>Earlier today, the German police released statement regarding raids that took down far-right websites across Germany in a fell swoop as the police arrested administrators for propagation of hate speech. >One site, Krautchan, notorious for it's racist content and Polandball memes was specifically targeted in the raid, and can no longer be accessed through it's address.
Krautchan, biggest German imageboard, raided and taken down by police
Other urls found in this thread:
Krautchan, known for it's vulgar and disgusting racist content. Good thing they shut that pit of filth down.
Almost got me
what the fuck happened to krautchan? it's still down ffs. will Bernd ever recover?
Genocide the Germans. all of them.
I used to go on their /k/ and laugh about their weapon laws. Good times.
Stay cucked germany
Germany is kill.
RIP Bernd
I used to visit KC a lot before it went full kc tier, but from about two-three years ago it started submerging deep down into a chthonic abyss of meme- and shitposting, so I'd say nothing of value is lost.
Still, I pity Wojak. Dk if he visited kc lately as often as he used to, but it's unlikely he'll find a new home as welcoming as kc on any other imageboard.
well, heres to 12 years of shit posting and hate speech from our based krauts
Enjoy 10 years in prison for an internet comment
How much time do I have left before they come for me?
Merkel has already been declared the worst Chancellor in German history, how much worse will it get? Bets, anyone? Will Germany be in flames in a year? Five years?
>tfw Germans are trying to destroy free europe for the 3th time
proxy hohol go away
Krautchan sucks lmao
Germanbro will be gone from here soon as well when Merkle bans Sup Forums in Germany.
Just don't let them catch you alive and take as many of them with you if the door rings
Seriously? This is big. Where did the users relocate?
>every post on here could be my last
What a feeling. Praise cunny when I'm gone. Tell people to go back to eddit.
Oh gosh I'll miss you lads.
Where are the krautchan refugees?
With what? No funs.
I remember a few days ago, when somebody started a thread about Krautchan being down for a day. I kinda went "uh oh" but didn't think anything else of it.
Well shit.
a tumbleresque echo chamber inhabited by clincially infantile autists jerking off to traps and drinking their own urine. quite possibly most toxic internet community outside of reddit, /r9k/ and poz fetishists forums
aw c'mon, merkel is Obamas dog, we aren't at fault this time.
get inna woods eat some beans. you know the rest.
>I-It was A-Amewica's fault!
>be german
>complain about ebil putin opressisch peasfulisch hoholisch
>get banned
>>Earlier today, the German police released statement regarding raids that took down far-right websites across Germany in a fell swoop as the police arrested administrators for propagation of hate speech.
fuck krautchan, this right here is fucking insane
For fucks sake. Stop pushing germans! Someone pushed germans too far once and we ended up with WWII.
In prison, for hatespeech.
Merkel has essentially reinstated the Stasi. Fucking commie cunt.
lol why does a union that is 95% white, arrest and prosecute their own people@!??!
Where will you go after they take Sup Forums down?
still, this is highly likely to happen in the near future
We're hosted in the US thankfully, so it's not happening anytime soon.
but all of those Germans with any modicum of dignity died during that war
German friends soon psychotic valide sultan Merkel will ban Sup Forums so you will have to use proxies/VPNs here nut unfortunately nobody is going to believe you are real kraut. Pick a rare country flag so we can understand you, act like partisans.
Thank god they didn't waste those resources arresting the rest of the Cologne rapists
Where else
They can't because the server is in the US. Unlike you cucks we don't have hate speech laws. If they actually tried, Hiroshima would absolutely win that lawsuit.
They already tried banning websites in Germany two years. Although the reason for that was to "protect children from bad influence".
Various ISPs were forced to redirect your DNS communication to a state DNS server, giving you a 404 whenever you tried accessing banned sites. Of course this incident was not covered by the local media.
Some of the banned sites were some of the more popular porn sites, all hentai sites, right-wing blogs and other minor websites of slightly "non-German" origin. Sup Forums was not affected by it for some reason.
A VPN helped bypassing that of course, and after a few weeks the whole project got scrapped for reasons unknown.
Serves them right for banning Finns, those fucking racists.
But in all seriousness, Germany has once again reached a new cuck threshold.
I don't know, I never spent a considerable amount of time on krautchan.
I am afraid Sup Forums will be the next victim that germanon will take. Scary how our government rather punishing hate speech than terrorism activity or mass-rape.
The problem is that there is no good answer. 4ch has been one of the most reliable English speaking chans. There are many alternatives but all are unreliable and wouldn't be a good refuge. I hope some anons can chime in
They are fractally cucked. At every scale of resolution, they are cucked
Find some eastern Europeans and aquire funs. Also ask the Muslims near you how to make some alternative methods of eruptive area based good times.
