We have to bring back the triumphant feeling we had when Trump was winning the primaries against all odds. The Brits won Brexit, the SD and FN and PVV are on the top of some of their polls, and Trump is going to do it here. youtu.be
Don't lose hope!
Other urls found in this thread:
We need Trump redhats. A group with the ultimate goal of being paramilitary but instead we do good deeds before election. Volunteer, clean parks, soop kitchens, help old ladies cross street, dance to 80s music. We got to bring back the 80s too, that will get the nostalgia vote too. How do we play this meme?
boys, i think i may be on to something here
When Trump says "Reagan" crowds go absolutely wild. I'm not that huge a fan myself, but I see the political value in it. And, I suppose it was the last time we felt like we were winning.
>dance to 80s music. We got to bring back the 80s too,
you really went off the tracks there, sir. up to that point you had a pretty decent idea. Imagine cleaning up a local park and then getting assaulted by hilldogs. of course the "real" media would ignore it or play it as us being the bad guys, but the internet routes around that sort of damage.
reagan was a fag, but alot of people idolize him. im talking 80s culture nostalgia, would be a strong ally and appeal to women
yea but i get my best ideas when i shitpost, think we got something to work with now. Lets talk meme logistics.
What are you talking about? Trump is absolutely killing it. I love the shilling that's going on, because it shows how scared the Shilldogs are.
Trump is killing it but having reinforcement voters CAN NOT HURT! We gotta do some good deeds and make it go viral. whose down? lets get some puppies in here, maybe volunteer at animal shelter?
>i get my best ideas when i shitpost,
Yeah, I hear you. I have a poor opinion of Reagan mostly because MUH MACHINE GUNS but the normies seem to love him.
Yeah, I agree that in actuality he's still on the path to victory, but we have to keep trying to change the conversation back to being in his favor precisely because the other side is shilling so hard
women love the 80s too. Alot of bad bitches back then, will make their fem-testosterone go bonkers! Girls love dressing like 80s at sock hops and shit
If you have to rally your people to not lose hope, you lost already.
Trump red hats volunteer brigade.
>losing hope because shills are flooding the board
You calling me a faggot?
Yeah, I guess that was between the lines in some way.
thats one spicy meme, friend
This is a great idea. Get out of the basement boys and start helping out your community (while wearing Trump gear). We can make America great again!
We need a camera crew to follow us though. We can recruit from colleges?
>Implying I'm any less hyped.
bitch please
Good thinking.
The idea that shills spamming can undermine you reveals the fragility of your convictions.
yep, notice how i single handedley hijacked a shill thread and used to to suit our needs. Take notes, folks!
This is now a Hillary board faggot
Go back to /reddit/
nigger boy is mad that shill is losing, huh? ssadddd!
What Is Katrina Pierson?
Trump and his supporters like you need to get your heads out of your asses and accept that his campaign problems are at the very least PARTLY self-inflicted. Then you might figure out a way forward, but probably not.
How is this possibly a shill thread? I linked a Murdoch Murdoch video. Anyway, I agree with the red hats idea. My local GOP office is really pro-Trump and would probably actually go for that.
Mulatto. Raised by white family, though.
murdock murdock are shils too, they want us to like cartooons!!!
What drugs are you on cuck? Hillary has a double digit lead and is sweeping all swing states.
Kek, fair enough.
Whatever drug is best at helping u extorminate mass amounts of brazil niggers
Reminder that the cunt on the left was arrested for shoplifting.
In polls that themselves admit to polling more democrats than republicans. Also, the black vote will be lower this time and the Republican vote was up 80-120% in GOP swing state primaries. So no, it's bullshit.
some girls need minor thrills in their boring ass jew influenced lives. They grow out of it after dosing the redpill. A little shoplifting from shekelstein never hurt anyone
And? She stumps for Trump. Fuck off.
But the shills haven't undermined shit except for making Sup Forums a total shit hole.
My convictions are very strong.
Like I trust a single God damn thing that comes from american media.
Brazil shills are dumb as fucking monkeys.
Hillary will be you're next president. Deal with it.
ur right. can i still register dem? can u send me resorces on hiliary?
i like 2 back th winner
I have a tendency to assume every Liechtenstein poster has simply done a bad job choosing a proxy. There are only like 37,000 of them.
omg how sick is this woman? now she's lost her neck???
Just buy a shirt and the whole world will see you're a fan.
Why should I waste any more energy on this guy when he is losing bigly and isn't doing anything too fix his own campaign? I'm done. Just going to go back to normal shitposting.
Not your best work, shill. Maybe do some more research on how to sound like a normal dude and come back in a bit. Also, "bigly" sounds retarded.
Yep, you caught me. I'm #shill4Hill. $666 was just deposited to my account though so at least I've got that going for me. Also, fuck off.
Get real. You NEETS aren't going to leave your homes.
Just put up my Trump/Pence yard sign. Feels good man
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the Jungle with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
> PVV are on the top of some of their polls
All of them.
The polls are rigged anyway. Trump was up 4-5% after the RNC then somehow he dropped 15 points after the disastrous DNC and the email leaks that showed the entire primary was rigged? I simply don't believe it.
How about worthless relics?
Response rates are under 10%. Polls refuse to die... but they need to.
Yep, that's it: rigged polls. Couldn't possibly be that your candidate is a worthless loser who's way out of his league. SAD!