How do we stop her
How do we stop her
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Replace Trump with a homeless bum, I'd change sides in a heartbeat.
with stopping power
You don't and you can't
With true conservatism
Shes nearly dead already. Barely stand, strokes, old as queen Elisabeth I
Pretty sure she'll stop soon enough, at least her body will.
It's almost like she doesn't even know what she's doing and there's just a gang of kikes behind her using her as the puppet that she is.
She can murder someone on live TV and still get away with it.
Are you a wetback or a delusional fag?
With a flight of stairs
Why would you stop her? Can't you see this election is a win-win situation?
If Trump wins, yay for that, Sup Forums gets to celebrate for at least 4 years in a row.
If Hillary wins, yay for that, everything will go to hell in 1.5 years max and Sup Forums will be right once again.
Just be patient and watch it all
Keep uncovering more crimes. There's probably tons more.
i want this man killed.
seriosuly. fuck off 3rd parties.
go through the primaries or FUCK OFF
oops, wrong link
>obama one in 2012
>nothing went to hell
>the US economy has improved even while the world economy is stagnant.
hide her walker
Oh shit. Now I'm definitely voting for Hillary.
It doesn't matter. You can't kill the Hill
Her what...? There's nothing to stop except voter fraud.
definitely a faggot
He's killing the Trump. Dead serious I was about to change sides and shit. I'm a fucking spic and I was LITERALLY NO FUCKING JOKE about to totally say FUCK Hillary. And then this genius user comes along and starts fucking with me.
I swear Trump could have had one more vote. One more!. This dude fucked it up. HAHAHA
What kind of shit is that? he's ruining Trump's chances?. You guys need to get that faggot off your team because he's just dumb.
What is BLM?
What is ISIS?
What is noble peace prize?
>some gentleman on the internet asked me a question
kill yourself shillbott
IF she win Bye Bye Eisenhower's America
once Gentleman and lady's country will change
short-sighted spic/nigger and nymphomaniac whore country
America Productivity keep felling
America will crumble to shit like every other spic/nigger majority country
well , at this point
nothing you can do about it,
because baby boomer and X-generation vote hillary
YES - THESE Mother Fuckers always blame thier parent
and always being irresponsible narcissistic Scumbag
THESE Mother Fuckers Keep Ruining America until they die
Trump is deliberately self-destructing at the moment. Either he doesn't want to be president or he thinks that enraging a population of butthurt faggots so they turn up and vote will give him an election majority. All he's doing, though, is turning Republicans into Democrats. This is going to be a massacre.
Every day he comes up with some new stupidity. Today it's Obama and ISIS. I can't even handle reading about it any more.
I'm sure those second amendment people can find a way
>a guy who said a homeless bum would be better than Trump was totally a Trump supporter guise
Perhaps your family should be deported into the ocean?
I wonder how sad it feels that your entire livelihood relies on shitposting on the internet?
hahaha or worse! Back to mexico
A homeless bum is smarter and more noble than Trump is. My point is that I was on the verge, JUST THIS CLOSE to following my gut and going with Trump. My brain and logic tells me to avoid him but my instinct is telling me to go with him.
I was about to make the change and then this stupid faggot criticized me by calling me a spic basically. Quickly I was reminded that I won't ever fit in with the Trump camp. I just can't.
>what is OWS
>what is arab spring
>what is al qaeda
Nothing about BLM or ISIS makes them any worse than the plethora of problems we have had before and solved in due time.
>That flag
The irony is strong in this one
>homeless bum
>smart and noble
Australia, how about you fix your own country before you pay attention to our own election.
China's going to eat you alive very very soon, especially after Hillary is our queen so just start building your casket now.
I cant believe from what country this reply come from.
You still don't get it. a bum WHEN COMPARED TO TRUMP is basically a god. Trump is that big a loser.
Princess, if your feelings are that easily hurt, and you are that ethnocentric in your viewpoints, you would have changed your whimsical mind in a moment. The "I was a Trump supporter, but..." schtick has been used since back when there were 16 candidates in the field, noone's gonna buy it.
