So, if anyone here is even old enough to remember, back in the day 'they said' we'd all be flying cars at the beginning of the 21st century.
What gives? What is delaying the process? Jews?
So, if anyone here is even old enough to remember, back in the day 'they said' we'd all be flying cars at the beginning of the 21st century.
What gives? What is delaying the process? Jews?
>So, if anyone here is even old enough to remember, back in the day 'they said' we'd all be flying cars at the beginning of the 21st century.
We also should have fucking fusion power by now. It has been 20 or 30 years away from fucking 50's.
>What gives? What is delaying the process? Jews?
Aviation safety.
>Aviation safety.
It would be just like roads. And people are allowed to drive on roads. Also planes get around fine, because you know, RADAR and comms. Plus, there is a lot more oom in the air to not fuck up if you're an asian woman car flyer.
We have flying cars, they are called airplanes.
You can purchase a ticket for little money.
>You can purchase a ticket for little money.
>paying the Jew to fly you
I'm a DIY man, myself, Hanziboy.
They're called airplanes, you can buy a two thousand mile flight that takes you two hours for only $120 dollars.
>What gives? What is delaying the process?
We didn't know better.
We imagined flying cars, but we didn't imagine hand-held devices capable of reaching all the information in the world by a touch of the screen.
It would be just like roads.
>it would be just like roads.
>car malfunctioned
>it stops
>plane malfunctioned it crashes
>car malfunctioned hard it strikes curb
>plane plane malfunctioned (just not hard) it crashes onto your house
Never heard of a parachute? A parachute for cars?
>Flying cars
Name 3 planes that use parachutes as a fail-safe against mid-flight distasters(Hardmode: No experimental airplanes)
Boeings and 757's are big. Cars are roughly 2,000lbs. A flying car would weigh more like one of them dickhead smart cars. So, possible.
>Boeings and 757's
757 is a boeing.
Also, I was thinking about smaller aircraft. Like a cessna for example.
On road if car malfunctions in someway you can stop and call for towing truck if you can't fix it by yourself.
In air you will probably crash, given that people mostly travel from populated areas to populated areas and take off or landing is most common place where shit happens while flying.... with flying cars it's the fucker that can't parallel park in charge of fast moving thing that can demolish houses.
A typical car is pretty heavy when compared with general aviation planes.
Bit heavier than average cars dropped on parachutes by US fucking army. Enjoy.
>Name 3 planes that use parachutes as a fail-safe against mid-flight distasters(Hardmode: No experimental airplanes)
Cessna 172, Cessna 182, Cirrus SR20 and Cirrus SR22 from top of my head are all type approved for ballistic recovery system.
>what are commercial airlines
Yeah, and how exactly parachute helps at a low altitude? It won't even open.
Cause the tech they keep hidden can easily be used for mass distruction.
Like giving matches to a monkey.
Secrets, like the mysterious crafts some people see, keep them in power.
We were supposed to be ready for it by now, but sadly most of us arent.
In military they have special relations with air-forces, because pilots can just say "fuck you" and go wherever they want to along with the aircraft.
In certain situations the whole airforce can just become your enemy in an instant. This is why they craft all this gen-666 invisible aircrafts. To force pilots into thinking pattern, that they have some super-tech and by giving up this tech to "an enemy" they will "betray their nation" (betray a welfare nigger cucking the pilot while he is at work lol).
That`s pretty much the problem. When you can fly away wherever you want to, you will do it, if government does not give you what you want. You will be uncontrollable. Let`s say China will build a luxury city for engineers to live without niggers, with local girls as sex slaves instead of usual noisy landwhales, etc. And let`s say such car is affordable.
To transfer from USA to China to live permanently right away is rarely an option. But when you have this car, you can go and try to live wherever you want before you change your living place. You do not like chinese sex slaves - you will go to zimbabwe, where you can bomb niggers after work, or to tibet to have daily opium instillator.
