hey canadians of Sup Forums, I'll be moving to toronto in a few weeks, is there anything I need to know before I go? what's the culture like in toronto? are there lots of gooks there? what about spics?
Hey canadians of Sup Forums, I'll be moving to toronto in a few weeks, is there anything I need to know before I go...
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Toronto is a great city! When do you arrive?
I don't know, we're not allowed to go outside/interact with other humans/voice opinions.
Koreatown is a really fun place.
around second week of september, this is the address
>1. Toronto Street, Toronto, Canada
>like is there only one fucking street in canada
I am going to be honest here. There are some things that are talked about that are not seen much. Sometime it seems that Trump has things to say. Hillary Clinton, however when she says thing almost talks slow. If one thing can be learned from this election it is that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Sometimes I seriously wonder if Donald Trump knows what he did. Bernie Sanders knows all about it. The policies talked about are not going fast. One thing that is for certain is that Gary Johnson is gonna be there, there is no doubt about it. I often hear supporters saying that healthcare happened, but I only see things going one direction.
Let's be honest. I know exactly what I am talking about.
>is this even shitposting
are they near the city centre? or quite far out?
what's the public transit like in toronto?
Not yet. We gotta kill Trudeau before he lets them in.
the transit is good at least the newer buses and trains, the older ones don't even have air conditioning. Korea town is close and you can get to it using transit.
>moving to canada
good goiym
Do not move to Toronto, lad. Toronto is the Detroit of Canada. It's the Australia of Canada. It's the London of Canada. It's the Berlin of Canada. It's the stockholm of Canada. It's the Paris of Canada. You won't find any dogs or cats on the menu.
Since you're a chink you're better off moving to Vancouver. It's the Hong Kong of Canada. It's the Seoul of Canada. It's the Beijing of Canada. It's the Manila of Canada. It's the Australia of Canada. It's the Pyongyang of Canada. It's the Tokyo of Canada. You will most likely find dogs and cats on the menu.
yes, but can I smack little seals as a hobby?
There is lots of hip-hop culture from all types of minorities so you'll see some young 'thugs'. There's a lot of hipsters with beards drinking lattes and craft beer. Also a lot of Asians pretty much everywhere you go.
There's so many restaurants here that you will never get bored. Now we have marijuana dispensaries everywhere if you want to smoke weed. Lots of music events of every genre you can imagine happening here.
It's very safe here, no one here worries about pickpockets or having someone steal your phone if you leave it on a table in front of you.
I'm pretty sure every South Korean here wears clothing from the Supreme brand.
No seals in Toronto. You will see a lot of these guys though.
You're gonna love the Yonge and Shepherd area
Stay the fuck out of Canada. We don't need more fucking chinks.
Lots of chinks sandniggers, all women are stuck up bitches who won't give you time of day. Everything is too expensive and almost everyone is miserable. Have fun
this is pretty accurate
The good days of Rob Ford are gone. The city will go to shit in 2 years. Good luck OP. Here in Ottawa isn't much better though
Also moving to toronoto, but next week
When you say chinks do you men qt asians like the ones you see in a jav or do you mean the average ugly souless chink that goes through plastic surgery in south korea, like pic related?
Also what are the chances of me getting mugged by sandniggers while walking down the streets at night?
I am assuming that they would be lower than they are in hueland
You won't get mugged because you're a 3rd worlder and they can smell your huehue-ness
It's a shithole for fucking white males like me.
Since you're not one, idk.
Good food is about all we got.
Its gay.
Toronto is like completely separated from the rest of the country. You won't find a more cucked city in the country.
Toronto is literally full of shitskins.
Pakis, somolis, sihks, tamils, and every nigger from the third world who wants in canada.
also there is whites but they are literally walled off in gated communities like they live in south africa.
>gooks there? what about spics?
First, you need to learn the language. We call them Canadians. Use the term Canadian instead of spics, gooks, niggers, wops, etc. and you'll be fine.
Learn to suck off dogs instead of just eating them. It's a time honored Canadian tradition past down throughout the centuries.
>Clearly not a Canadian
See, it's easy. This is a proxy or a Canadian traitor. We never use hateful language and are extremely polite. Canada is the opposite of Sup Forums.
Say sorry even if it's not your fault
Fuck off eastern Canada faggot
Stop being a giant parasite.
shut the fuck up nignog, koreans are cool. never met a korean dude that wasn't chill as fuck
we don't want anymore chinks though, chinese fucking people (aside from Hong Kongers) are rude as fuck and extremely douchy
Why do you hate so much? Did you lose your job or something? Did your wife leave you for another man?
Fuck off faggot. I'm a Canadian in toronto and I hate niggers chinks and the mudslimes go fucking kill yourself kike
Sure. You sound like a frustrated little kid who got his candy taken away. Toronto is a great city full of culture and diversity. A great example for every other city.
Sure if your End game is following Detroit's footsteps.
>"what's the culture like in Toronto"
Ha ha ha ha
Detroit isn't as culturally diverse as Toronto. That's probably why it failed. It didn't help that the auto industry there became noncompetitive.
Toronto culture: BLM. Head for MTL instead, Or vancouver for "Asia central"
This pretty much.
Lots of Asians, lots of niggers and Indians too. Downtown Toronto is mainly Asian/white, which is nice.
Windsor is our Detroit
Toronto is our New York
Rob ford was a great man. He Wanted Toronto to buy the buffalo bills.
Toronto fucking sucks. Be prepared to spend far more than the nation's average just in living costs, and be ready for the biggest cesspool of far left SJWism you'll experience. Not the worst place in the world, at least in some parts, stay out of the slums and brown people areas though.
user's right. If detroit had Canadians or Quebecois or even Canadians of asian descent, You would have seen tons of restaurants and small buisnesses pop around.
If you go to a Western 1st world country as a foreigner from a not-western 1st world country uneducated people avoid you like you're the fucking Boogeyman, and people want to be your friend as the token racially diverse friend, as long as your ethnicity is a small minority where you are.
Detroit is full of niggers, that's why it failed. Toronto is white/Asian
Yea, avoid and (have fun trying to do so) the dune coon muzzie and nigger areas. If you're redpilled you won't eat in an camel jockey restaurant either, do your part by not supporting camel jockey small businesses.
Romania's been through it.
just off keele
QFT my pharmacist is from Hong Kong, rather her parents are and she really dislikes people from HK stating how rude and full of themselves they are.
chinks are chinese
>MJ despensaries
not anymore
one included mark emery's canna-culture on queen
Top KEK.
Yes this "diversity" and "multiculturalism" helps contribute to the city's way above average crime rates, muggings, daily shootings and just general nog-ness of the city.
That's just because of all the hate. If people would accept each other and have a fair share of the wealth, there would be a lot less crime. And guess what, crime rates have been going down over the years as people started to accept each other.
Another victory for multiculturalism, diverse communities and mutual respect.
Haters are unfortunately part of the problem.
>Outspoken marijuana advocate Jodie Emery, who is an investor in Cannabis Culture, tweeted that the store, which is located at 711 Queen Street East, would re-open Thursday and that a news conference would be held in front of the shop at 10 a.m
There are quite a number of them in the city that didn't get shut down.
Forgot the source
Koreatown is easily accessible by subway, and it's not that far out from downtown. I've never been there myself but it seems nice enough. We also have a larger Chinatown and we even might be seeing the beginnings of a Little Tokyo downtown too.
Fuck Toronto
jesus, some of you canadians really hate canada/toronto