If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
>they breed the most, instant population solution
>instant peace in most of the world
>Europe instantly purified except for a few errant niggers
If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
>they breed the most, instant population solution
>instant peace in most of the world
>Europe instantly purified except for a few errant niggers
It would be really hard to get a food delivery here.
It would create a mass epidemic of disease throughout Asia and Africa, killing off half of China and the lesser developped Asian countries, as well as probably the entire of Africa. But after that the soil would be fertilized for agriculture, or even a nature reserve the size we haven't seen before, which could benefit the environment as a whole. But then again, the resulting free space could lead to wars.
If you count mudslime food as food
Christian Jordan and Israel would fight for all the desert that the mudshits left
>implying kebab kebabs are food
>If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
As my fellow belgian said, it would probably lead to a cold/hot war between West and China / Russia for newly freed ressources in the ME / south asia.
Stop living in Vienna
>It would create a mass epidemic of disease throughout Asia and Africa
The Asians would just burn the bodies.
I wish it was only kebabs.
They also run every pizzeria but one that delivers to me.
Without Muslims I'm left with one Chinese place that is utter crap to the point where their food isn't only store-bought but not even heated properly, one OK chinese place with high delivery charges, one meh pizzeria and one Schnitzelhaus. Oh, and an Indian that is too stupid to find my house and then yells at me in foreign.
I wish I did. A lot easier to get non-Muslim food there, because more places deliver.
I live in a tiny village. Only places that deliver are from the next two cities, and only a few from there.
Most of them Muslim, because they don't properly calculate what a delivery will cost them.
cleanse your village with fire and learn how to cook
>implying burgers are food
they breed the most? i thought that was mexicans and africans
I can't think of any major down sides. Australia calls dibs on Indonesia after the bodies rot. We need more lebensraum.
>no more terrorism
>criminality is reduced by half
>Half the prisons in europe are empty
>the abysmal heatlhcare is reduced by half
i dont know if we really want to live in this world
There are zipcodes in NYC that have contributed more to humanity through science and technology than the entire Muslim population of 1.6 billion people.
They have only ever won two Nobel prizes and one of them was a Pakistani who shared it.
Their entire culture has been a waste of space for at least 700 years.
>they breed the most, instant population solution
dont think so, Indians and Sub saharan africans breed more
I met a nice Bosniak girl the other day.
She is nice
She is smart
She is pretty
She also hates the typical muslims
I would miss her
No, Muslims are the fastest breeding religion. Even nogs can't keep up.
You'd instantly erase 1.6 billion mouths and most of those contribute nothing to the world anyway. At least the chinks build things in factories.
There's large parts of Asia who are interbred with Muslims/Middle Easterners. The Indians can't keep their streets clean from poop, a few hundred thousands corpses and that place will fall. The same goes for Western China, which is largely Muslim, and very difficult to reach soon enough for countermeasures. All those little mountaintribes and towns, gone.
I'm not sure about places like Indonesia, Philipines, Thailand, where many are Muslim. I'm pretty sure they aren't equipped and wealthy enough to take care of an epidemic on their own, as Europe will not be able to help (since the ex USSR states, Turkey etc and the millions of Muslims in Europe will be enough to keep us occupied.
There really isn't that much intermixing though.
Places like Bangladesh would just have to be left alone for 6 months until the bodies have rotted away, but anywhere with a Muslim minority could deal with it pretty easily. Genocides have killed millions in single countries and much of the evidence was destroyed.
Thailand/Singapore would probably take Malaysia and part of Indonesia, India would take Pakistan, Europe would take North Africa and China and Russia would come to a deal over Central Asia.
>There's been world peace everywhere but Africa and the Middle East
If it wasn't for them there would literally be no wars.
How about you learn to cook for yourself you fucking abhorrently degenerate oxygen thief?
Muslims are worse than niggers, the world would be a better place without them.
Everytime i go outside, i see women wearing burkha with 4-5 kids. 10 years ago, only few thousand muslims lived in my city but they are now 14% and reproducing like cockroaches.
Only downside is that it would be difficult to sanitize. Bodies take time to cremate and mass graves wouldn't be sufficient
The ensuing land war would be pretty Jewish
Not really. There would suddenly be a lot of space to fill out in the middle east. Just dump the bodies in the desert
Thats the goal for islam, to make every person in the world a muslim.
They are acheiving it by simply outbreeding everyone else.
And once your country turns into a muslim majority country they can implement sharia law by democratic vote.
>inb4 "hurr durr conspiracy"
>Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said “no Muslim family” should practice contraception and urged women to have more children.
>Speaking at an educational foundation in Istanbul on Monday, Mr Erdogan said: "I say this openly: We will increase our descendants, we will increase our population.