How would anglo live if all the resources of the world will be spent on pleasing people, who really contribute to economy?
Also - no need for roads.
Woman can't fly
Sounds good, but I'm sure there will still be "no fly zones" just like there are today where planes can't fly in certain places. Plus you'd get shot down by the country you're trying to fly intos military jets.
We had it in the 60s
But the gas jews got jealous
was vodka perhaps involved in the creation of this post?
Ultralight airplanes use a parachute safety feature in case of stalling.
people can hardly drive cars cause they're too retarded. flying cars would just cause many more accidents and potential risks (use it as a weapon).
>Ultralight airplanes use a parachute safety feature in case of stalling.
Ultralights are as name implies pretty damn light, much lighter than cars.
Aside from no-fly zones - why would they shoot you if you fly to work for them?
A lot of celebrities are working in east asia on small projects. Because they can afford personal plane. To just fly there and then to go back to their living in burgerico/yropstan.
There is project of a Beringov bridge, it would be very profitable for everybody in market sence. But this project is banned by burger side, because they fear people would be too portable. They do not need portable people. They only need portable goods. Because best people will leave first and niggers would stay indefinitely.
We'd have 11 9/11's
I didn`t know your mother`s name was "vodka", naruto.
We'd have porsche 911's causing new 9/11's
Flying is easier. There is no poles in the air.
Flying cars are possible but impractical since human brains can react fast enough at those speed, and you just invented a new way to murder people to forcing them make a turn into a building, and they can stop the car in time due to inertia.
you'd be surprised how many trained private pilots have died by running out of gas
I have a distinct feeling that, while these technologies aren't here in 2016, they might be here in 30 years.
A flying car is the same thing as putting steerable wheels with a transmission system on a plane. The tech isn't far away at all, it just would be a disaster to implement.
The whole fusion power thing is quite different and exciting. It is the solution to the global power balance. Pure energy with no waste or detrimental offshoots. If China gets it first, they will rule the world. If we do, then the U.S. reaches a new height of world dominance.
Abdul Al'Allah Muhammad could cause another 9/11 without even having to hijack a plane.
We can't have flying cars as long as there are mudslimes and dindus in the world. It's just too great a risk to public safety.
I guess I have my answer
Any sort of modern fighter jet aircraft.
Is it per capita more, than died in the road accidents?
fusion power would be functionally identical to fission power in actual use, the power plants would probably be far more expensive though
>What gives? What is delaying the process? Jews?
You're the problem you fucking mouth breather.
Talking about parachutes for the aircraft itself, which are available for general aviation aircraft but not for fighters unless you count things like the drogue chute on the MiG-29
Look at how many automobile accidents there are every day? You really want all those people flying through the air?
Why ask? You could as well have your answer just by reading my mind with your ninja technique.
>flying cars at the beginning of the 21st century.
If they were Gyrocopters with short landing and takeoff they would still fail as they are SLOW.
Are you going to fold and unfold the rotor to park it every time?
Is your fuel efficiency going to be more than 4 mpg?
How much is your insurance going to cost to cover "accidents"?
What's going to keep you from crashing on windy days?
I see.
Maybe early jet aircraft. I read something a few years ago about the Me 262 having a chute on the rear that deployed at the operator's convenience.
>There is no poles in the air.
Are you sure about that?
>A flying car is the same thing as putting steerable wheels with a transmission system on a plane. The tech isn't far away at all, it just would be a disaster to implement.
Problem isn't drivetrains or tech. Problem is the drivers or pilots, people who maintain the vehicles and air traffic control chaos that would happen on the moment that flying cars became popular.
It's the old chinese lady who can't fucking parallel park her fucking car in a thing moving pretty quickly in a thing that can demolish houses and potentially kill a lot of people with that flying car. It's Tyrone, DeShawn and Sheniqua screaming ebonics to ATC then complaining about white privilege and shieeeeeeet.
>tfw I can't tell if I'm actually getting rekt or not
The government.
