Is America evil?

Is America evil?

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No. Her institutions are

everything's evil



We sure are

No. Most people here lead simple, productive lives. Those confused about their own interests, or who have too much free time typically speak the loudest. You won't see a metalworker with 5 kids going out and speaking about politics, because he doesn't care, nor does he have time. On the other hand, the liberal with no job, no kids, and no direction in life has lots of free time, and a lot to say. The problem is, none of it is worth listening to.

Evil? Oh my dear friend, evil is just a 4 letter word. It takes something much longer than that to describe me if you know what I mean. ;)

>that kid probably had the best day ever living his dream

wow an non ironic Mexican intellectual


No, the Freemasons and other Lucifer worshipping scum who run our government are.

>MFW you literally can't go anywhere else but Sup Forums cause everything pisses you off way to much because of the sheer retardation and evil the world around you is
>MFW every day i got on here less and less since everything has also gone to shit here
>MFW humanity is literally trying to kill itself to satisfy a pack of sociopathic shits
just end me now, i don't even know how much longer I can keep going guys, my minds fragmenting at this point watching this shit for decades seeing the inevitable slide to death and suffering.

That's why we shackle our institutions to the constitution with healthy doses of checks and balances.

Not at all! Just the people are evil.

dont worry puberty will be over soon then you will be a man

yeah except if you are hillarry


>be aussie
>shitpost as hard as you can because ausfailia is literally hell on earth
>ausshitters are unironically the devils spawn.

The Jews infecting and running it to the destruction of the West are. Personally I'm just about at the point that I'd be willing to see the US destroyed if it meant it would wreck the Jews. I'm not sure how we recover. Our institutions and culture have all been stolen, occupied and subverted, and we are being used to build the superstructure of the coming Jewish global surveillance, degeneracy, multiculturalism, PC kikeocratic tyranny.


You destroyed the last hope of the white race

You were the first ones to say diversity was a good thing.

You are basically a jewish run creation.

You are responsible for pushing "freedumb" to be degenerate and have no loyalty.

If you are willing to see the US destroyed vote Hillary

And then we pussied out to banks and looked what happened.


Nobody is exposed to moderate people because they don't give a fuck about attention or spotlights.

"The extremes" are out in full force because they crave it, then feed off each other.

Since hash tags are the only analytic media knows how to measure, they take extremes as the norm and push those topic to get clicks and views.

Its a 1-way street.

Its say america is 7 1/2 out of 10 evil. Probably around that. Honestly, despite the usual bullshit some of you casuals may know your country of doing like bombing half the middle east to shreds over muh towers n muh freedom, americ a has done a lot of evil through out its history. From its birth till its death probably. After obama there no hope for this country.

Good point. But maybe she would succeed and manage not to get us all killed in a nuclear hellstorm because she was following the orders of three dozen kikes to attack Russia. Then we'd have the North American Union, and the Jews would get what they were after.

We never said any of that crap. Jews came here a hundred years ago and started pushing their agenda in our name. And with their media control and political influence they are infecting the whole Earth with it, and we get blamed.

That's a pretty cynical point of view, but I can respect it.

Personally, I see it going in the same downward trajectory as the rest of the world, but better than most. With its size and states conflicting interest, it's doing the best it can.

Sure, you see other countries doing "better", but they don't have nearly our population, let alone the huge swath of bottom feeders in inner cities.

At the end of the day, I see bottom feeders as the major issue. Globalization only hastens that since half the "educated world (cheap labor forces like China and india) are barely developed.

The banks are doing the same shit they were in the late 2000s right now under different names.

We're going to bail them out again. We need the manufacturing capabilities in case we get into a war. But it will come with reform the old, violent, way.