Why must diversity be pushed in every single aspect of pop culture now? What is the end game for this strategy?
Why must diversity be pushed in every single aspect of pop culture now? What is the end game for this strategy?
More advertising dollars.
Full art of the card
>Cost is 2, White and a Black
Wow, it's absolutely fucking nothing.
Dissolution of ethno-nationalism.
OP must be a noob to magic. It has always been diverse you tard.
if he wanted to complain about something maybe he should have brought up how Narset is canonically autistic
So having a Lycan skull fuck a lich is fine but a black criminal is outlandish?
>when you see it
>15.000 MTG cards
>There is niggers in some of them
You fucking mongrel
heres a tranny
>Black character
>Is a criminal
It's right fucking there and you missed it.
You're an American, how didn't you put 2 and 2 together? Common core?
Real diversity includes diverse opinions.
My complaint isn't just with MtG. Its on recent pop culture as a whole. I don't recall in the 90's it being a big deal to not have black or latino or gay characters in a movie or something. SO why the sudden change?
Meh, WotC just wants to make money and avoid controversy. The SJW lean on them super hard for some reason so they buckle and throw them a bone every now and then. They don't really give a fuck and will swing back when the pressure eases.
Innistrad had 99.99% ethnic European characters because it was Gothic horror.
Kamigawa had 99.99% ethnic Japanese characters because it was Japan.
With White being the "good" color, Black being the "bad" color, and Race being an actual in game term with goblins and elves and so on, they also have to be super careful.
"Geek" culture went mainstream
Then maybe you should have picked a more obvious example of forced diversity in the media. Choosing to complain about every single thing that triggers you because you think it affirms your existing beliefs isn't any different from what Sup Forums accuses liberals of doing.
>final solution
>negro planeswalker
>no way to make her more loyal
like pottery
>Female Ghostbusters
>Female Oceans Eleven
>Minority Female lead in new Star Trek movie
>Changing genders/sexual orientations of established comic book characters.
exiling her resets her loyality
The end goal is to divide to conquer. Break the families, break any attach except the one we have with the government/society. That's why we send our kids sooner to school, so they see the state as their family. That's why wifes are working now, it breaks couples and the amount of divorces is in constant rise. When you lose you identity and lose what defines you, you become an easy target for mass propaganda. How could you fight against the government if you have to join arms with niggers, arabs and spics? They want us to hate eachother so they can divide us. The only way to win is to force immigrants to adopt our culture or gtfo. Why would we let them do what they want when they will litteraly kill you for not wearing niqab in their country? The West has become beta and China is taking this opportunity to fuck us in the ass.
Wait, there are people with skin colours different from mine?
I don't really care for this art design--not fantastic enough at all.
In fact, looks like Star Wars or Firefly or something with the jumpsuit and simple realism.
cute for a negress, i'd breed her
There are alternatives.
>Star Trek had a black female lead in the 60s
There is no end game. Objectives for these various groups are too undefined or confusing to ever become reality - or in some they they already have.
This is a trend, a phase. The worst of it will blow over in about 4-5 years.
>invoke prejudice
How is this? Never even heard of it.
>New Rocketeer lead is a black female
This is a piss poor example of forced diversity. There's barely any black planeswalkers in the story and no one complained about Mirage in the 90's where every single card depicted niggers nigging it up like the nogs they are.
The card doesn't say it's a tranny and the official guide doesn't mention it either. Wizard's little fanfiction web novels don't count. It's just a woman in normal armor.
Phyrexian Newts were trannies.
I don't mind black characters, what I do mind is that they hired some black chick off a black community website to consult them on designing/fleshing out a black female character. (twitter.com
Like what? Are you so scared of backlash that you don't dare to create a character on your own like you do all the time and instead hire some black consultant? Fucking pethetic spineless faggots.
Just read this shit! wtf
>assassin that doesn't kill anything
Wew lad. Niggers are always shit at their jobs. Must've been an affirmative action hire.
Checked. And I've never played it but have heard it's a solid system if not particularly innovative (much like the traditionalist lifestyle, oddly enough.
I would buy a copy of it if I saw a store stocking it, if only to put a few shekels in Varg's loincloth.
