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This has been in the works for a couple of weeks.
>it's another polish shitposter episode
every day, every fucking day
Use the English word "invade" instead of "encroach." You'll get more people to read it.
Cool I hope he hangs their (((government))) by the balls.
If you're in the reserves, you may get called up. Keep your phone charged.
What the fuck is wrong with you butthurt shitposters from eastern europe?
Baltics + Poland are a special kind of breed. You are butthurt from birth.
You are all the same. Why?
Ever tried to see things happening in the broader picture?
Nato will bring destruction to your country, no one else. They are the true instigator of war.
>Putin is going to encroach to Ukraine.
Uh oh, Poland.
Putin is coming to your front doorstep. What do you do?
I'd rather have Eastern Europeans posting here than Middle Easterners like you, Sweden.
Propaganda. All their media does is smear Russia, all their politicians do is smear Russia.
We won't die for Danzig!
Daily reminder that majority of North Americans are European immigrants, so we might be related so chillax.
Poles want to get shitposter title from Canadians?
Lately I have been seeing too many Polish bullshit here.
Reminder that (((Washington))) is trying to start a war before November and the media will blame it on Russia.
Yes, NATO had invaded Chechenya, Georgia, and subsequently conquered Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
25% Swedish.
Don't worry, Poland. We will evacuate your entire population to the US mainland. The Brits don't know what they are throwing away by trying to rid their isle of you....... but we will take all of you in.
Join us.
>38.5 million Polish people suddenly show up....
>Having to learn Polish... and enjoying it....
>Polish peoples start building churches everywhere.......
Ah yes adolf puttler.
He must act faster and faster time is runing out and when clinton is in power he will be raped hard by the whole us and nato forces.
Gaz juden and his world domination dreams end.
>Polish peoples start building churches everywhere.......
I know, you prefer mosques instead churches.
>Yes, NATO had invaded Chechenya, Georgia, and subsequently conquered Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
>See flag
>Polish flag
That hurts, Poland... and here I offered you refuge.
Vodka niggers trying really hard. Your funny but somhow pathetic at this.
Try to scare some smaller countrys they maybe fall for it.
Its olypics time. Last time russia fuckt up a war was in georgia around the same time.
So here we go again.
It's similar to Gliwice's false flag before Hitler agression to Poland. Why do you believe propaganda of KGB? You've to mull it over.
Is the sarcasm comprehensible for you?
Correct, and the highest concentration of Scandinavian descendants is in Minnesota....
...Where they are letting in a TON of Somalians!
Can't make this shit up haha.
Gonna happen on the 14th (well, 13th for spec ops and shit)
No, but our globalist kike politicians do, and brown skin to white.
We know your kind, should you chose to come here, would assimilate. We've seen it happen. That's why our politicians, again, do not want you here.
NATO invaded you retard
Putin enhanced deploying of the army, warns countries in Eastern Europe, supports surge of refugees by intrusion in Syria. The next step is impacting the rupture in NATO
How? We're under Russian occupation for ages.
Are you serious? You guys demand 6 gorillion more NATO/US soldiers in your country everytime Putin farts.
The Kremlin ideologists are going to blow up polish culture by russification. Independent polish state aren't foreseen in their plans. NATO soldiers aren't imposing me their usages and political system. In Czech Republic you should got familiar with it. The Russia attempted to egg on Poles to Bohemians.
You guys are as bad as Finns. Protip: the Commies aren't in Russia anymore. They're in DC and Brussels.
Russia had plenty of time to completely erase your culture if they wanted, but for some reason you still have one.
I don't like liberalism and globalism. But I don't know any cause to justify actions of current russian administration.
They expect an appropriate moment to do it. The troubles of western civilizations are fine to commence a war.
>They expect an appropriate moment to do it. The troubles of western civilizations are fine to commence a war.
Why do you expect them to do it now if they didn't do it during the USSR or the Russian Empire?
They defy West in Cold War. I like Russian nation, but I'm vigilant in russian policies. EU and NATO made many mistakes in ukrainian crisis, but Putin likewise increase a tensions.
>4 supply trucks and some updated katusha passing by probaly sent to another base
Additionally plenty of tanks and warships. Putin also break up a negotiations with Ukraine. The situation is very grave and jeopardous.
ill need some sources fro that bronislav
oh and in the vid there were ukrainian flags care to explain? somewhere around 0:50
There is a mutual mobilization of troops. But Putin anticipates military moves.
Poland should be split between Poland and Russia
Don't trust pollacks, they want our land to!
no such thing, cuck