This man is truly the prophet.
This man is truly the prophet.
Going sjw doesn't make money?
Lol, sjws are jobless millennials going into fucking social work or women studies. Of course it doesn't make money when your readership has no money.
Carlos Slim is going to assassinate him. He owns New York Times, and if you've read Ann Coulter's book, you know he has a lot to lose from Trump stopping illegal immigration from Mexico.
Trump knows a failing business when he sees it. Never doubt the Donald.
Eh, they'bve beeb losing money for years like any oher newspaper, but their all-out white guilt stance didn't help, even upper-class liberals have limits to how much demonization they'll tolerate.
That's how it was supposed to be until trump
>the failing New York Times
I am going to be honest here. There are some things that are talked about that are not seen much. Sometime it seems that Trump has things to say. Hillary Clinton, however when she says thing almost talks slow. If one thing can be learned from this election it is that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Sometimes I seriously wonder if Donald Trump knows what he did. Bernie Sanders knows all about it. The policies talked about are not going fast. One thing that is for certain is that Gary Johnson is gonna be there, there is no doubt about it. I often hear supporters saying that healthcare happened, but I only see things going one direction.
Let's be honest. I know exactly what I am talking about.
Add it to the Trump Effect image!
Aw, who are we kidding? If the NYT starts going bankrupt George Soros or the Mexican that owns CNN will just buy it up on the cheap and keep it going.
HAHAHAHAHHA Jesus Christ thank fuck
THey've really come out of the woodwork this election tho, moreso than ever before
5 notifications a day from their app about how their in-depth research on how Trump is literally Hitler makes man want to kill himself desu
>People don't want to read fiction on a newspaper.
Really makes your neurons fire
Emperor bringing the end of the lugenpresse. Hail Trump.
wow its almost like you were a dislexic trump lmao funny "ay lmao" as you all say top kek!
Leftist papers want to support bankers, because afaik most of their staff come from the white elite that are making oodles of ill earned money, but they also want to pretend they care about people so your average fat, smelly retard out in the suburbs pays for a subscription.
What a balancing act. Basically impossible. Good riddance.
Wow, I thought nyt were the winners of current age in media. Not long ago they bragged how many digital subscribers they had. Wasn't enough it seems.
Unapologetically biased SJW piece of shit news paper losing ad revenue. Gee... I wonder why.
Print media will be completely obsolete and a relic of the past within 5 years.
Feels good man.
My mom and I used to read the New York Times back when I was little. It used to be pretty good.
About 2 years ago my mom got the subscription again and she started reading it and was appaled about how awful they have gotten with the agenda pushing. She immediately canceled it.
It's pretty sad.
Why does the media think SJW are profitable group to pander to? From comics to movies and even the news, they just are not profitable.
>Print media will be completely obsolete and a relic of the past within 5 years.
Self appointed pundits have been saying that since 1995. They are still hanging on.
nowadays the news is sent from the white house to the apponted newsroom propaganda officer and right to the presses. eirgo no reporters needed. amazing how Obama and Hillary use the hilter and stalin methods to control the media and very few people care.
i wonder how many of them were collecting 0.1 shekels here, shilling for their Ramen diet, while missing out on the the BoonBusters movie
You've got to give them some (((credit))), some do believe their own bullshit and will make sacrifices to signal their moral superiority.