Am I wrong though?
You youself have said it, there were hardly any muslims in your city and now they make up 14% of the population.
And that is the case all over the world where muslims migrate to.
Don't worry about Indonesia, the Dutch will take care of that
Nope, you aren't.
Did you watched the webm?
It's also a problem in Myanmar (Burma)
That's not a conspiracy. I'm a Muslim and I can confirm it's true.
We're encouraged to have like 10+ kids so Islam can spread all over the world.
Literally none
However then we'd have to deal with niggers
Err why would you assume this would kill the mudslimes in Europe too?
There would be war to decide who controlled the middle east and her oil.
Israel would be able to expand unhindered.
Without the constant need to interfere in the middle east the USA would need another target in order to maintain its military industrial complex.
A lot of 4channers would have nothing to shitpost about.
The closest shop to my home would have to close, forcing me to walk an extra 10 metres to the ones run by Polish folk a little further on.
Averaging 5 trips a week and taking in to account that I'd have to also walk 10 additional metres per trip to get home, that's 100 metres extra walking I'd average per week.
I weigh around 70kg and for every mile I walk, I burn around 100 calories - this equates to roughly 100 calories burned per 1600 metres.
What does this mean for me? Every 16 or so weeks, I could get myself a Kinder Egg, enjoy the chocolate and play with the toy without any detrimental effects to my physique. Playing with the toy would probably expend calories, potentially helping my physique improve further.
The world would be a better place.
Not once the Jews lose their Muslim armies invading the West
crusade pls
If you throw in hindus aswell then we've solved ocean pollution AND overpopulation.
Please do it.
>If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
yes, imagine the giant mess and having to clean up all those dead and rotting bodies
once that's done it'll be nice though
>killing off half of China and the lesser developped Asian countries
that faggot like mudslimes
No, it wouldn't since the shit they normally make wouldn't even qualify as food.
really enjoyed this post mate
Possibly. But not because of the benefit we gain from muslims but because of the wars that will start for their lands.
>jews still alive and in control of america and europe
>instant peace in most of the world
Choose one.
>If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
What if they just sincerely converted to Christianity or became atheist? That would solve all the broblems, wouldn't it, goy?
trust me white goyim, Jews and Muslims hate each other, honest :^)
Jews really hate those Muslims :^)
Half of africa is Muslim, and have you seen Pakistan/Bangladesh/Indonesia/London?
Fuck yeah. Then we take Papua, Figi, Vanuatu and Samoa.
I hope your island sinks.
one billion corpses would cause another mass plague. think of the cost of removal, and to ignore the wills and burial wishes of those people is to lay down a very bad legal precedent. Minorities in muslim areas would most likely not have the numbers to hold infrastructure together. the upper class would claim the land as their own and rent it to the underclass, leading to a massive wealth gap and the reinstatement of slavery.
I'd rather we just sterilise anyone born after today, and if they don't like it they can simply take antidepressants like any other mopey moaner.
>tfw gf who I love is a secular Turkish muslim born in the United States with two successful secular Muslim parents
Hard mode lads
If I convert her to Jew will she be saved?
>If every Muslim suddenly died would there be ANY detriment to the world?
If by detriment you mean massive worldwide celebration the YES
Convert her to the religion of your choice.
It wouldn't be that difficult.
But i don't really know since they are muslims.
The chances of a new golden age of Islam would become 0
>what is 1976
new guinea would get access to centrelink. do you have any fucking clue what would happen. Oh my god.
also fiji is a part of india.
The chances of that are already zero.
easy. raise your children as secular fascists.
If, in turn, Israel was left alone and accepted as the Jewish homeland ALONG WITH having every Muslim return to their Muslim land there would peace.
One of the biggest diseases that diaspora Jews suffer from is Jewish Guilt.
The very reason they marched for Civil Rights, but never once protested properly over the Pogroms or mistreatment of Jews in Europe - they feared a backlash of anti Semitism.
It's a disease that's a result of being exiled from Israel for nearly 2000 years.
Send EVERY Muslim back to their Muslim countries and accept Israel as the Jewish homeland - letting every Jew return there - and see how peaceful the world would be then.
Our leftists need a wake-up call.
Fuck that. A totally depopulated North Africa and Turkey could be colonized by whites, bringing about another white golden age and letting us compete with the Asian populations.
It would be the best thing to happen to the white race, ever.
This just further reinforces my belief that mudslimes are horrible and if the white race dies out Asians are next in line to continue humanity. Seriously after Asians humanity is fucked.
I'm sure the nuclear power plants alll across the middle east would fare great!
