Sports fans are cucks

How cucked does one have to be to watch NFL, NBA, etc? You're supporting a system which allows even low tier benchwarmers to make $400k minimum just for being able to throw or catch a ball.

Your white ass would have to dedicate his life to becoming a cardiologist and work yourself to death just to match the salary of some ball catching dindu, kek. Meanwhile they're banging endless 10/10 blonde women while you come home to a used up 35 year old former Stacie who wants your doctor beta bux.

This is assuming you even become a doctor and match their minimum salary. Most likely you'll be making way less.

People who watch and support professional sports = biggest cucks.

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Really makes you think senpai.

B-but watching sports allows me to be more social and therefore get laid easier... It gives me something to talk about with coworkers.

Fuck I'm such a normie

Those low tier players can school any player in any other league. A 12th man on a NBA roster will start on any college team.

Hockey is based and is still the white man's sport

>Nascar too

I never really liked watching sports.

>everything I dislike is cuckoldary

Sounds like you're just low energy famalam

Sup Forums

>cardiologist and work yourself to death

Doctors don't work hard stupid. They traded off 8 years of hard work in college for a life of great reward for next to no effort.

E-sports is what real alphas watch.


Its always weird when i see fanatic sports fans. They never played the sport on a serious level, but they are crazy about it. Very odd for someone like myself that has played a sport on a serious level who would rather be actually playing the sport than sitting and watching it.

Yeah, real alphas.

You know, I am so uh amazed at these LOSERS! Out there on the internet and I’m talking about people that uh… on these 4chans sites and uh on th-the people that write me when I’m doing the convention stuff, these ASSHOLES!!!! WHO COME AT ME AND WHINE AND BITCH ABOUT THAT I’M UHH A-A-A L-LI-LI-LIB-LIBERAL KEK!!, LIBTARD KEK, UMMMMM A SH- DEMOCRATIC SHILL AND ALL THIS CRAP and then I look on their profile and see all these… terrible things that they have said to other people ga- you know, using all sorts of t- derogatory language and anti-Semitic and all this stuff and they come at me and say that they used to be a FAN OF MINE! AND HO- THEY CAN’T LI- STAND ME ANYMORE BECAUSE I DARE (deep breath) EXPRESS MY OPINIONS OR I-I USE UHH MY COMEDY IN DIFFERENT WAYS THEN THEIR-L—THEN THEY LIKE. and anyways so THEY GO ON AND ON!!! FROM THEIR LITTLE FUCKING!!!! BASEMENT and then when I go on the air here… and when I come on and im on… fac- and im on this uhh office hours which I announce put out there publicly, these LOSERS!! These LITTLE PIGS!!! Don’t have the GUTS… they don’t have the BRAINS probably they don’t the uh-uhhh mmhmmm….. well they don’t have the GUTS frankly to call in and challenge me in the flesh, in person. They just sit and they SQUIRM…. And they squirm and they're so PATHETIC!!!

Its about your city having a team, a team which you love and wins you championships, creating awesome memories, and giving you many reasons to talk shit to othercityfags who cant handle the bantz.

Sorta like Nationalism

>just for being able to throw or catch a ball.
Do you honestly believe anyone can come in off the street and participate in an professional NFL teams training camp?

Absolutely. Sports is the ultimate bonding activity. I don't have shit in common with most of my family, but we enjoy the same sports teams, and that gives us something to always share with each other.

It's basically the only common thing that we all still share, even though our lives have all taken us in vastly different directions.

Participate? Sure.

Succeed? Different story.

I'd really like to see the first day of pads with the people off the street.

I agree I don't get it. Bores me to death. But it's probably better than watching the hopelessly cucked news media like I do.

Lucky for us these brainless roid niggers will be broke and back on welfare 2 years after they retire. It's like pottery.

>Sorta like Nationalism
Except you're rooting for a bunch of niggers.

In Norway and most of Europe, we've got soccer. The problem is similar, in that players are bought from other parts of the country or from other parts of the world, though unlike American sports, most players are still white. Anyway, the only thing you're rooting for is the name. 50 years ago, most players were locals, so back then you were actually rooting for your own people.

