Smoking is Degenerate

>tfw you regret your stupid vices

Stop smoking you dumb fucks.

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thanks much user
I have made up my mind

going out for one now m8

No you aren't, you sit your ass down and stop being a dumb goy.

Smoking is blue pilled as fuck and people automatically see you as a person that makes bad decisions.

I don't smoke, but my cousin does, I feel bad for him, he has a super fucked up life, and he smokes, even though he's 17, he also drinks a bunch, I just sent him that picture user, I hope it makes him think :/

thanks for telling me
will turn my life around and stop smoking today

Nice dubs
but smoking is degenerate and you shame Kek.

It's a good vice because it eventually kills the person who does it.
Only problem is if public healthcare systems covers equally smokers and non-smokers.

How about dipping? I have a chew in right now user.

I did but I can't stop getting drunk

wtf i hate smoking now

Well good for me that the Cannabis i smoke CURES CANCER instead of causes it. Cigs are for degenerates, r-right?

is snus degenerate though? can i still do snus?

I'll stop when I'm dead.

Oh, wait.

Paramedic here, obesity is much worse. I think every fatty should be a mandatory smoker until they're not obese anymore.

Anti tobacco is probably a sizeable reason obesity is on the rise these past few generations.

I fucking loved smoking, i dont really know why?
Started to vape instead, health is a lot better now.
Am gradually cutting down nic mg.

You know what, I never thought of that. Hm

I've never smoked anything, but I've been curious to try at least once. Which one is the best?

Does smoking really makes you lose weight?


Tobacco's an aquired taste 2bh.

it generally makes you less hungry for a while, but that wont make a difference for you amerilards mexifats

I know, but people usually prefer one brand over another, or flavors and shit even though that is pure faggotry

Starting smoking after 2000 is degenerate

Don't forget the old fucks who smoke now were told it was cool in their day and age. You had doctors walking around hospital wards fucking chain smoking and shit. Even kids lightly hinted at smoking to grow up early and shit. You can't hate on them, they've had all the shit they've taken for granted fucked in the ass already, like pub smoking bans, and going from being great and popular to the black sheep whenever you go outside and light up.

But if you start smoking anywhere after 2000 you're a faggot degenerate and may as well kill yourself, you'll be doing the world a favour

I miss smoking. Smoked for years finally said enough 2 1/2 years ago.

snus causes lip cancer sven

Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, work out 3 times a week.
What does that make me?

>its not cool anymore if (((they))) say it's not
In Chicago they enacted the first smoking ban in Skokie. Guess the religion of the majority of residents there...

Smoking is alright if its for a period of time. My father smoked through college and then quit cold turkey, samething with my older brother. When I finish college and get my degree I will quit. Because right now i can't spend a day without smoking. The stress is KILLING ME and my release is the cigs.


There are dozens of guys in their 60s, 70s who have smoked their whole life and never gotten sick.

How the fuck do you explain that? Yet my father's mother died of emphysema due to smoking...

Does God have a sense of humor or something


Smoking was even considered healthy back in the day. I have small breathing issues and I always detested the smell of the smoke so it's a huge No for me. I'll never understand how people get into it, is the most retarded vice, most people don't even enjoy it at first and they continue doing it anyways.

Cigarettes in the 1950's had less chemicals than cigarettes in 2016 do. Hence why lots of people who smoked back in the day rarely got sick or got cancer depending how much they smoked.


There is nothing better than smoking after a good meal.

>he can't have fun without any of these
You must be one shallow guy.

That's why you smoke rollies bru

>American makes cigarette machine revolutionizing the market
>The Jews get scared at the wealth gains
>start taking over the tobacco companies and adding loads of chemicals.

yup I know a guy who is in his 70s who smokes that way kek makes sense

Awesome, thanks man.... This was an extremely political topic

Imagine saying same to them. Also: "stop eating meat." I am not sure Allies would be able to win war after.

>start taking over the tobacco companies and adding loads of chemicals.
this is legit what happened. surprising that you never hear this in any smoke talk about how much healthier smoking used to be in the 40s, 50s.

Hell didn't like 80% of the population smoke back then?


>not vaping

>sucking robot cock

You're fooling yourself if you think you've actually quit. If your mod grounded out, or circumstances were you couldn't shoot vape cum from a metal dick into your mouth... You'd be merrily on your ear to the gas station to get some smokes.

It's better on the lungs, Its still bad though, causes all the other types of cancer.

>this is legit what happened

That's why I posted it.

My friend's old Italian nonna has been smoking since she was 14 and she is doing fine, she only smokes Italian cigarettes.

>stopped smoking
>started drinking

Feels good


If you are an attractive virgin Christian too, you deserve the best in life

Fuck off. I hate that cringey vape movement

I hate to say it but he's right, in the current climate that combination would be seen as boring by the young teens of today

I'm allergic to nicotine and even second-hand smoke makes me break out in hives, so no thank you.

Can confirm that.
People who drink and smoke, yet suddenly have to spot smoking because some lung problems or pneumonia.
The result is usually double the intake of alcohol and morbid obesity.

>allowing the jews from pharmaceutical companies regulate a healthier alternative to smoking
>giving a fuck about a few vape fedoras
>giving a fuck about your "image" instead of your health

Unfortunately, I'm not a Christian but everything else fits.

