Is Soros really a subversive?

I know the popular opinion here is that George Soros is a subversive globalist agent seeking to pull the strings of a new world order.
What if Soros is just a man who deeply cares about the world, and is using his (global) influence to try and reform it into a better place? Obviously the means he is going about it and his end goals are directly opposed to the mainstream Sup Forums view though.
Why does this man have to be demonised? It's highly likely that he is a philanthropist and works towards his view of the betterment of society, which is just one that many of us disagree with
What gives Sup Forums?
Is the >redpill too bitter for me to swallow? Why this hatred of Soros who is most likely a principled man who we disagree with?

wew lad, this is like enemy #1

The digits confirm

You forgot your (((echoes)))

Why is he evil and not misguided though?

People like having good vs evil, black vs white but very seldom are things that way.

Without denying that there obviously exist sociopathic businessmen with goals of only becoming more powerful, I think very often you'll find that the vast majority of people are just trying to do what's right. So frequently people will argue pretending or actually believing like the person they're arguing against holds an opinion that is so ridiculous that the possibility can't even be fathomed that their opponent may be right and believe what they say.

I think many people would benefit from looking at Hanlon's Razor

Kek will him into the ground please.

Hes a jew.

thats enough for me to want to hate him

He's a typical shitlib, I don't think he is any more or less evil than your typical misguided shitlib with a cuck mentality. The difference is he's a billionaire who wields great power. So he is way more dangerous.

The point being we don't need to speculate if his intentions are good or bad to his mind, all that matters is what he doing and its end result.

He made billions shorting the British pound, basically """"gambling"""" on an economic crash(it was an accident, lucky me!). He funds """""socialist revolutionaries""""" across the globe and makes a killing.

I prefer evil, there's no other definition for someone who actively pursues removing freedoms and using propaganda. If he were truly benevolent or unaware then there would be no use in the cloak and dagger tactics he employs.
The ideal of a nanny government that is to provide us meager lives while we live under its thumb to the "benefit" of ourselves is absurd, Soros and every other elite are about advancing themselves into a new echelon of class that cannot ever be challenged by the citizens, lest the government cut them off.

He's a slave to fear. I can empathize with that. That's not to say that he doesn't commit atrocities and act in a generally deceitful way.

what if soros is a puppet?

Because he breaks the law to do it and gets people (lots of people) killed for his own profits

He's evil to the core, he is a Hungarian Jew who used to literally be a Nazi

For more check

This is a man who has destroyed the economies of small nations on purpose in order to further enrich himself. He's as close to legitimately evil as you can probably get without going Silence of the Lambs mode. In no uncertain terms, he should be arrested, tried, and executed. I'd say detain him and hand him off to Putin since Russia has a standing warrant for his arrest, and the idea of him rotting in a Siberian mine is extremely appealing, but with someone who's a piece of shit of such magnitude as Soros you can't afford to send him off into the shadows. You have to see the body yourself to make sure.

Does soros have his own CTR thread rn

Forgive the TvTropes reference but he's a "well-intentioned extremist", i.e. a particularly dangerous villain that believes the evil he's doing is ultimately necessary for the greater good. Allegedly his goal is to prevent wars, and in particular to prevent jews from being shoah'd again. Unfortunately he thinks the way to do that is to destroy the nation state as a concept along with their white cultures, via enforced mass "refugee" immigration.

he profits from insider trading and destabilizing governments and nations

I dont think he wants to pull any strings unless it makes him money. He's just a sociopathic money hoarding cunt like most of the 1%

>Hanlon's Razor
Applied to Soros? Are you fucking kidding me? For example,
>funding groups consistenly in different lands that tend to rend society and destroy cohesion of nations like BLM and Euromaidan -- it's just incompetence, goy -- no evil intent there

Hanlon's razor works both ways -- don't attribute a priori to incompetence that which can be explained by malevolence.

He's the most evil thing to ever exist.

((( Soros )))

So he is one of the agents pushing Europe's decline? Will this not bankrupt himself?