>everything I don't like is retarded

>Now I live in Chicuckgo and Chicagofags talk that shit but out-bantz them daily

I'm just competitive. Its like the basic male instinct to wanna compete

Except I said Hockey nigger. You probably never heard of it since all the good Euro hockey players come out of Sweden and Finland

Anybody who watches spectator sports is a stupid normalfag anyway.

Seriously how stupid do you have to be to be entertained by watching men throw and chase around a ball for three hours?

Are you actually dumb? There isn't a physician in the united states that doesn't work less than 50 hours a week, with the mean being 60. During residency 70 hour work weeks aren't uncommon.

>Except I said Hockey nigger.
No, you didn't, you star spangled faggot. There's no mention of any sport in your post.

Also soccer is gay

>"I don't understand sports or athleticism."
>"Therefore, everyone that does is cucks."

>not watching dumb niggers and white trash give themselves brain damage for big money which they will throw away on whores and stupid shit like cars and (((bling))) which stimulates the economy

It's Darwinism wrapped in Capitalism. Every red-blooded American should watch all contact sports. Sports like divegrass and apehoop don't count because it's just faggot actors who fake injuries.

The only time u would watch 300 pound niggers running around a field, is if they were being chased by lions.

Athleticism is a positive genetic trait that should be promoted and passed down in a population.

The problem is, our culture puts athletes on a pedestal from the time they're 5, allowing them to get away with being total dumbasses their whole lives.

Every parent wants their little Timmy to be the next big thing.

THIS. Couldn't agree more. Few things piss me off more than idiots wasting time with this stupid shit. AS if it mattered in the slightest. IT matters less than nothing.

You being competitive has nothing to do with watching sports. NOTHING. You can't control the outcome of a game at all, and even if you could, so what. The team you likes won a game. Big fucking whoop. Spend your time prepping or reading history or hell, spending time with family. Life is short, don't waste it on a bunch of coons making millions chasing a ball around a field. Sports are cuck tier distractions for the masses. Just like ancient rome. Don't look over here peasant, look to your bread and games.

I do play sports thats how I stay fit. My bug-out-bag and preps don't mean shit if I don't have the strength and stamina to carry it however the fuck far I need to and survive the coon hordes. Sorry I enjoy some peasant games to keep morale high in the meantime.


random literal whos aren't the ones banging 10/10s all day
the bottom of the roster that's making the league minimum usually only has a 3 or 4 year professional career since they're not good enough to move up the depth chart and its cheaper to pick up a new literal who from college and give him the minimum again

Playing is not watching. I was referring to watching only. Playing is good exercise and can't complain about that. Keep morale high, thats somewhat a positive thing, but don't let it rule your life. Not that you should let politics or anything like that rule your life either but, forsaking things that matter (constitution etc) for sport is exactly what the elites want you to do. Just saying.

All I watch/play is hockey

>supporting a system

It's on TV whether I watch it or not, son.


Anytime I meet a white dude who's into NFL/NBA, he turns out to be a blue-pilled cuck.

Not, it quite literally is cuckoldry.
You're supporting black men, making them rich and famous, so they can live out their dreams of fucking hot blonde white women.

The point is to be an athlete yourself and not live vicariously through other people's athleticism

The same could be said about any entertainment. Tv Shows, movies, video games, sports, etc all get rich by you sitting on your ass and watching them. Its just some peoples preferred method of entertainment. Shit. I don't really watch tv anymore except for sports.

A lot of people who play sports watch sports. I refuse to believe anyone is jaded enough to go out and play sports, but not watch a big match on tv.

>mfw gladiators on live tv soon

I'm a gym rat who is also in to running and cycling. I've never watched any pro versions of those sports. Not interested.

You fall into the former nerd category and probably lift to compensate for all the bullying though. Odds are is you dont have many friends minus your former high school buddies that you talk to on Skype every now and then.

Nah I'm actually very active in running and cycling groups and met my wife in one of those. I ran competitively in college but am now sort of a gym rat who put on upper body weight since my track/XC days. I'm basically a normalfag who doesn't watch sports.

I grew up with a kid from elementary school to high school that got drafted one one of the last rounds of the NFL. He was the first kid from my no name high school to ever be drafted.

His draft prospects were low but he got picked up with a 400k base salary and a 1000k signing bonus. He played on the team several years with a 100k raise each year be played.

He ended up not doing shit and barely played any of the games. He got cut after a few years, drafted by another team was cut then drafted by a different team that did outstanding that year and then was cut the session. He had more playing time but never did much.