>5 Tokens
>0: Bounce
I know why I stopped playing magic.
>black white combo one of the coolest in the game
>expect epic chaos spectre humanoid
Get strong independent female nigger. Thank god I quit this game 7-8 years ago, was a fun period though.
Mtg has already had an autistic planeswalker, black planeswalkers, gay characters, and transgender characters.
This isn't new.
noticed this in dragon age: inquisition.
thedas was a fantasy version of medieval europe, with each ethnicity having their own distinct look.
suddenly there's niggers all over the place. really broke my immersion.
Also, this is an unplayable black planeswalker who's a literal criminal murderer thief with shit tier abilities.
If anything, the sjws will complain more about this.
>playing MtG
Kys desu
mfw i have a legacy D&T deck and most of my creatures are females characteres
Really makes you think.
It's funny that she's hanging out on a stoop in typical nigger fashion.
Reminder that medieval Europe was 60% black, and counted Mozart, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Leibniz, Euler, Bach, and Newton among its countless black luminaries.
(((they))) are everywhere.
Who is Koth for 200$
so wait, IS SHE a ghost that kills people, or does she kill ghost?! i'm confused
This one is funny as fuck
both, sort of
Absolutely right except for "the only way to win."
Global and total genocide of non-European peoples is the only answer. We must have a holy war to eliminate the filth. And that holy war is coming, do not doubt it.
You will live to purge the earth of brown, yellow, and red.
Deus Vult.
I love mtg but you guys are just crazy
Phyrexian invasions and institutional racism were big problems in Tolaria.
Ooga booga *smacks lips*
Fuck da white raycis brago
*smacks lips* imma kill this racist mofuggah
>White being good and Black being bad.
That's sort of normal due to the whole Light and Darkness theme in almost any belief system save several
Also, black is the color of necrotic rot and decay. So usually poisonous or undead would fit that theme
>it's the year 2030
>after a hard day of construction work you drink a verification can and finally enter the VR
>this time you pick a new MMO since you haven't played any RPGs after Final Fantasy XX got banned for not having enough black transfemales
>create a white character
>sigh as you lose 60% of your stats because your character is not diverse enough
>continue anyway, this newfound difficulty could make the game more enjoyable
>the first mission requires you to deliver some crafting ingredients
>you close the map and set out on your way to the alchemy guild after getting used to the UI
>a few moments later some PoC under the name of xXKANGXx steals your handbag and tries to run, however he is stopped dead in his tracks as you kneecap him with a pair of ice spikes
>when you ask him what the hell he was thinking he mutters something along the lines of 'dindu nuffin, fkn cracka wizerd' and pulls a knife on you
>since talking doesn't seem to work you execute him right away so he doesn't try to mug some other unlucky adventurer
>suddenly your vision darkens and you see "GAME OVER" written in bright red letters
>your heart skips a beat as you remember the tragedy from 2024 when a certain cis white male PK'd a whole clan of black players and refused to apologize, which resulted in a few riots and eventual death of said white male at the hands of black mob
>you hear a siren outside and decide to take a break
>as you open the fridge both your back door and front door get burst down as the policemen pour into your house
>the funny thing is, according to them this house is no longer yours because it's been given to xXKANGXx after he accused you of racially charged hate crime
>you cry in relief as you were fully expecting the death penalty and ask the police to make it quick, you never know when white racists may strike again
God bless America
What wizco mean by this ?
Ghost Assassin is a title. Sort of like being very proficient at killing, being proficient at using stealth and kill without being spotted.
>Why can't everything be white?
Because white people are becoming a minority
i just checked it's even more blatant in my maverick build :((((
Does an illustration for a trading card game really trigger pol?
Oh it's a bait slide thread....got it.
hahah the frizzy haired negress is black/white
>more loyal
>can never go above starting loyalty without doubling season or something retarded
>nigger is a murderer
I see nothing wrong with this
This, if you create a character of a different background in that world, stay true to the world's setting, do not break already established canon.
>Conspiracy: Take the crown
Oath of gideon, proliferate, hardened scales
>Becomes more loyal due to harshne-help of white man