So I met a couple Germanbros at the bar I go to after work tonight, redpilled them pretty good I think.
I heard them speaking in German, and heard them speak to the bartender in English. Once bartender left, I leaned over to them, this was my first questions:
You guys German?
Merkel? (thumbs up, like do they like Merkel)
>yeah blah blah, they both liked her
Is the refugee problem as bad as people say it is?
One guy was from a small town, and said a factory where he lived was converted to house refugee's. Said Syrians aren't bad, but the North Africans were mostly to blame
Are the refugees mostly men?
I hear that within like 20-30 years ethnic Germans are going to be a minority in Germany...
This is bad right?
How can you like Merkel then?
>random response, w/e
They ask me who I support here, proudly support Trump, they say he is too harsh on Mexicans, the wall is too much, we should be wanting to help Mexico/cans
>I redpill them in immigration stats
I then tell them, you're right, you know what you should do? You should fly a bunch of planes over the Greece, load them up, and just take in all the Greek people
>That's no solution. They both said that isn't a solution, like immediately
Then why are you asking me to do that with Mexico?
>fugg. They don't have an answer
I go out to have a smoke