice.
>He thinks its just Paris
every major city in Europe is filled with niggers and Arabs. I am actually glad i saw europe before the rapefugees swarmed the place.
I am going to be honest here. There are some things that are talked about that are not seen much. Sometime it seems that Trump has things to say. Hillary Clinton, however when she says thing almost talks slow. If one thing can be learned from this election it is that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Sometimes I seriously wonder if Donald Trump knows what he did. Bernie Sanders knows all about it. The policies talked about are not going fast. One thing that is for certain is that Gary Johnson is gonna be there, there is no doubt about it. I often hear supporters saying that healthcare happened, but I only see things going one direction.
Let's be honest. I know exactly what I am talking about.