I liked it better when Sup Forums was mostly freedom loving libertarians, where did all this dumb statist neo-nazi neo cons republishits came from? Do you think Sup Forums will go back to be libertarian once Trump loses in a landside?
I liked it better when Sup Forums was mostly freedom loving libertarians...
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No. It's a sign of the times changing. Don't worry, Ron, God is keep on quickening the pace.
i miss those days too, desu. socialists came over from reddit. neo nazis came over from cuckfront
Listen here boy-o. I'm a Libertarian too, but if trump wins and society collapses we actually have a shot at rebuilding it. If Clinton does, there will be a much lower chance at rebuilding. Vote Trump if you want a chance at fixing the country.
Are libertarians the silent majority?
Did ya?
Trump is a much better choice for libertarians than Clinton.
Of course you can always 'vote your conscience' and vote for a guy who would force you to bake cakes while throwing guns into the trash.
Why does everyone hate Gary Johnson now?
maybe you don't know that a dumb statist neo-nazi neo con is..
he's the opposite of trump when it comes to immigration and immigration is an important issue this election