explain this trumpfags
lmfao what are you gonna do when trump loses? hahahaha
explain this trumpfags
lmfao what are you gonna do when trump loses? hahahaha
thank you for correcting the record :)
i would rather trump win than clinton. not going to vote for either of them though. legitimately wondering how do you idiots think he actually has a chance of winning?
wow, thank you for correcting the record, i almost voted for trump... thank god i didnt, thank you for opening my eyes based ctr user :)
I am going to be honest here. There are some things that are talked about that are not seen much. Sometime it seems that Trump has things to say. Hillary Clinton, however when she says thing almost talks slow. If one thing can be learned from this election it is that Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Sometimes I seriously wonder if Donald Trump knows what he did. Bernie Sanders knows all about it. The policies talked about are not going fast. One thing that is for certain is that Gary Johnson is gonna be there, there is no doubt about it. I often hear supporters saying that healthcare happened, but I only see things going one direction.
Let's be honest. I know exactly what I am talking about.
Explain? You underestimate Sup Forums's powers of denial.
give me an actual answer. how the hell is trump going to win? instead of just spouting memes
Trump is clearly winning
Guess i'm a #cruzmissile now
Wow this sure has discouraged me from going out and voting! I sure wouldn't want to someone who might lose! Thanks for correcting the record :)