So I met a couple Germanbros at the bar I go to after work tonight, redpilled them pretty good I think

So I met a couple Germanbros at the bar I go to after work tonight, redpilled them pretty good I think.

I heard them speaking in German, and heard them speak to the bartender in English. Once bartender left, I leaned over to them, this was my first questions:

You guys German?
Merkel? (thumbs up, like do they like Merkel)
>yeah blah blah, they both liked her

Is the refugee problem as bad as people say it is?

One guy was from a small town, and said a factory where he lived was converted to house refugee's. Said Syrians aren't bad, but the North Africans were mostly to blame

Are the refugees mostly men?

I hear that within like 20-30 years ethnic Germans are going to be a minority in Germany...

This is bad right?

How can you like Merkel then?
>random response, w/e

They ask me who I support here, proudly support Trump, they say he is too harsh on Mexicans, the wall is too much, we should be wanting to help Mexico/cans

>I redpill them in immigration stats
I then tell them, you're right, you know what you should do? You should fly a bunch of planes over the Greece, load them up, and just take in all the Greek people
>That's no solution. They both said that isn't a solution, like immediately

Then why are you asking me to do that with Mexico?
>fugg. They don't have an answer
I go out to have a smoke

Other urls found in this thread:

Come back
>you're really good at politics


Literally, I swear to God, I ask them why they're names aren't Achmed and Mohamed

>They both laugh, with that face that they know what I'm getting at and that I'm right

I tell them I'm learning German (I am)
Because I want to learn it while it still exists (jokingly)
>They get it, more facepalms/looks of shame

I tell them people want me to learn Spanish, but fugg that, why would I learn the language of my invaders? That's like you learning Arabic.
>They laugh again, tell me they get it, "oh fugg" face again

By the end of the night they were agreeing with me and we were joking and having a good time talking shit about each others country.

Some of you Germans are alright.

I also redpilled them on nationalism for every country. If every country was nationalist and looking out for themselves there would be no problems

Thats pretty cool. To bad you didn't convince them to do something about it. Knowing is one thing, but not doing anything sort of sucks


really you accomplished very little, you should have had an impromptu octoberfest and gone out and enriched the invaders in your land with beer, oompa music and pork.

lol I just noticed that thanks Australia!

>Said Syrians aren't bad
That mostly comes from the media shilling this "S-Syria was highly developed and everyone coming over from there is a genius".
I mean, people don't really believe that, but they often choose to pretend to believe that lie because it gives them a good excuse to shit on every other refugee while still being able to claim "b-but I'm totally not a Nazi"

>I also redpilled them on nationalism for every country. If every country was nationalist and looking out for themselves there would be no problems


>implying nationalism didn't spark WW1/2

But poor africa. Look at this crying child don't you just want to give it money

Yeah, one of them said Trump is worse than Hitler, myself and the other looked at him like he was retarded, that's too far, me and the other Germanbro agreed.

They also said all the right-wing politics in Germany is a Nazi uprising.

It didn't

>It didn't
Let me guess it was DO JOOs???

The guy who shot Franz Ferdinand said this at his trial

>During his trial he stated "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be freed from Austria

>Some of you Germans are alright.

I dont see anywhere near as many americans telling germany they need to accept unlimited brown people as i do vice versa

Are germans literally autistic and unable to just see anything from anyone elses perspective, even when they're in the same fucking circumstance?

Because thats what seems to be happening here


explains precisely how they feel about you desu.

just because someone doesn't have an answer to a question you ask doesn't mean you are right or superior.

you sound super arrogant.

It's a self-preservation reflex. We have organizations who are monitoring social media and are unironically headed by Ex-Stasi agents. If you don't watch what you say you can get into trouble.

It's getting to the point where the AfD has to hire organizers from Switzerland for their ad campaign because the German companies are all afraid of retaliation from the SAntifa if they take their money.

Are you saying that the Yugoslavic people should have simply been subservient to the Austrians? Diplomatic error caused the first world war.

Trying to seperate from the international banking cartel is nationalism but it's not justification to attack Germany with 5th column communists.

Read Churchill and Kissinger, you'll see that Germany's only crime was wanting to determine their own destiny.

Are you talking about real life or Sup Forums? Because the German general on Sup Forums has a bunch of guys who are doing pretty much nothing else all day than pretend to be libtards on Sup Forums for the easy (You)s.

>after all this they still like Merkel

German subhuman scum is doomed. They need to be exterminated as fast as possible to prevent further damage of Europe

What do you think Swiss people are?

What he is saying that it was sparkled by nationalism, sadly they shot the wrong guy.

I said nationalism SPARKED WW1

Diplomatic error in the form of treaties that were misaligned led to the involvement of many nations

Have any of you anons read history outside of NatSoc Shilled youtube tinfoil hat videos?

The nationalist movement which included the reunification of Germany led to a lot of problems in the 20th century

A peaceful Europe is a broken central Europe. this was the premise of the Peace of Westphalia. Every time central Europe blandas up shit happens

Hell even in ancient times when the Germanic tribes would band it would cause headaches for the Romans

Kissinger says in his book World Power
I literally used a lot of his reasoning in with the peace of Westphalia

Germans like Merkel because she tends to take control of things and they don't have better alternative

I also told them my beliefs on how countries are no different than individuals.

