Burgers yes!

burgers yes!

Other urls found in this thread:


They're going bankrupt, Pat. It's alright.


>Sex, dating, clothes, relationships, politics, sex, women—men have opinions about all of these things. And yet, there’s nowhere on the internet where you can go to read them. That changes today. Welcome to The Cuck, a pop-up, bespoke men’s site, for men.

>The Cuck is a site dedicated to exploring modern masculinity in all its myriad forms, and over the next few days or until it is apparent that we have not been able to attract a really loaded sponsor (P&G please call us back), you’ll hear from some of the most thoughtful men—and non-men—working in media (Gawker Media, specifically) today.

>What differentiates The Cuck from all those other men’s interest sites out there? We like to think it’s our emphasis on not being Bad. Unlike other men’s interest sites, The Cuck will not write about watches—unless there is a really good watch we want to write about, obviously, in which case, we’ll do a post about watches. There won’t be any gross, objectifying stories about female celebrities, either—just stories that celebrate them for saying smart things in interviews or appearing in Paul Feig movies, that also might occasionally mention how they look, in a complimentary way.

>But mostly, lots and lots of personal essays, which women have really cornered the market on lately, have you noticed? It seems like it’s about time for some men to also do those!

>Basically, imagine if there were a Gawker for women. Then, imagine a version of that, but for men. That’s The Cuck. Welcome. We hope you enjoy yourself, especially if you are in charge of marketing at, say, Diageo.

>TFW a liberal website posts better conservative satire in one day than Sup Forums ever has and ever will

is this fucking satire

>The logo is a black cock


you should have enough of black cocks in france pierre


>Follow me into the bathroom, I want to tell you a story about my life.

Now here’s the hard part: You have you wait to hear it until I’ve adequately voided my body of its waste, in whatever form it is holding at the moment. In this bathroom, my male (biologically or otherwise) friend, you and I are not standing sneaker to sneaker, shoulder to shoulder, bent elbow on arm attached to hand holding respective penis to bent elbow on arm attached to hand holding respective penis at the great line of porcelain patriarchy we call urinals. You’d be handling your own on your own while I’d be yards away, only faintly aware of the melodic tinkle dribbling from your wiggle.

For you see, I always sit down to pee. And yes, it’s political.

As a man, I go through the world feeling its weight on my shoulders. I would rather society not tell me that it expects me to be so strong and virile and active and pouring sweat and carrying around lumber all the time, but it does, and like a good man, I listen. It’s exhausting. I need all the resting time I can take, that’s exactly what I’m taking when I take my pees

This is satire right?

Essentially, it is a trick site. They are feigning an interest in the views and voices of men so that they can then begin, as they put it, "exploring modern masculinity in all its myriad forms."

What does that even mean? Simple answer there. It means that they want to deconstruct "toxic masculinity" by feigning concern for the opinions of men. Once the men have spoken, "equality activists" ((third wave feminists) will then engage in a dialogue (shaming session) with men to "challenge" their ideas (setting up the narrative that men are the violent supporters and perpetrators of the patriarchy, while also painting women as the virtuous victims who have come to save the men from their "toxic" ideas).

They have no interest in men, men's issues, the suffering of men, or the current state of gender relations. In fact, the entire purpose is to reinforce dogmatic feminism through a less vitriolic channel by pretending to extend and olive branch to men.

It is a fucking Trojan horse, of sorts. Fuck that.