How much hope is there for this man...

How much hope is there for this man? Even if he gets elected what are the chances the EU does to him what the Soviets did to Dubcek?

Other urls found in this thread:

I heard he was killed? He is still alive??

None, VdB will beat that racist nazi.


So much this.


I'm with you on that.

Consider suicide. We have IDs you know.


Those 4 Austrians know what they are talking about.

Have they still not had the re-election? Has Austria has been using VdB despite a court saying they were illegitimate?

Nice proxies.

They're not supposed to do the do-over until October. Right now the three presidents of Parliament, or whatever (of which Hofer is one), are functioning as a collective acting president.

who let Canada use an Australian proxy?

Australia is the original Canada. It's unfortunate but all the Anglo colonies in the Commonwealth became cuckolds. I blame our UK for being so awesome.

Pretty sure Hofer will get elected in October.
1. First round was super close, only 30.000 votes difference
2. Alot of people changed their mind because of happenings the past few months, many think we need to set a sign, that this can't continue like it does atm.
3. VdB said (after he got "elected") that he wont "recruit" (don't know how to describe it, but the Bundespräsident has to say yes to the Bundeskanzler, else the Bundeskanzler can't do his job) H.C. Strache (the head and face of the FPÖ) as a Bundeskanzler, which is a major turnoff for people. People vote for the FPÖ and VdB would say, no sorry, can't let you do that.
4. Lots of VdB voters simply don't go vote again because they are mad or for whatever reason.

I personally think it won't change much if he gets elected, but the thing is, we Nationalratswahlen next year and the FPÖ has a good chance to be the ruling force in our country.

Sry for bad englando just woke up

Had a big wave of posts followed by a drought, what happened here?

>3. VdB said (after he got "elected")
He said that before he got elected also. Which is a reason why many people vote for him. Can you actually imagine Bumsti as chancellor?

By the way, lot of non euros seem not to understand that the Bundespräsident is pretty much... I don't want to say useless, but ... not having any political impact at all.

Pic related, that's the Bundespräsident of Germany, I'm sure every non german relates Germany with him :^)

That's because Gauck is a cuck that refuses to rein in Merkel. I'm pretty sure your Bundesprasident can do things like dissolve parliament and IIRC Hofer said he would.


I know that he already said it before, but atleast I (pretty sure I'm not alone with that) thought it was just something he said so he can make the FPÖ haters horny, some election promise which people would forget after he got elected.

>3. VdB said (after he got "elected") that he wont "recruit"
The word you're looking for is "to appoint".

Aussie shills.

Regarding op's question, I think it will be another coinflip. But other than VdB, Hofer profits from every single happening. Whenever some sandnigger goes full durka, it's like a free advertisement for him. People aren't stupid, they see the connections.

But that's exactly how Trump loses in the US. Durka happenings don't propel him upward, if anything, he drops in the polls. What's to say the same won't happen over there?

>People aren't stupid, they see the connections
Not in my country they don't. I only hope you guys are different.

Trump is currently losing because he's fucking stupid and can't keep his mouth shut. There are several holy cows that you can't touch in the US and one of them are the veterans. Couple that with an intense smear campaign from the media and you get the current situation.

Hofer follows a completely different strategy. His aim is to appeal to the broad majority of the population, he actively tries to appear reasonable and likeable, thereby pulling his party further and further towards the political centre, without compromising its political goals.

So whenever Trump slams Islam following a terror attack, people can instantly resort to accusations of racism. But Hofer doesn't even comment on it, since the official campaigns haven't started yet. And if he comments on it, it's done in such a innocuous manner, that nobody can call him out on it. Rhetorically, Trump is a blunt weapon, whereas Hofer is a scalpel.

What is going on? Did he not lose already?

"irregularities" in the voting process were found.
The result was made null and the vote will be reheld.

147% voter participation in some places for example

Is that Assad?

It's Africa-tier tbph

The german system is very different to the austrian one, read up a little, Kamerad.

I am now a #ShillForHofer

Vote for this man and your right to carry





Hofer will win.

Its that simple.

Even moderate people I know are voting right.