You mean young kids in high school could get jobs again which helps them build future career discipline, a savings account for college, etc instead of some foreigner shit skin stealing the jobs?
Pick one and only one
Japbro how was muzzies in Japann
>half of Africa gets pacified due to islamic terror groups not existing anymore resulting into much less nignog refugees
>people will be able to fly again from one country to the next without going through 100 visa checks
>everyone feels safe again
On the other side
>can't buy shitty kebab anymore
>Israel gains a fuckload of territory and becomes a powerhouse that could easily rival the US and EU
Fuck no. The world would be such a wonderful place.
>Playing with the toy would probably expend calories, potentially helping my physique improve further
The map is kinda bullshit though.
Chinks aren't muslims and have been at war with them for quite a while as well.
they only relevant thing that would happen would be economic collaps in the western world due to the markets suddenly dissapearing in addition with resource deliveries (like oil). It would create a huge panic, big crisis, some dead people and a "normalization" over time, probably 1-2 years do adjust to the new circumstances.
Of course we would send our own people to their countries as fast as possible to keep the resources flowing. Other countries want to do that too and it would result in a new colonization and possibly war. After the normalization, it would also lead to a big economic boom and population expansion.... Those who benefit most would probably be China, Russia and India though due to geographics.
I dont see all the relevant countries sitting at a table and calmly decide who gets what. But the small european countries should get their part. I would create a state like switzerland, but only for white people and with 4-5 different languages, i.e. English, German, French, Italian and maybe Polish/Russian. Each language/ethnity will have their own area working together but 100% white. Population for that country as a goal of 50-100 million. There is enough space available.
No muslims in the world, humanity thrives.
>rustled about insult to Islam
>French flag
not if you leave indians alive :)
Chinks are not white, which is what the map demonstrates.
They aren't trying to outbreed us though.
That does not make the map bullshit.
The world would be a less violent place. I would consider moving back to my homeland. Overpopulation wouldn't be a worry for awhile. Plenty of criminals would die to since in US prisons they convert to Islam. Terrorism as a whole would decrease by a large margin. Oil companies would be happy and would employ workers to work the drilling platforms. OP I'm just seeing Pros here. Perhaps you want to list some Cons to Muslims disappearing.
I mean the Jews would expand, but that could get all the Jews to migrant out of our lands to the new Jewish super state. A place where they are mostly in one spot.
They also don't get benefits from us and feminists and leftists aren't lobbying for them.
I can understand latinos, arabs and blacks getting thrown into one category but chinks mostly aren't poor and in general keep to themselves.
The map literally shows where whites are and where non-whites are.
You're interpreting it incorrectly and then you're saying that your incorrect interpretation is bullshit. Congratulations.
Let's say that happened. Immediately, the Middle East would go almost silent.
Once the quagmire of violence ends in the middle east, another major power or force would occupy the land. Be it the United States, China, Pastafarianism, etc.... Someone has to be there to take the oil.
>Israel gains a fuckload of territory and becomes a powerhouse that could easily rival the US and EU
At which point people will become fearful like they are of Russians and stop propping them up. Israel becomes its own sphere of influence and the rest of the world works to combat them without the implications of helping Muslims.
The only reason Israel is backed so heavily is opposition to Muslims. Once that is gone, then traditional tensions between Christians and Jews reemerge and Israel gets its aid cut.
Especially if Europeans colonize Turkey and Egypt.
Oil would probably also disappear, since it's a direct product of muslim faith.
Good German. Believe in Merkel when she says we cant live without muzzies.
It's one thing to opt for the blue pill, but why oh why must you wash it down with the kool aid?
Europe would claim Constantinopel and most of Turkey
Russia would claim everything between them and Syria
Israel would claim everything surrounding them including the arabian peninsula.
India would claim Pakistan and Afghanistan
The 25000 Zoroastrians still iving in Iran create Neo-Persia
Africa stays a clusterfuck
He's right about a market panic caused by oil shortages though. It would be temporary but people would lose their shit if 99% of the middle east just died and oil doubles in price for a few weeks.
> 25000 Zoroastrians still iving in Iran create Neo-Persia
Ahmed really ficky fickied mit deiner kopf didn't he?
The rest makes sense, just can't see "Neo persia" existing.
Oil supply wouldn't even stop since it's manned by westerners ( arabs can't into even rudimentary tech ).
Mate, you are talking to an oil EXPORTING country. We don't give a rats ass about muzzie oil. Besides, I'll less than half a day before you've flown down there to run the oil-wells yourselves.
Why not kill off all of China?
Nope. Much like with niggers, it's only be a huge net plus to the world
israel would have fieldday allday everyday
I dunno, I don't even think Israel even would want USA Jews,