why do you guys insist on having high testosterone? you're probably just going to end up beating your kids and yelling at your family
why do you guys insist on having high testosterone? you're probably just going to end up beating your kids and yelling at your family
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I don't have such things. So my testosterone only makes me physically stronger and my dick healthy as fuck.
Does triple h have low testosterone since all his kids are girls?
I certainly don't insist on it, but I'd prefer it.
It's the difference between being a man or a less glorified woman.
This coming from a skeleton.
Usually by the point men are settled down and raising children (prior to the modern era of degeneracy) They're generally at an age where their body gradually produces lest Testosterone
Testosterone is a fucking meme, I have it relatively high (787 ng/dL) and have a squeaky voice, little to no facial hair and non-existent muscle mass at 25. I exhibit all behavioral patterns of a low-test male. Bro-science tier.
>People believe test makes you aggressive
You've become weaker, Sup Forums.
Because I've learned that whatever the (((government))) issecretly trying to do to you, do the opposite. And decreasing testosterone to emasculate males is high on their list.
Immediately trashed
Part of it is absorption. Those high levels are probably because your body doesn't process what you make very well
Lay off the krokodil vlad and maybe that will change
doesnt low test makes you anxious and irritable as fuck?
Are you physically active? Do you masturbate alot?
Exercise can help and fapping lowers your test significantly.
Fuck off with this stupid shit.
>mfw baby face twink
>very deep voice
>hairy as fuck
what the fuck went wrong
>Are you physically active?
Do you masturbate alot?
Yeah, if you have low test that means you're low test, and if you have high test that means you haven't absorbed enough of it right?
It's all in the fucking genes.
not an argument
Beating your family raises your testosterone, not the other way around.
Oh, gee, another attack on masculinity. Then we get the question about why guys won't man up and marry used up whores.
Coming from a happily married man, who has been happily married for 5 years.
Fuck you and your cult leader.
>logical argumentation is a cult
look at this retarded 80iq fat fuck
by "better father" they mean better male-mother
so if you don't want to turn into a pansy nu-male you should stay away from crying babies, duly noted
OP you just have to have self control to go with it. Testosterone can be good for you if you just have the presence of mind to go with it, instead of being an instinct driven automaton controlled by hormones.
as with many things, there's a too much and a too little.
Yea this last month Sup Forums has become nothing but bluepilled cucks.
I'm sure your wife's son will appreciate having a low-test stepfather.
low testosterone will also turn you into a cuckold with the muscle mass of pasta and give you a dick that can get as hard as melted butter
>their partners reported that they helped around the house more often.
Reminder that if you do this you lose the right to call yourself redpilled. Housekeeping/homemaking and the bulk of childrearing should be left to the woman if you're poor or to an employee (or both) if you're not.
>low test may make you a better father
>article includes picture of a dude with appreciable muscle mass, facial hair and masculine model-tier jawline
Yes, ladies, we believe you.
>doesn't beat his kids
>Low testosterone may make you a better father
In terms of America's ethnicities, last .gov papers I read said
>Whites average Test average Estro
>Blacks average Test high Estro
>Mexicans high Test average Estro
Mexican fathers are shit.
Black fathers don't exist.
I have questions.
>787 ng/dL
how do they measure the amount absorbed then fag?? u just have shit genes
Test levels don't affect the sex of your kids. They think it's the age of the eggs that does it - impregnating a woman later in her cycle seems to yield a higher proportion of female births.
Losing a lot of hair due to high test and I'll be bald by 21. At least my father had his hair till he was 40.
"Not an argument" is an adult version of "I know you are, but what am I?", and is used by design to falsely discredit what someone says without offering a legitimate rebuttal. It comes in handy when you, say, can't defend your own positions, a lot like pic related:
In other words, like when you're defending a cult.
How quickly Sup Forumslacks rush to the defense of a catchphrase. It's like you've been conditioned to.
>Yeah, if you have low test that means you're low test, and if you have high test that means you haven't absorbed enough of it right?
>It's all in the fucking genes.
Yeah, the genes that determine how well you absorb test. Some people are high test and can absorb it well and some have low test and can't absorb it well. You're looking at two different things here and instead of being calm and rationally, you're acting like a drunken subhuman
When you become a father, your testosterone drops by 20% flat.
Biology takes care of itself
Are you huffing paint thinner? What the fuck is the legitimate rebuttal to "Fuck off with this stupid shit"? There is no legitimate rebuttal because it is not actually an argument and that's why you were rightfully dismissed.
I read the article. It was bullshit.
Testosterone (fathers) and estrogen (mothers) play very important and complementary roles in the upbringing of children, which is why it fucking WORKS as a formula in all animalia, and always has, and always will. Endorsing a surplus of one or the other is tantamount to egging on single parenthood. Eat shit, degenerate.
yeah, it was pretty bullshit how they derive "good father" from having testosterone levels temporarily drop during specific situations with a baby
Myostatin levels. Google it.
sooo you're saying you don't need arguments in a discussion and if someone thinks arguments are necessary they are part of a cult?
You can't be this stupid, I must've misread something.
ahh you thought you made an argument, lol i don't know if that's any better
i would be a bad father. i dont like things with free will
>Have high test
>25 and 26 ml testicles
>Full beard and mustache that grows super fast.
>Gain muscle very easily
>Bass voice since age 9
>Hairy ass fuck, but blonde so not so noticable
>Genuinely don't get scared of anything, very stable mood.
>Married 6 years
>2 kids
>Only buy healthy food
>Try to spend as much time as possible with them.
>Only take them to best doctors
>Never changed a single diaper
Everyone tells me I have the ideal relationship, that I am the best dad they've ever seen, my wife tells me she wishes she could have had a dad like me.
i kinda like having high testosterone except theres 2 problems
>i have hair everywhere
it doesn't stop
>litterally get so fucking angry and horny for no reason if you dont blow your load in a while
but on the upside
>parasympathetic muscle growth
oh and gotta watch for hair loss
but just keep combing it and u be fine child
True that. It slows down once you get about 30 tho.