I am me, I want to help poor people, sure, but before I can do that, I have to help and take care of myself, and then maybe I can help others. I can't just give my whole bank or home to others, I have to secure my well being, and then after that maybe I can help others.

They were astonished by this, when I first said countries and people are no different, they didn't agree at all, after I explained, they totally got it and agreed.

sorry it's called World Order. Kissinger's book

>if you don't watch what you are saying you can get in trouble

Right, that's why this cesspool still lives. Oh noes, you are being watched by jidf, run for it.

The Celtic Germanic masterrace

>inb4 Swiss are Germans
You know how one kid can be retarded while the other one is smart and heavily successful? Well you are basically that retarded kid

>Have any of you anons read history outside of NatSoc Shilled youtube tinfoil hat videos?


Didn't see your flag sorry.

You faggots need to understand that Merkel Party was/is the conservative Party and until last year she was anti Multiculturalism. For fucks sake she even told off a syrian kid live on Television and it didnt really bother her

Then a week passes and the first news about refugees having entered Europe come up and suddenly the bitch goes 180 and positions Germany to take the hit.

Germans did not vote for this nor were they ever asked about anything unlike Sup Forums would have you believe.

The bitch didnt go around like Clinton pretending to be the mother of faggots and shitskins and people elected her for it

>really you accomplished very little,
It starts with one person.

It didn't.

Möchte gern deutsche. Naja in ein paar jahren werden die halt zwangs assimiliert von deutschland.

>Talking about youtube ""documentaries"""

Two completely different things brautwurst

>was DO JOOs???


That's more because our government doesn't go through the trouble of monitoring Sup Forums when they have enough easy targets on Facebook and Twitter.
If moot didn't lie and they actually purge the IPs when a thread falls off the board there isn't even any way for our government do do something because the bureaucracy is too slow to make the request before the data is gone.

He is just saying most people on this board don't any real studying.

>didn't really bother her

You elected this woman for 12 years, what did you expect. And even more funny, you keep voting for CDU / SPD lmao

Fucking retards can't into democracy

When was the last time you saw someone get persecuted? It doesn't happen, (unless you count threats of violence etc as freedom of speech, which honestly wouldn't surprise me on this board)

>bride sausage

top kek

>we were merely pretending to be retarded liberals

Don't forget C(uck)SU swiss bro. Those fuckers think Seehofer is anti Merkel while he is obviously playing good cop bad cop.

But she never took control of things. She always sat back, had a few of her sockpuppets spew random phrases and then waited to see which one ended up being the most popular.
By the time she actually did get off her ass to do something it was pretty much always too late to take action already. She got lucky most of the time because the German economy was strong enough to just suffer through her fuck ups.

Thanks. I don't know German language so yeah.

Good job man. The pill is past!

>thanks I am too retarded to use goole translate

>didn't really bother her

It didnt as seen in your video

>You elected this woman for 12 years, what did you expect.

Doing the same thing she did before and not pull a 180

>And even more funny, you keep voting for CDU / SPD lmao

A coalition because none got enough in the Elections

>Fucking retards can't into democracy

Democracy is a broken system from the get go

wow dude, you're so kewl. can i be friends with you?

They post about it pretty openly every now and then. Especially when they managed to make one of those 20-reply-baits.
Don't ask me why, it has to be legit autism or such severe loneliness that every form of attention is welcome.

Because reading shit translated by Google is super accurate.
So there were some house searches because of some radicalism talking. Serves them right for being stupid and using Facebook for something like that.

I also learned Germans hate Austria, and vie versa. Never knew this. I brought up the Austrian election and Hoffer.

Everyone in Europe hates the other

They said Germany and France were ultimate of bro-tier and if France leaves EU (I talked about Brexit) the EU is done.

never said it was super accurate but it gives you at least an overview of the content.

>serves them right

stalin would be proud.

hating austria? where were did those cucks come from?

>still pretending this is not the majority of Germans

How can one nation be so fucking delusional

>Everyone in Europe hates the other

Everyone in Europe hates the people in the village 20km away. And it grows from there.

Vote the AfD to make Germany reich again

Contrary to you I actually live in Germany and know the people living here.
Clickbait generally doesn't give you a good impression of reality, user.

if retards like storch and gauland were not in it, the inner conflicts would vanish and afd would be great. but i will vote for them either way.

>Nationalism sparked WW1

American education at it's finest.

>They said Germany and France were ultimate of bro-tier
lol everyone hates french people
>and if France leaves EU
kek those cucks wont do shit


I know many Germans, because you know those fucking German scums are spreading into my country like little cockroaches they are.

Fuck, I can't remember, one said he was from a small village with like 3.500 people.

They both completely agreed Austria was shit, and they speak shit language and try to call it German.

I literally thought Germany and Austria were so bro basically same country.

>because you know those fucking German scums are spreading into my country like little cockroaches they are

funny because last time i passed through St. Gallen the entire state was filled with kebabs and asians and they didnt look like Tourists.

