I'm not saying I'm against him. I just personally don't have an opinion on either Trump or Clinton. I see a lot of support for Trump here, but I also see a lot of people claiming that half of the Trump support is ironic or bait. Could someone give me a summary of why Trump is getting support and why Clinton is a cunt? Cheers, mate.
Why do people support Donald Trump?
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Because Sup Forums thinks it would be hilarious for Hillary's plant to win.
I am going to be honest here. There are some things that are talked about that are not seen much. Sometime it seems that Trump has things to say. Hillary Clinton, however when she says thing almost talks slow. If one thing can be learned from this election it is that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Sometimes I seriously wonder if Donald Trump knows what he did. Bernie Sanders knows all about it. The policies talked about are not going fast. One thing that is for certain is that Gary Johnson is gonna be there, there is no doubt about it. I often hear supporters saying that healthcare happened, but I only see things going one direction.
Let's be honest. I know exactly what I am talking about.
Trump's tax plan has nearly every American paying less taxes. I used his tax calculator and my dad who makes 40k a year would pay 5k less in taxes a day under Trump.
I ran it for Hillary, it said he would pay 100$ more.
I ran it for Bernie, it said he would pay 2000$ more.
per year* not per day =)
That doesn't sound right, Hillary's plan is status quo + 4% over $5 million.
Don't you remember just how much worse things were going before Trump came into the scene? How everyone was cautious to go against the leftist establishment? The amount of brainwashing going on? Granted, it's going on right now, in full force. Those in power are trying everything they can to set the narrative. But people are waking up.
That would've been hilarious, yes. =
put simply, if you have any understanding of the world, ffs.
America is in decline. What was once the largest middle class in the world has been decimated. The middle class was the bridge between being poor and being wealthy, that bridge has all but evaporated.
The driver of this evaporation is neo-globalism. China with it's cheap labor has soaked up all of America middle class, all of America's growth. Others like India, Vietnam and Mexico have also benefited from cheap labor globalism at the cost of the US middle class.
So what we have now come to the turning point between someone who wants to reign in neo-globalists and try to save the middle class, and someone who really doesn't give a fuck about the middle class or what that means for America's future.
Hillary want's a two tier upper class (funding the politicians) and a lower class (powerless wage slaves)
Trump wants America fighting again, fighting for a brighter future, America first.
It's not hard to see.
the shit tourists used to be middle class Americans, that's no longer the case.
It was an ironic meme that got out of hand. pretty funny though if you manage to disconnect yourself from the actual consequences of a Trump presidency.
This you assclowns.
Cruz was the plant. He failed. Why do you think the mainstream shill media is shitting themselves right now. The establishment is losing its mind.
because hillary make america become black/latino hellhole
If american elect hillary
They'll get what they want soon enough
A spic/nigger majority country
and then it will crumble to shit like
every other spic/nigger majority country
The irony of the trumpfags is Hillary is hated by so many Americans. Any republican except trump would be thrashing her in the polls right now. They've supported the one candidate which will cause the election of Clinton.
Because trump is the only choice. I can give you reasons endlessly but the bottom line is we won't keep our freedoms if Hillary is elected. It's globalists vs nationalists, fuck red fuck blue.
>Any republican except trump would be thrashing her in the polls right now.
No, because the polls will be just as rigged, and without the enthusiasm from Trump supporters, many of the scandals that Clinton is involved with would not have even surfaced to begin with.
>Any republican except trump would be thrashing her in the polls right now
Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy
Senate GOP And Democrats Save HUD Regulation From Defunding Measure
Ted cruz , jeb bush , romney, paul ryan support Obama policy
Most of GOP establishment is same as democrat hippies
there is reason why 1.4 million people vote trump in primarie
t. Shill
Yeah, do people forget that Trump hung out with the Clintons a lot in the 90's? Like honestly would not be surprised if he was just trolling her
It would be Hilllariously Mental to see cunt behind the bars.
Best Korea
>I just personally don't have an opinion on either Trump or Clinton