American journalism

American journalism.

Fuck off, why can't you cunts just hurry up and reclaim Israel and stop bitching about Burgerland.

What is a never-nude?


Your playing their game by asking.

can you say what media this is from so i can never visit it again. Jason Linkins sounds like a fucking retard

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

someone who's never nude, silly

So they wrote an article about how he wears a bathing suit in the shower?

I appreciate you, a lot


every goddamn time

Freedom of press, both a good and bad thing

Press =/= news

Please educate me Aussie

What's the difference?

a column with a personal opinion is not News?


News isn't biased clickbait, it's reporting the facts.

Well we can't change the freedom of press amendment but maybe trump can help put a new amendment in to prevent biased news or something idk

If that's even possible

How's old donny gonna recover from this one? Who woulda thunk a baseless slam piece making reference to a 13 year old TV show would btfo the wall man.

Holy wtf. I hate Jason Bateman now

There's no need to, at worst this sort of junk is slander and there are laws in place to deal with it.

Also you can change amendments silly goose.

Somebody that sleep with underpants and take shower with a swimsuit.

>Does Trump masturbate to Lebanese finger paintings?
Oi Sholmo, where can I submit this and earn my shekels?

lmfao what

Is the editor a stereotypical balding, bearded cuck with a bad eyesight?

They would have to take off their underpants eventually and be at some point naked you stupid retard.

Babies have been genetically engineered to develop underpants during pregnancy.