>protect children from bad influence
while pointing their finger on the evil homophobic russian, lets boycot the world cup because poor gays are opressed
"Hate" speech.
Remember that couple that got arrested for making a facebook group that said that migrants commit crimes.
Merkel is just in clean-up mode like she learnt from the commies back in her youth.
She doesn't want the people to know how bad she fucked up.
>go after mass-rape means admitting fault
>going after "hate speech" means shutting down those saying you are at fault
This isn't rocket science, kraut. This is just politics.
>everyone ITT taking this serious
Uuh, guys? Do you at all realize that the link is a 404? This story is made up. Krautchan is down all the time, sometimes for weeks.
Seriously, Sweden was working harder at it and had more time in. Germany just because more efficient. Fanatically so somehow.
Let them push, kurwa, let them push.
Just don't be stupid enough to still push into the wrong direction, if their pushing is answered in kind.
Assault wursts
There are plenty faggot, but Double4chan doesn't want you.
>hosting a political website in Germany
yeah, well, they should have hosted in a country that isn't insane.
>meanwhile pakis continue to rape your daughters
There are some good imageboards out there if you know them, and many are just lacking in a userbase. If Yotsuba ever goes down, users will just migrate like usual.
For Sup Forums specifically, I imagine most will immediately go to 8/pol/, where things will explode there, and a new imageboard for Sup Forums will be created while others seek shelter in small pockets on random sites.
Really, what would come is good because all the plebbitors would leave.
Yeah, the worst one is our provincial pm Hannelore Kraft covering up the whole NYE thing and just can't admit she fucked up. Instead she is blaming the police for the fuckups. No wonder when you think thousands of police employee are needed.
Alright lads if they come for me I'll make the news.
Give ideas
good. all kcmods belong in jail.
don't worry achmed they are already
how do they raid? early this morning police came into our building, I opened them, they just passed and even pulled out their guns. Do they execute frogposters on sight? Why didn't they shoot me?
Only dumb frogposters
good they can go fuck themselves
they have iraq range banned
Y.. y.. yes fucking germans starting world wars
so when is a politician, possibly a military veteran, going to rise to fame and bring prosperity and wealth and anticuckability to the citizens of Germany?
Act like a retard who can't speak a language, whip your dick out and start masturbating while doing a oompa loompa dance in the doorway, barring them from entering until they leave.
>Do they execute frogposters on sight?
Just imagine being in court and having all your posts read to you
>On June 7th did you write "Gas the kikes TAYTAY VULT"
When Hillary wins...
Typical retardet rigthwing bulshit.
They got arrested for preparing and discusion of murder.
You see saying you dont like refugees or pointing out crimes brings no onein to prisson.
All the comments in newspapper articels and youtube comments and fb prove it.
But saying to go and kill and set things on fiere is a crime in every civiliced country.
Tick Tock...
It's almost that time again.
the government relocated them to reeducation camps
what an orwellian shithole
Why is there such a pressure to close down EVERY right wing website?
The fuck is happening? Do they think this is a good idea to silence people like this?
Heiko pls
This is an outrage!
Krautchan is pretty pedestrian, at least Sup Forums is.
Yes, they do.
Kraut refugees start showing up speaking in their Kraut fucking language bringing all that cuck baggage over here.
I got one image for you
Soon no Germans on Sup Forums
Well, actually - the little prussian cripple-king, wanted that war either way, As did france. The plans that were used for the french invasion, were already drafted years before.
So the assasination of the future austrian kaiser, was only one of the possible sparks, with which to ignite the mess.
>banning right wing blogs
How horrifying. Thru are actively amd openly censoring political views they disagree with. Why don't thru call themselves the ministry of truth.
Other frogposters are scheduled when? Live near Berlin and could flee to Poland to host "far-right populist" websites.
Good, let them read out the truth about shillary and the globalists.
What a disgusting word.
The word German should be replaced by the word refugee desu senpai.
>convert to Judaism
>say I'm here as JIDF
>sue government for Shoahing me again
>Esther Shapira
Well either way, i blame germany for both world wars, austria was a victim.
>Earlier today, the German police released statement regarding raids that took down far-right websites across Germany in a fell swoop as the police arrested administrators for propagation of hate speech
Germans literally cannot give up facism and censorship of free speech. I remember when I was 12 and I used to be proud of my German heritage, then I learned it made me a racist nazi and I just identified myself as English/Scotish later in life.
KC went to shit some years ago when meme posting became the main thread type there
Is this b8
So, Merkel is reverse Hitler, acting against citizens of Germany :^)
just come to circleboard