No, seriously.
You think they want a world where people don't need roads because they have their own VTOL style transports?
It's like drones- why do you think they cracked down and you now have to register and buy a license to fly one? You think any sane person in the government worries about your little rinky-dink drone causing actual damage when they have drones that can fire a rocket down a man's windpipe at five miles' distance? Nope, just a play for cash.
Most of what government does stands in the way of actual progress.
>>There is no poles in the air.
>Are you sure about that?
pretty sure
>Me 262 having a chute on the rear that deployed at the operator's convenience.
The hard impact still trashed the plane and drogue chutes are braking assists and not giant heavy airbags for planes.
Average autogyro have cruise speeds around ground speed limits on the roads of burger federation.
> It's Tyrone, DeShawn and Sheniqua screaming ebonics to ATC then complaining about white privilege
Lol. Maybe anyone who operates a so-called "flying car" would have to take a test or get certified? They would have to take an elementary physics course and some sort of flight course.
That might weed out a good bit of the niggers or chinks.
There are something resembling parachute for fighters, but those are only for spin recovery or braking.
> It's the old chinese lady who can't fucking parallel park her fucking car in a thing moving pretty quickly in a thing that can demolish houses and potentially kill a lot of people with that flying car.
There is a lot of easy technical solutions for that.
it's probably less, but pilots have to go through much more training than the average driver.
The concept of a parachute for use in mid-flight on any aircraft would slow it down enough to cause a stall, correct? Making the problem worse.
This only applies to propeller aircraft. On a jet it would be fucked, b/c it's going north of 700 mph. Aircraft designers had a hard enough time designing the ejection seat.
US tax dollars at hard work. Super Hornet prototype with spin recovery chute.
Suppression of technology and knowledge.
>The concept of a parachute for use in mid-flight on any aircraft would slow it down enough to cause a stall, correct? Making the problem worse.
Spin recovery chutes are used in training and testing in case plane gets into spin that is unrecoverable without one. Once plane points towards ground in reasonably stable way so pilot can start flying again in a controlled way. At that point chute is ditched.
It can slow down plane bellow stall speed.
> pilots have to go through much more training than the average driver
There are (where at some point) states where car license had also a lot of technical training.
High cost of innovation due to too many government regulations and corporate taxes.
So lets drop the regulations and let mayhem begin?
Aviation regulations exist for a reason, safety.
I bet crashes were less common when they were
tfw you don't need a radio, transponder, or follow traffic pattern rules to land at a non-towered airport
Technological suppression is the core goal of modern government.
Sky car crashes. 9/11 would be nothing, since people would be crashing into buildings all the time while drunk, or because their air vehicle failed. It's something just for movies, completely impractical otherwise. At most we can have public transit on a controlled path in the air.
So literally a sport or recreational pilots license.
Exactly what is available now, you fucking nob.
to inject a little stupidity into the discussion, it would be a perfectly practical system if the flying cars were both computer controlled to follow predetermined routes, and also used some kind of antigravity levitation that wasn't reliant on minimum airspeed or lift-generating airflow to stay in the air.
Jetsons cars would be perfectly practical, it's just that there's a slight problem in that antigravity engines don't exist.
I wonder what happened with that EM drive...
chkd and if we had flying cars what would be the point of airlines? theyd lose billions
EM drive is all hype. Every test outside of the initial researchers' labs can't duplicate the results beyond any statistically relevant amount. There's better luck in discovering dark matter; that's how little support in the field it's earned.
On a cool side note, there's a dark matter detector being installed in a mountain 15 minutes from my house.
> I bet crashes were less common when they were
The question is speed. Training was not fast enough.
>Lol. Maybe anyone who operates a so-called "flying car" would have to take a test or get certified?
Safety certifications put aviation in the exact spot where it exist today.
Bro, people cant even figure out how to drive cars properly. Do we really want to hand these people a much more complex vehicle? I fly airplanes to stay away from the moronic ground fags, please dont put them into my skies
Why a flying car when you can have a gliding tank?
