In the early 80's DC had plans on buying Spider-man from Marvel comics

In the early 80's DC had plans on buying Spider-man from Marvel comics
Lets pretend the deal went trough and discuss how spidey and his cast would be integrated in the DCU

Since it's the early 80's he'd still be primarily in New York (I think DC didn't have many heroes around there at the time other than Wonder Woman).

If they make him part of Earth-1 at the start, it'd be pretty much like the Superman vs Spider-Man crossovers except maybe without Doom or Hulk.



>Marvel's best IP at DC.

Oh lawdy. It would be fantastic.

>Peter and Wally chilling

>Peter constantly screwing with Bats.

>Looks up to Supes

>Bugle and Planet are now competitors.

>Spider-Harem with Babs, Power Girl, Wondey, Zatana, and Huntress.

>stays teenager for his entire career
>would have had several shitty modern redesigns
>green goblin would be the only developed villian (to the point where he might seem gay for spidey)
>other villians are just cannon fodder
Spidey is still in better hands at marvel

Alternately since it's the early 80's they could keep him on his own world (and it'd be an Earth where Spider-Man, Black Cat, Prowler, and some other Spider-Man related characters are the only superheroes). Then when COIE hits that Earth gets folded in.

Alternately, they introduce his Earth in COIE and you find out that it's a Marvel Earth, and most of its superheroes and inhabitants are killed during the Crisis except for all the Spider-Man related characters.

After COIE then he'd be seen in Legends and probably get his origin modified. I don't know if they'd put him on the JLI, though.

Do you have any proof of this or did you read it on Sup Forums once and just believed it?

He might've finally had some good stories in 90s and 2000s.

Something tells me he'd get as shit on as Captain Marvel.

As a Ditko created character, he might've been used in watchmen. But maybe more as a lower middle class teen vigilante. That was one archetype missing from Watchmen.

Atleast its not Spidey getting cucked by Green Goblin. That shit ruined Gwen's character entirely, and made Spidey a bitch.

There could be some hood stories.
Flash and spidey teaming up to stop the combined forces of the sinister six and the rogues.

Team up with power girl

Temporarily working at thedaily planet and having rivalry with local photographer leading to a JIMMY OLSEN VENOM STORY.

Consistently makes fun of aquaman

7th member of new 52 justice league instead of cyborg.

>Spider-Man team up with Flash
>Spider-Man team up with Cyborg
>Spider-Man team up with Colonel Sanders

If only.

Is there a source for this? Huge Spidey fan and I've never heard this. I can't imagine Marvel would have ever sold their biggest cash maker.

This is just for the sake of the thread right? Because I really doubt this happened.

Hell I don't even know of any cases where one publisher bought the rights to characters piece-meal like that

>As a Ditko created character, he might've been used in watchmen

Unlikely, the whole idea of Watchmen by the time Moore used the Charlton characters is that only Doctor Manhattan had real superpowers. Now you could argue Ozymandias is kind of superhuman but he's not comparable to the likes of Spider-Man and Captain Atom.

I think OP might've misread something. I remembered that DC was having problems in the early 80's that WB was considering letting Marvel have a crack at reviving the characters (Jim Shooter talked about it on his blog).

But I kind of like the idea of wondering what happens if a particular set of characters were placed in a different universe, like how Captain America, Bucky, and Red Skull exist in the DC Generations universe.

Now that I think about it, he would be in a MUCH better place in DC, and the DCU as a whole could've benefited from him as well. He wouldn't be in the same rut as he's in now because Slot wouldn't touch him, and the Clone Saga probably wouldn't happen so that makes the comics better by default.

Why can't we have these kind of crossovers anymore

He would've had better stories in the 90s

It was Marvel that was thinking about buying DC. Marvel's been the bigger of the two pretty much ever since Marvel became Marvel in the 60s.

>Flash/Spider-Man team up
>Jameson still calling Spider-Man a menace but praising Superman
>probably butts heads a lot with Batman

I wanna live in that Earth now.

>Peter and Jimmy being pals
I like this.

Please, DC can't even keep their own characters a in a good place. He would be a directionless mess, worse than he's at Marvel.

This. Even as a massive DCfag, I have to admit that DC will always be second place for the world (even if for me Marvel is 2nd).

Alright anons.
In honor of this thread.

What would Spidey's debut in DC be like?
What are his introductory stories?

I remember reading a story in which Spidey teamed up with Batman to defeat Ra's al Ghul. It was excellent.

DC is doing the same 90's shit that Marvel got themselves into, and they BOTH abuse the shit out of variants now.

>Lets pretend the deal went trough and discuss how spidey and his cast would be integrated in the DCU

Supposing this happened in the early 80's would that mean Punisher and Cloak and Dagger get included in the buyout since at the time they mainly made appearances in Spider-Man comics?

Describe in detail how pissed Batman was in dealing with Spidey.

He didn't favor the jokes. Business as usual I guess, I barely remember it since it was Kingpin dealing with Ra's to help heal Vanessa.


A mess? Probably. Worse than where he's at right now? Hell no. Spider-Man has always been a mess, but erasing Marvel out of the equation gets rid of Clone Saga, One More Day, Slott's entire run and the countless other bad stories he has. He could'nt possibly get worse at DC, Marvel has already given him the worst anyone can possibly offer.

Don't worry as a marvelfag I can tell you that now DC have have much better comics than marvel

Crisis, he is now a DC character.

>ruined Gwen's character
>top kek

She was shit from the start. Sorry user.

Why would he be pissed? They pretty much share the same code, which is all Batman needs to tolerate you.

>Ben Parker is murdered the night that he and Peter drove to Gotham to see the flying Graysons
>Batman meets Spidey for the first time that night, figures out who he is and all that
>Asks Dick to keep an eye on him while he is with the Titans in NYC
>Peter eventually becomes a member of the Teen Titans
>he and Dick become best friends
>gets made an honorary member of the Batfamily
>dons the black suit when ever he comes to Gotham
>Perry White and JJJ are bitter rival, as are Lex Luthor and Norman Osborn
>Clayface and Mysterio knew each other before becoming criminals, they both worked on the Clayface movies that Basil is known for.

Honestly there is a lot that could be done with Spidey in the DC Universe without limiting him to Batman and Gotham.

>Not Spider-Ham and Colonel Sanders
One Job user.

I agree, up until One More Day happens. If DC bought Spidey then, I'd have been happy. It was at that point the Marvel let him go to shit.

>Spidey/Jaime team up
>Peter's got the symbiote and Jaime's got the scarab
Literally perfect.


Now this I like.

Joe Quesada.

Literally the reason.