I haven't seen any team pick him up since last year and he is now a free agent. Does this mean his NFL career is over?

I wish more people would give baseball a chance. It's built around capitalism and there's a 162 games a year so there's no real luck involved since everything averages out over the course of a season. If there was a redpilled sport this would be it.

>A sport
Pick one and only one

Games are stupid long and slow paced...literal fatties play the game....

Op you are right im going cold turkey after olympics...i should get like 6 hours back a week

Why can't white men ball anymore? Kevin Love was embarrassing in the Finals, and there were no white NBA all stars.

In fact the super bowl MVP and NFL MVP were also black dudes.

Why can't white people "just catch balls?"

>watch something on TV
>"literal cuckholdry "


Try driving 209mph around angled curves with no power steering no ac in a low tech car driving car. No? Get your sissy ass back to formula 1

Ah, the scourge of jew nig ball, where they're all black, owned by jews, and still cry racism at white people being coaches. And the jew owners get cities to pay for their stadiums. Fuck pro sports f making heros of dindus

Playing sports is fine and great fun with friends.

Just sitting and watching it has always felt weird to me

>even low tier benchwarmers to make $400k minimum just for being able to throw or catch a ball.
Someone is upset his dad never took him out back to throw a football around.

Also the 'unwritten rules' preclude showboating and generally acting like a nigger

>preclude showboating and generally acting like a nigger

Is that a big issue in other sports?

you simply don't understand america. we are rooting for the team that is owned by a white man, coached by a white man and led on the field by a white man for the glory of white men at the expense of black mens health. the only one that is getting cucked is the nigger that is going to die at 40 of CTE for a paycheck they will piss trough in a few years.

It's why I stopped watching the NBA

I can`t understand is why you consider basketball a true sport?
Besides a few (every sport has gifted people) they are slow as fuck in speed and in reflexes.
It takes 5 seconds to score.
Defense means shit if you have precision.
They don`t develop endurance.
You don`t have to go past the defender.
Everything is a fault
Precision + being tall > everything
Here a footballer (a true one and we have tons) can dribble and outrun US basketball players and we aren`t the best in football but the disadvantage of a 6 feet guy vs an average 5 feet guy who hates basket is notorius at some point in the game.
There has to be thousands of Spud Webbs in your country but they dont`t make it, weird right?
Here basketball is a beta sport (only the weaklings, unfit or curious footballers play basketball), alpha sports are "soccer", "football", hockey, gymnastics, wrestling, box but we suck at the last three and we don`t have the facilities for hockey or "football"
i`ve seen your "awesome promises" in youtube running, jumping and being praised and we (Peruvian athletes of ANY race) have almost the same capabilities without training 6 hours per day, without having a proper diet, medical care, personal trainer and we also had good grades.
"Fuck off spic you suck at olympics". kek our athletes don`t have your tech, facilities, med care (pool recovery, ice baths. doc) and they don`t get paid, the best got a profession by their own merit because being a sportsman in South America isn`t worthy.

Many of your countrymen may not be praising a god but they are praising players of a shitty sport and they fight for their "gods" and you should target this problem after the elections.

At least in the NFL it is. They can't make a play without at least a 10 second dance off. Sometimes they even hurt themselves celebrating.

Maybe its not a sport. Depends on your definition of sport. Who cares though?

I can't tell you how many times I've seen some loser who thinks he is clever saying that NASCAR isn't a sport, or that they only "turn left", etc. Try coming up with some new material instead of parroting every other retard out there.

People like to watch others achieve glory.

I'm not one of those people, but this cuck like social trade off has been the norm since forever op.

>There has to be thousands of Spud Webbs in your country but they dont`t make it, weird right?
Because Spud Webb can't play defense? You've only ever watched his and Nate Robinson's rare highlight offensive plays, go check out Webb's stats then go look at somebody like Elton Brand.


The average pro sports career is something like 3 years.

Yeah, 1.2 million is a lot of money, but these guys have no money management skills at all and tend to go broke pretty quick. They also have no real skills outside of sports ball, so they're fucked after their stint is done.

Sports are just an excuse for a city to come together and be a community. Stop being such an individual there snowflake.

>hurr durr players on the bench are worthless like me

Underage effeminate closet case detected

Baseball is awesome.