I feel that the support for Trump here is mostly ironic. How can anyone seriously think he is going to win? Not only does the party he is representing contain fewer members than Hillary's, he has less support from his party. The odds are just against him like no other candidate I've seen. He is underqualified for the postition of Commander in Chief, Hillary has been involved in politics for decades. She is the one that will best represent our nation. Right now you faggots are in 5 stages of grief. You guys are passed denial, and I feel that you are already heading into anger. Also, why is it that anyone that supports Hillary is a shill, no matter the circumstances, but yet shilling is not called out on trump supporters? How do you know they are not genuinely in favor of Hillary? Denial. You fags are in denial.
Sup Forums Stages of Grief
get ready for British Dominance on Sup Forums
Islamophobe of the Year (offical award of 2015) as PM
Calais Border wall
Leaving the Human Rights Act
sorry cant hear you from all this winning.
hillaryforjail has more subscribers than the official hillary sbreddit
>How can anyone seriously think he is going to win
All he needs is one big explosive Halloween Surprise and Clinton's lead will completely melt away.
I can't hear you over 46 million democrats that about 85% are in favor of Hillary, where as 30 million republicucks only 76% favor Trump. Welcome to the first stage, denial.
Hopefully that will make the recession less painful
>a fucking abo
Well have you looked into other factors? Is the reddit community primarily repubican? Are they even of age?
>How do you know they are not genuinely in favor of Hillary? Denial. You fags are in denial.
You fucking dumb cunt, 2 weeks ago there were none of you pieces of shit, no one besides some shitposting leafs would say anything nice about the cunt, then suddenly there is hundreds of Hillshills 24/7. You're a faggot, KYS.
Sage goes in all fields
Fuck off shill
So not a lot of people showed up to a minor city? small population=small show up. Makes sense. It's not like it was a major event, it isn't the DNC.
we will see after the 1st debate. your hilbot is gonna "short circuit" on stage and hopefully have a seziure
Matthew 19:24
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
>choosing money over freedom
lmao fucking leaf
Hillary is usually non-chalant. I think you should be worried about Trump not being able to logically corner Clinton without shouting insults. That's not going to look good on him, and the media is going to eat it up.
I went to the rally for Trump in Cincinnati, Ohio. Even smaller town at an even smaller venue. The line was out the door and not everyone could get in.
Hillary can't even fill a room.
Hillary is actually the most red-pilled candidate. She has studied the issues for years and has realistic solutions while Trump runs around saying whatever the fuck he thinks a crowd of rednecks want to hear at the current time.
There's nothing admirable about spewing bullshit right wing fantasies about a wall that will never get built or deporting every single immigrant when we all know he won't do it.
Grow up you faggots and vote for Hillary.
Hmm really makes you think
>but kek demand meme president reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Anecdotal fallacy
I'm not seeing any pictures or news reports. Bernie drew massive crowds for his speeches, and he still got swept by Clinton.
he will give no fucks about how you feel. who he is, is how he is winning dipshit. Every BS slander hasn't worked yet.
Now let's see how the turnout goes. Hillary has a larger party and more are in favor for her. Do you not remember the massive crowds Bernie drew in? It meant nothing to the elections.
Surely the EU will give you access to the single market without free movement of people because exports to the UK make up a whopping 3% of EU GDP
read clinton cash and you will feel diferently she is a comicbook villian come to life.
This. I'm somewhat new to pol, and literally over night Hillary supporters out the woodwork. I read a little more into it and I find out about CTR, it all made sense, granted Im sure a good portion are trolls.
Not really, you obviously don't understand the Sup Forumstard brain. The truth is out there and all that jazz.
Do you not remember the massive republican turn out in the primaries? Maybe you remember the record low turn out the democrats had?
>Inb4 moving goalposts for a third time
Try again faggot
The shitstorm when Trump loses is going to be glorious.
You would have to be a paid shill to support that crooked shady lying mess of a half dead woman.
prove me wrong with actual evidence that is not photoshopped of one of her crowds that even remotely matches one of his
>he is winning
top kek
i found the shillary
And did you already forget that the system was rigged against Bernie and he did nothing? He did have more supports and got robbed
May has already knocked france down to size. so hopefully
Yeah well maybe our 2A people will be upset too
If the slanders haven't cost Trump anything, why is he now more calm and less agressive? He knows the media is going to use what he says against him. He honestly believes a wall is going to stop illegal immigration. Even if we were to deport all undocumented immigrants, our agriculture industry would collapse. They are a major part of the employment.