>Unfortunately, I'm not a Christian
>I'm not a Christian

>be me
>nasley highpitched voice
>take my new gf to meet the grandparents (in their late 60's) and stay the night
>grandad smokes 40 a day
>almost always has a cigar first thing in the morning and with ever meal
>sound like clint eastwood after a gravel gargling competition
>can tell my gf is getting wet when he speaks to her
>get jealous and take her aside to tell her it's bothering me
>my voice cracks slightly as I get emotional
>she struggles to mask her laughter
>wake up around 3am because I need the toilet
>my bed is empty
>open the spare room door
>my gf has my grandad balls deep into her throat
>shes far too engrossed to notice me in the door way
>he makes eye contact with me
>flicks his cigar ash at me and motions to close the door
>I do as he says

I regret not taking up smoking at 13

barely though, swedish snus is unfermented and contains much less nitrosamines
basically no cancer cases from snus and over a million users in sweden

I've got 2 ciggys left and some loose tobacco and then I am going to switch over to an e-cig while I quit. I have the gum too.

wish me luck.

>good vice because it eventually kills the person
so doing drugs and having unprotected sex with people who have HIV are also good vices?

>Only problem is if public healthcare systems covers equally smokers and non-smokers.
I agree. Smoker gets cancer? Im sorry, fuck off. No money for your self inflicted illness, next.

Same with obesity, btw

Why the fuck are there so many anti tobacco threads lately? is this some reverse psychology from the Jews? Fuck off Shekelstein

>switch over to an e-cig while I quit. I have the gum too.
not gonna happen. Just quit cold turkey you blazing faget.

it's cigarettes, not heroin

>they're excused because they were told it was cool and healthy when they grew up
So what's their excuse for still doing it? Are they just victims of pro-smoking propaganda and are hopelessly addicted for the rest of their lives? No. They make the same bad decision I do with smoking if they still do it to this day. Stop acting like the elderly are clueless idiots, they know it's harmful, they don't care.

Nic is more addictive then heroine, you blazing faget

e-cigs are the future you cuck, no cancer, barely taxed and still very cheap and nice for people cucked by asthma

I've tried that, it turns me into an irritable mess and I can't function at my job. Unless I can somehow get a month off work I need to quit gradually.

Probably some fuckhead struggling to quit.

stop putting shit in the air, water and food and I'll stop smoking.

vapers are liberal cucks

go for camel blue or new ports if you're black

Why the fuck would you smoke when you could just Snus, Swedistan knows whats up.

Had a buddy buy a cigarette packer, he'd buy tobacco in bulk and load em all up himself, said it was the best thing he'd ever done, guess I now I know why.

kek, most of the people i know who smoke are blue pill queers. they think it makes them "edgy" like the brony bros and ?genders. fuck them all

It's an appetite supressant, when i quit for 2 months i gained about 2 stone in weight, started smoking and lost it in the same time.

>tfw reasonable weight and nonsmoker

nicotine is an anti depressant but only because it takes your attention away from the pleasure you get from eating and emphasizes the pleasure derrived from smoking

also spends evenings on Sup Forums...makes you a wizard

I will start to smoke now.
Thanks user.

Flesh pipe.

I smoke cigs occasionally, but hate them and find them easy to quit. I usually only pick it up when I'm really stressed out, and feel like a retard. Recently I picked it up because I ran out of weed.

Lol yeah, people get obese after quitting smoke, it's like changing the life expectancy of 70 years to 40 years, big fucking deal.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

I was buying some lottery tickets at a convenience store and the guy in front of me bought a pack of cigs for $7.20! Boy is he a dumbass.

Back before advertising it wasn't a manly thing to smoke, it was just something people did.

It wasn't until Marlboro Man and similar advertising ploys conceived by (((them))) that it became an icon of rugged masculinity.

You're a good goy.

>mouth fedora

>implying i'm going to stop smoking because some nerdos on a cantonese meme interchange board tell me to

>no cancer
you're smoking glycerin you pretentious faggots

oh wait you said e-cigs, nvm
Vapes have glycerin, i stick to herb, much better for you, tastes better too.

>when you go on drinking benders and promise yourself you'll never do it again when you come down, but end up doing it again a week later anyway

Smoking is only degenerate when it's habitual.

yeah the addiction is crippling, people dont realize how hard it is to get off the tabaco jude.

But i found a way that works for me. The first 2 days you go cold Turkey after that you apply nicotine patches (for like 1-2 weeks).
Whenever i tried to quite cold turkey the 3rd day became the breaking point, the 3rd day was when i started to smash my head against the wall because you go crazy at the withdraws. But the nicotine patches really do work (especially when you realizes how much the medical judens demand for those patches). Though, I don't think you should try it on a weekend, when you have a week off you should definitely give it a shot.

But then again, you also need to change some of your habits; Like to drink beer? You can't do that any more without the chance of starting to smoke again. Hang around with your stoner friends? You shouldn't smoke the herbal jew anyway but yeah you have to stop hanging around with your degenerate normie friends, at least for longer periods of time.

But damn it's worth it, those fucking shitarettes or so fucking expensive, they will get you nothing but cancer and you are addicted to a heroin like substance (in terms of addictiveness), there is absolutely nothing to gain from this addiction.

Pro Tip: It's easier to quite when in the winter than in summer.

You have a future as a soft porn fiction writer

>ruining the taste of said delicious meal with shitty smoke and cancer

I agree. It's not that bad. That's why we put it on our flag.

thats a bumhole

A guy a couple weeks ago bought me a free pack of cigarettes for some reason when I was taking too long to pay. I picked nigger ports, which seemed like a waste, does anyone know a better brand of cigarettes to smoke?

>also are spirits kiked?

If you started smoking, youre a weakling. Theres literally no reason to take it up other than peer pressure.

Living also will eventually kill me OP should we all stop that as well?