I guess its gonna come down to which voters are more inclined to go and vote a second time, there is something called "voter-fatigue" like when the public has to go and vote for re-elections and such, and people often drop off.
So i guess mobilization of voters will be important, but it should be said that the gallups that have come out so far Hofer is in a lead
Atleast the ones ive seen on wikipedia

>He said that before he got elected also

he sandbagged and rowed back during the campaign, saying he naturally will pledge a legitimately elected chancellor.
When he thought he was going to president for sure, he fucked up and said it again he never will pledge strache as chancellor even when people voted for him.

I like what he pulled on the Temple Mount.

I really hope that we had enough happenings that normies are fed up too. Even in public gatherings you often meet people like 'Psst, I vote Hofer'. This is a crucial time for Austria. The capital is fucked demographically and I don't know if there is still hope for it. At least the outer districts are nice, but the inner city has changed.. for the worse. If we don't get rid off all economic migrants we will end up as a minority soon.

The thing is that BBC doesnt report on things happening in smaller countries like Austria, but weve had an unprecedented wave of crime in the last months (WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT).

From young women/girls getting raped in well known spots, to swimming pool sexual emergencies, to home invasions resulting in murder, to even gang warfare between immigrant groups in shady areas.

Austria has never been like this ever.

To such an extend that Vienna, the once safest big city in the world is now quickly becoming the next Berlin. The Turks have always been annoying and cunts, but they are easily managed if you are fit/confident and watch your back.

Refugees/Immigrants are unpredictable. You could get stabbed.

Austrians are by nature very xenophobic (not racist), so its only natural that there will be a response. There is no sugar coating what is happening in Europe and especially now even when Germany has realised that if they dont act very soon, there will be massive swing to the right.

Mark my words, Hofer will win.

Seems like the way forward has been paved for Hofer then
Now its just about using that momentum in the right way, for example Turkey is now threatning to break the refugee-contract that EU has with them, i guess Hofer should ask the Austrians if they really want a situation like last year?

I sure hope, friend. I love this country and I hate seeing it go down the drain. I'm not running away like a coward.

Hofer will win, unless Mold people, communists and Farmers decide to throw their resources together to rig the election.

Erdogan mentioned "Austria the European heart of racism".

Austria will try to block the Turks at every turn. Back in the 00s, it was Austria who veto'd Turkey's Eu membership application.

Younger anons wont know that.

>Austria will try to block the Turks at every turn.
gotta love you guys

Pretty much every politican in Austria , no matter what party, said fuck turkey, we don't negotiate with them

There is no winning against Arabic birthrates.

Es ist vorbei. Ich vertschüss mich nach Neuseeland sobald ich meinen Master hab.

The entire Turkey thing is already being addressed by the current ruling parties. They know that the vast majority of Austrians approve of a hard anti-Turkish line, so that's what the Social-Democrats and Conservatives are running with at the moment. The FPÖ can meanwhile just sit back and keep spouting their "I told you so!".

The ones that are currently being torn apart are the Green party and by extension Van der Bellen, since they haven't yet had a possibility to assume a clear position in the debate. On the one hand you've got the entire islamophile cuckery, but on the other hand the Greens also have a hard-on for Kurds, which has inhibited their ability to assume a clear stance on the subject.

Every single thing, both internally and externally is going just as Hofer needs it. It mainly becomes a question of mobilisation.

Gut weg, wer braucht solche Verräter wie dich.

Lets Pray to kek that this user will become a hero.

Was genau soll ich verraten?

Die Österreicher haben selbst gewählt.

The Austrian Bundespräsident has a lot more power than the German one.

It's just that so far no Austrian Bundespräsident did actually make use of his constitutional possibilities.

This could change with Hofer.


>Was habe ich verraten
Wenn du es selbst nicht weißt, bleib weg. Und Bitte gib auch deine Staatsbürgerschaft ab du dreckiges Stück Globalisten Scheiße.

This time he will win for sure.

This will trigger new elections of the parlament and Fpö will be in the goverment.

Then Merkel and eu can gtfo

Hofer being elected in October is highly likely. Main reasons were stated above already: VdB reenforcing post-electionally that he wont appoint an FPÖ-chancellor and of course the latest happenings of crime and islamic terrorism.

Im sure Van Der Bellen and leaders of ÖVP and SPÖ are praying right now that there wont be any more terrorist attacks until after the election
every attack is like the riverfall slowing eroding a rock