I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't over yet. In fact, the election is nearly three months away. Does not leading in some inaccurate or doctored polls count? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the election campaign is still on? Trump is giving speeches right now and has been the top Republican candidate for how many months now? He's up against one of the most crooked politicians to have ever lived, who just happens to have a lead because she rigged a poll. But you know what? She still belongs in prison. Trump is one of the single greatest individuals in the world, he turned a small loan of a million dollars into billions and would have made more if not for constantly thinking about running for president. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and somebody shows you a screencap of this. Oh look at that, a poll was released showing Trump ahead of Hillary. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making these anti-Trump posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll Trump on this board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
I don't see Trump winning in the polls. I knew you trumpfags were in denial but this is just ridiculous. He isn't going to win how are you guys even entertaining the idea? Furthermore, WHY do you want him to? Hillary is blantantly the superior choice.
>he doesn't believe in walls
>was rigged meme
Bernouts everyone
recent Trump rally in Virginia
>he thinks walls will work
>He honestly doesn't believes a wall is going to stop illegal immigration.
nice copypasta muhammed
just get out of here little boy. Why don't you go vote for her because she has a cunt. This is trump train town
wow I corrected my record now
It's not. It's a waste of time. There are better ways to stop illegal immigration. Make them citizens. Our country was founded by immigrants, your ancestors weren't denied citizenship, neither should they.
I became a democrat after the neocons tried to hijack the gop. I'm voting for Trump because Hillary is against my interests in the nation. Also, she would be another entrenched executive in a republican congress.
And a democratic governemtn across the board? Fuck that. No. We do not need that march toward marxist foolery.
not really surprising desu
I see now that the poster was a new zealander, my point still stands
right so check this out
right now, sitting in a car, probably stuck in a bit of traffic, you know big city living and all that
He has just finished work at a office or warehouse or supermarket it dont really make much fucking difference just trading time for money
On his way out of work he says goodbye to sara working at the front desk (a spicy little number)
he jokingly asks if shes got any plans for the weekend "oh not much just hang with the boyfriend i guess"
A slight chuckle is all he can mange as he turns to the exit , a rage so pure and intense like gouts of flame spike into his soul all he can think about as he walks to his car is violently beating and raping the stupid whore sara fucking dumb bitch ill fuck the life out of her he thinks has he brings his 1993 honda civic to life
he is on his way home now where soon he will lock all the doors, close all the blinds then put on his $10,000 usd pink and blue wolf furrie costume
and spend the rest of the night shoving bigger and more complex looking dildos up his arse, stretching out his urethra with a ballpoint pen and masterbating to child porn all live on webcam
this is the real world, people like that exist and worse they vote for hillary
all interpretation is lost just under the surface, can you tell the difference between a smile and a crocodile? are you sure? am not.
this is the real world, a world of illusions
Shillary's going to get fucking crucified on live national tv.
The debates will be one sided slaughters, she won't be able to keep up with the Teflon Don, also a real possibility of her stroking out on the stage if she gets BTFO hard enough.
Assange is also independently capable of destroying her campaign by simply letting us know what she's been up to.
Can't wait to see the looks on ShillsForHill faces once this shit goes down.
sunlight the darkness's greatest disinfectant
she has decades of evil acts already tdone. the PEOPLE do not want it. I know I LOT of dems that tell me in secret they are for trump but constantly bash him on fb/snapchat to stay in the fray.
>this triggers the trumplard
Hillary has always meant well. Mistakes she has made in the past shouldn't define how well she would serve as president. I'm sorry but, I'm with her
>June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
What was that again?
His name was Seth you fucking vipers
watch clinton cash and hilliary's america and will see the truth she is a supervillian.
>georgia blue
this is not your fantasy world. people are pissed off right now they they know what she is and dont want it. the ENTIRE media polling system is skewed in her favor.
fuck off CTR
Both are not a good choice. I would prefer Trump over a saudi paid harlot
The EU being utterly BTFO by May.
>B-b-b-but why didn't you lock yourself into a 2 year time limit and give us all of the negotiation power?
Either the EU accepts the deal or they don't. However with no formal deal in place, the millions of East Europeans will be sent back and nobody wants that.
Thanks for your post. It really makes me think.
Save a life bin that knife
>Down in the polls
>People from all different parties, professions and demographics are against your candidate
>B-b-b-but Muh crowds
I mean you're gonna get thrashed at this rate.
Back in 2012, Sup Forums was all about Ron Paul. Hell, it still kind of is. Why most Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumslacks don't like Gary Johnson is beyond me.
Go fucking die you peice of subhuman shit, take your CF money and burn in hell
>why is it that anyone that supports Hillary is a shill
probably because shes a lying evil crook, everybody fucking knows it, even her supporters do.
Fuck off Shillary.