Seems like you are just another cuck in denial and would rather hate on other whites

>France leaves EU
Impossible, Hollande's France is a puppet regime.

bad damage control my friend. afd should be at 30% by that. sadly it isnt.

cuckroaches you mean

>that happened

>implying those fucking leeches who abuse the wage-to-costs-of-living disparity between Switzerland and Germany are representative of the whole country

You picked one of the worst groups of Germans as your sample group.

They did both agree Swiss was a strong and rich country, nothing bad to say about you guys from them

>germans don't like the idea of a border wall


>I literally thought Germany and Austria were so bro basically same country.

At best you could make the point for Bavarians and Austrians but even that would push it

>I literally thought Germany and Austria were so bro basically same country.

That was in 1938. Before that till the unification of Germany both of us were very hostile to each other.

Nationalist posturing can cause needless wars.

But a genuinely nationalistic policy avoids local warfare to the greatest extent. Really bad for the country.

Nationalism should be about having the best country you can have. There's no time and money to spend bringing neighbors down.

>bad damage control my friend. afd should be at 30% by that. sadly it isnt.

If you take a look at the state level elections they are getting pretty close to that, especially when you consider that the last elections always had them undervalued in the polls.

Germans love borders. Most germans never even wanted the wall to fall it was mostly muh feelings propaganda spread throughout the World

>They said Germany and France were ultimate of bro-tier
Germany and France have a love-hate for each other.

Sound like NRW to me. Bavaria is bro tier with Austria.

>very hostile

lol no

The kebabs are coming from Germany

Naturally AFD should be the biggest party, just because of people protesting the current system. It isn't. That means the majority supports the current system and thinks "the government will solve this problem"

>just because someone doesn't have an answer to a question you ask doesn't mean you are right or superior
Yeah, if you your enemies have no answer to your arguments, they win.

It is getting good so far but Bundesweit they are still at 15%. I really hope some future happenings boost AfD.


Prussia and Austria were hostile to each other right?

What says.

The German people were never asked if they actually wanted a reunification. Chances are, they might have refused it because the differences between the two parts of the country had just grown too large during the occupation.

before this whole asylum shit started most people were actually busy shitting on the other side of Germany.

Wow you really have an all-american education. Great, but before laying blame on nationalism you really should read your history books again.

What do you expect, I don't what they said, but hate speech and shit like that is usually illegal.

>The kebabs are coming from Germany

Not they are not and you know it Theyve been slowly flooding your Country for years and are now starting to take hold like it any other Country.

Even worse you faggots take them in when they got money to horde in your Banks but you willingly ignore their degenerate behavior

I don't really see how the polls for the federal level can be accurate. The AfD is doing a lot better than that in pretty much every state, in MV they might even become the strongest party if they are still undervalued by the usual 2-3% in the polls.

>redpilling someone
>knows shit about nationalism

Cool story, bruh.

euro-peons are stupid more at 11

Hahahaha, we are not kebabs, specially in the northern coast line. We are the result of inbreeding.
See the history of Visigoth kingdom

>coming from the country with a two times white guilt elected anti american nigger president

Why do you faggots think you have any right to mouth off?

America apologizes for California.
We have taught them wrong, as a joke.

you understood everything. hate speech is just another word for shutting down freedom of speech, pavel.

Probably rigged polls. as long as the elections arent i am fine. Petry Heil.

> but you willingly ignore their degenerate behavior

>banned minaretts
>currently banning burkas

What are you doing? Building a new bigger mosque?

By the way I've never seen such a thing in Switzerland lmao

I consider Portuguese good immigrants. They assimiliate well and most of them work hard. Good manual workers

What did I say that was wrong, faggot?

We are not Muslims, we are a mixture of ancient Iberians, Celts, "suevos" and Visigoths( both Germanic), italics( from romans), but sadly moors and Jews camed in

>banned minaretts

Not banned you put a stop to future constructions. The ones who were already built were unaffected

>currently banning burkas

In one state. Meanwhile shitholes like St. Gallen continue to be culturally enriched

>By the way I've never seen such a thing in Switzerland lmao

Oh its coming. You are currently in the "we are peaceful minority just trying to live our lives" phase

>implying it's not true
Adolf was based fighter for german people rights, not some fancy elitist scum.

>the bar I go to after work
>proudly support Trump

So an alcoholic happens to be a Drumpf supporter making a dumb thread about refugees and his white >muh race angst. Color me surprised.

>I redpill them in immigration stats
Sure you did, champ.
>just take in all the Greek people
Difference is, we're already helping them foremost financially as part of an EU member state and they're free to move here if they get a job.

>you're really good at politics
So those two Germans were even dumber than you, okay.
>they're names
>language of my invaders

You racist imbeciles think you're the big bois now, doing big boi things. Pathetic.

I go to Germany every year, I love Germans and I love Germany, the nicest people I know.

You'd be surprised how many Germans told me theyre sick of what is happening but feel hopeless because nobody else is doing anything.
I dont blame them or consider them cucked when their government does everything in its power to prevent Germans from forming a movement against Merkel, shuns those who try and rewards those who play by the rules while elevating immigrants like theyre sad victims.