What happens immediately after Saudi Arabia is nuked to oblivion?
What if Saudi Arabia were nuked?
Julian Allen
Caleb Young
Call of Duty Ghosts
Owen Rivera
>what if a bunch of sand and hadjis got baked into chunky glass
who fucking cares
Jacob Bailey
Saudi would nuke back. If the magic box was destroyed Pakistan probably shoot theirs too.
Jose Morris
We'd all go to war with who done it. Basically Iraq war 3 on vacation in irradiated Saudi
Parker Parker
big boom?
Jordan James
both of them lack ICBM capability. they only have range to attack neighbours or use gravity bombs. which then get shot down by NATO forces.
their nukes a shitty compared to ours.
they nuked Yemen and still get their asses kicked.
Aaron Martin
It would be extremely painful.
Ian Williams
Owen Perry
For Yanbu