Elect an opponent who isn't a fucking retard.
>implying you're american
>Safe spaces in universities (TOP KEK)
>Diversity quotas in companies times 1000
>Noble prize of Peace for having slightly more melanin than anyone else on the planet
>Wars in Iraq/Syria/Libya
>Secretary of State shitting on the American people while laughing it all away AND is being endorsed by King Nigger
>Al Qaeda
Exactly bro. I don't want to be treated as a second class citizen simply because of my phenotype. I don't like Hillary but im willing to vote for her to spite the racist, xenophobic Trump supporters.
Bright, flashing lights
Having multiple people speak to her at once.
Making her slightly stressed.
We don't. Her heart will stop sooner.
Where are his tax returns anyway? What shit is he hiding? It's going to be a massive scandal when they finally come out. Trump is stumped and sunk.
>though, is turning Republicans into Democrats.
That's the diametric opposite of what is actually happening and you know it.
What is actually happening is the MSM blowing up comments that are innocuous, nobody fucking caring, and him getting free advertisement. The MSM is like a moth to the flame, they can't resist.
You're still running with that "fuck your vote, we don't really need you" shit. Look where you're at?. More and more people are dropping out of the Trump support camp. You do need my vote and need it BAAADDDD!
Wow, I was a #cruzmissile but now I'm #HilldrogenBomb
Just let her win so she can be president!
Try surrounding her with memes, like an army of different pepes. She'll wither and transform back into the wicked witch of the west, right user? Better still, accuse her of being from another country -- let's say Argentina. Then her patriotism will be in question and we'll be sure to win.
Sup Forums should just run Trump's campaign.
Trump is ultra funked. He really screwed the pooch and I don't mean Ivana.
Why couldn't it be ANY OTHER FUCKING rich guy. Goddamn. What I would do to have Bill Gates instead of this dumb faggot.
Well I know one thing is you dont want to break board rules between 8am EST and idk
Have noticed certain threads will remain up for over an hour every day until same time when janitor starts cleaning them up quickly and shilling intensifies
How does she own a mod?
>It's almost like she doesn't even know what she's doing and there's just a gang of kikes behind her using her as the puppet that she is.
As long as she get to "We preznit now" she'll do whatever her neocon handlers want. Which is why she's more dangerous than Trump.
you get the 2nd amendment people to do it
Get Trump to un-fuck his campaign and stop saying and doing stupid shit.
In other words, she can't be stopped.
Seriously, there are Republican members of congress who say they'll vote Hillary. And major GOP donors doing the same. It's a fucking crisis.
Other Republicans not voting for Mr Trump
Barbara Bush, former first lady
Jeb Bush, former Florida governor, 2016 presidential candidate
William Cohen, former secretary of defence
Jeff Flake, Arizona senator
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina senator, 2016 presidential candidate
Larry Hogan, Maryland governor
John Kasich, Ohio governor, 2016 presidential candidate
Mark Kirk, Illinois senator
Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor, 2012 Republican presidential nominee
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida congresswoman
Ben Sasse, Nebraska senator
btw thanks for correcting my recorder
Dubs of truth
What about Hillary? Why did they choose that old psychopath?
Polls which have predicted down to the percentage point every election since Reagan shows otherwise.
Stop being delusional so you can act accordingly to make Trump get his shit together to stop Hillary because the path he's on right now is just ensuring her victory unless she is forced into ICU due to medical issues.
Yo do realize if Trump loses the worldwide memer revolution is over, and Rodrigo Duterte will have to institute a policy of "kekunism in one country"
Ready to exercise my civil duty.
Muerete faggot.
Because play and simple she's just a tiny bit LESS FUCKED UP than Trump is.
I heard the second ammendment folk can stop her
>Why did they choose that old psychopath?
>Old psychopath
There you go.
Prevent the Diebold machines from rigging it and we win.
Well, Trump called them out and just said "maybe there is, WINK FUCKING WINK".
Didn't really specify what he meant though. He just said right after that that it would be a "HORRIBLE DAY".
