Why did so many high-ranking Nazi officers look Mongoloid?
Why did so many high-ranking Nazi officers look Mongoloid?
>1 post by this ID
>who are the Huns
Germans are Hunnic rape babies
Most of Northern Evropa are Finns in denial.
based Heydrich
Hitler's hangman
Maybe they were Finnish?
One dumb post by this ID.
The Czechs took him out early. Hitler and Himmler sort of got pissed off by that. But thy got theirs later.
Drug addict, had sexual relations with his niece
Fat, faggot
Morbidly obese, owned a luxurious estate where he participated in obscene orgies
Pedophile, led a batallion of gypsies, POWs, mental patients and convicted rapists who participated in monumental savagery
Wewuzian pagan occultist, muslim lover
Absolute beta who was bullied in school, looked like a Jew to the point other kids called him a kike when he was a schoolboy
Physically deformed and sickly, also a manlet
Serial adulterer
He doesn't look Mongoloid.
Nazis were German Supremacists, they didn't give a shit about White race.
Willing cuckold
t. Billy 14/88 aryan warrior
Germans have a lot of Slavic (mongolian) blood. Only the English, northern French, the Dutch, and like Danes can be contacted true whites.
Finnish genes
Anthropologist + European history major:
They do not look 'Mongoloid' - they have a small number of features in common with Mongoloid due to sharing a very similar environment for thousands of years, an environment that is the reason Mongoloids look the way they do at all. Humans adapt very quickly to their environments, which is an obvious observable fact. Races do exist, but there also exists a lot of phenotypic variation even within them completely not due to any kind of 'mixing'. Eastern Europeans are primarily the descendants of Caucasian Paleolithic hunter gatherers who have been living in northern Eurasia for 40,000 + years. Its a very similar situation with the East Asians, causing the epicanthic folds on the eyes, higher cheekbones, often smaller noses, etc. This is why people like the Finns, the Saami, and the man in the picture look the way they do. The Eastern Europeans have been suffering from crude assumptions of East Asian heritage for decades, but it simply is not the truth. This isn't to say that mixing never happened in the region, it is just blown out of proportion as a result of how many of them look. A lot of the blame can be put on 19th/20th century anthropologists who made such conclusions based on a lack of information. What we know about race has gotten significantly stronger in the past few decades, it's just that you don't see too many modern 'the races of Europe' being actually published anymore.
>willhelm II
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up ship my name is wilhelm but u can call me t3h Ka1s3R oF pRU5514!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very maritime!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet maritime ppl like me _… im 55 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 read The Influence of Sea Power upon History w/ my generals (im implementing personal rule if u dont like it deal w/it) its my favorite book!!! bcuz its SOOOO maritime!!!! theyre maritime 2 of course but i want 2 meet more maritime ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of allys here so give me lots of recruits!!!! PRU5514!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hitler had only got one ball.
Goering had two but they were small.
Himmler has something similar,
but Goebbels had no balls
at all.
You do realize Heydrich had Jewish blood in him?
Everyone knew this, but chose to keep it down as he was such a respect and important member of the Reich.
His nose is not Roman, but Jewish.
"Why did so many high-ranking Nazi officers look Finngolians?"
Some of the Finnish elites from the ancient Finnish Empire survived the Finno-Korean hyper-war and took refuge among the noble families in Germanic lands, until they found the right moment to rise up again, during the third Reich.
Really makes you think.
German "people" aren't white.
He didn't have Jewish blood, there is no proof of that. He just is mix of Dinaric and Nordic, that's why he looks like that, he looks Noric.
>He just is mix of Dinaric and Nordic, that's why he looks like that, he looks Noric.
No he's a kike looking faggot and besides your Noric, Dinaric phentoypes are outdated 20th century pseudo science which isn't used anymore.
>that denial
Keep crying, nigger of Europe.
>English, northern French, the Dutch
>Only true whites
Good joke
>Why did so many high-ranking Nazi officers look Mongoloid?
Broken eyelids from boxing in youth look like mongo folds for idiots.
t. has the same
Because realistically race doesn't mean much and Prussia and many smaller kingdoms around it weren't originally germanized
>of Europe
Based polack, fucking up the Sup Forumsacks
Heydrich was a quarter jewish. His grandfather was a jewish violinist in the viennese orchestra.
Idolizing nazis would be the most cuckold thing a Pole could do.
So if that were all, in fact true, you look even worse for being completely overrun by them.
> nigger of Europe
> South African
Hitler's aryan race were hapas. That's why east asians were honorary aryans
Genderbender cute loli Hitler anime when?