Not sure what he could have meant. Even people in the crowd were like "OHHHH FUCKING SHIT", "DID HE JUST SAY THAT".
Those were his people too. They know what he meant. I guess the message was only supposed to be able to be decoded by the right.
Left his beak unencrypted tho.
What? And lose the meme magic advantage? Fuck off m8.
>she can be stoped
How do you stope someone?
I mean within the 'Democrats' party. Pretty sure they could have chosen someone better than her.
You know what. You're absolutely right. Not going to deny that. Ain't even my business really.
As a voter the only fucking thing I can do is choose what they shove down my throat whether I love it or hate it. And doing just that I'm going to choose HER.
Nice try FBI
Go out and vote, America.
That's what people were saying in 2012 and 2008 and 2004 and...
Meme magic isn't helping his poll numbers.
As a thought experiment, why not pretend that the poll numbers are accurate, and the Hispanic user in this thread is being genuine in his reasons for not supporting Trump, and that he represnts a bigly chunk of the electorate. What would you do to help Trump in this alternate reality?
90% sure she'll keel over on her own before November.
That's a pretty fucking tame list of things for eight years as leader of the free world. Some president at some point stated the war on drugs. Nothing on your list even compared to that. To be honest you probably missed some much better examples.
Oh, shit, the grammar professor of 4chinks spotted me again!!
I'm glad you think nothing is wrong. With any luck, Trump also thinks he's doing a great job right now.
>that delusion
We'll still be white while you fall below the magic 60%.
Australia will long outlast America at the rate you're declining. A last bastion of whiteness in the pacific.
I believe this and it scares me.
Seriously though. Tejano here. Nice to know another latino voter feels the same. Thought I was the only one. I like Trump. I truly believe he's honest, intelligent, and loves the Mexican people, and what the media says is nothing but lies, taken out of context. But seeing how his supporters are so inhumane towards minorities just makes me run to Hillary. Now I know who to vote for. Thanks Sup Forums for making this easy.
I'm waiting for her to fall and break pelvis. That will seal her doom for president.
Virtually any other candidate on the republican side couldve won this election with ease.
But thanks to massively inflated egos across the board in the GOP, 12+ candidates decided to run, which allowed a spoiled little boy to win with barely 1/3 of the republican vote.
Now the most controversial candidate in recent history is going to blow that spoiled little boy the fuck out.
It's almost poetic.
With pic related... Seize her out.
a bullet
lol brilliant.
pic related
Yes, the most voted for republican candidate in primary history is unwinnable against someone who barely gets 100 people to show up. We should have went for someone who couldn't even rally the TRU CONSERVATIVES and who the media hasn't attacked yet.
Will this meme just die already? Every single one of those fucking cucks would've been btfo'd. That was the point, they were supposed to lay down and die and let Shillary win. Trump is and has been our only chance at victory.
trump won because a crowded field split the vote.
i can tell it's babby's first election though. have fun kids.
2nd Amendment
It's not delusion bro you are exactly right. Everything (((they))) are accusing Trump of doing Hillary has done multiple times before and never been called out. It's insanity right now but you can see it.
Trump is shit no doubt, but the one sided reporting is obvious, the Khan family thing, everything being blown out of proportion whilst Hillary is virturally untouchable.
We are witnessing the biggest mass media conspiracy of our time to go alongside maybe the biggest political scandal the US has seen in 50 years. This is a litmus test
Go back and look at polls from the primaries, Lyin' Ted beat beat her by about +1% in matchups and Kasich by ~5%, IIRC. OTOH, she beat Trump by a comfortable margin. Even now, she has a net unfavorable rating in polls and she's about equal to Trump in trustworthiness. FFS, a nobody Sensyor who ran a gentle, inept campaign did way better in the primaries than he should've against a shoe-in.
The only way she could win was to run against the most hated presidential candidate in history. And that's what's happening.
>Trump debates her
>He triggers a seizure
>Hillary totally fucks up and almost die
>(((CNN))) releases polls the following days, with 70% democrats, showing her leading 20 points over Trump
>T-thanks Schlomo