>three totaled humwees in one drop
I can only imagine the heatenings afterwards
U wot m8? All outside tests have concluded that the EM drive works as advertised. They will be taking one to space fairly soon. What articles have you been reading?
Admittedly, it probably wont be useful for anything other than LONG course correct burns since thrust is so low, but it does in fact seem to work.
I really wish aviation was cheaper...
There is at least one GA airplane manufacturer that i know of with a parachute recovery system.(Cirrus) But if i recall properly, deploying it stresses the airframe beyond reasonable repair.
It can be made to work, but dont expect to have a functioing vehicle afterwards
A PPL is about $10,000USD, it's not that expensive if you think about your lifetime earnings.
You do if its within a Mode C veil.
I know. But planes can be a money drain, from what I heard.
Although ultralights are said to be a bit cheaper... Which is good. Especially if they are homebuilt; a Flitzer could make me happy for my whole life. I mean, look at it.
obersturmfuhrer csn grant you many wishes but only if you say
Owning a plane is really expensive, just join a club and rent. You pay by hour, so it's not crazy expensive.
For example, if I wanted to go to Vancouver Island it's a $100 round trip for the ferry, plus $50 (I think) per person, and most of my day is eaten up traveling. Or I could rent a plane for $250 split the cost with friends, fly over there in 30 minutes, land, spend the day in Victoria, then fly back; oh and I just got to add an hour to my logbook.
sure but there aren't many of those around
It's kind of a childhood dream of mine though. My very own plane. Besides, ultralights are probably cheaper like I mentioned, the aforementioned Flitzer runs on a 80hp Volksvagen engine and auto fuel. Storage? I'll store it in my grandmother's garage and assemble it in the field.
Safety of what?
If you can afford it id say o for it, planes are chaper than cars nowadays
Thanks jews!
Maybe if you buy a 40 year old hunk of shit with no engine. New GA aircraft start at around $280,000
More like, multi-modal vehicles just don't generally make sense. They travel in multiple ways...poorly.
Aircraft need to be very light but strong along different dimensions than cars.
Cars can carry some extra weight, because they're a great deal more efficient than airplanes.
So you can have a plane with terrible performance characteristics (very short range, poorer than normal fuel efficiency, passenger area not designed for high-G downward crashes) or a car with terrible characteristics (poor side impact protection, uncomfortable interiors, non-road-tuned suspension).
Or.... you can have two vehicles. One that lots of people will buy (a car) that is really really good at being a car, is affordable to operate, VERY safe. And then people with the disposable income can buy small private airplanes (which are usually a luxury item anyway - they have pretty short range, limited weather they can operate in, are WAY WAY less safe than cars, in short just aren't normally a practical good).
people have enough trouble navigating in two dimensions. can you imagine the average idiot as a pilot?
Hopefully they'll get cheaper. Hopefully the Magnus eFusion will help with it; Hungarian plane with German electric engine. From what I heard, they are selling like candy, Magyar training plane that runs on a battery.
When we and the Germans put our brains together, it is either because of a Weltkrieg or something like this.
>Flying cars
Yeh about that...
You want flying cars when dumb fucks can barely handle a three point turn or staying in their own lane?
Fucking why?
A sixteen year old girl that can barely pass a road driving test would probably kill herself and 20 other people with an aircraft. The percentage of the population that could safely control an aircraft is tiny enough that a flying car is a pipe dream without 100% automation.
It turns out flying cars are a terrible idea
>the sky is littered with aircraft making noise
>if you get into a collision in traffic, you die
>if your vehicle breaks down in transit, you die
>if you run out of gas, you die
>if you can't find a safe place to land, you die
>if you're on the ground and a plane falls and crashes into you, you die
>flying takes more skill than driving
>aircraft are more expensive to build than cars
>aircraft are more expensive to maintain than cars
>poorly maintained aircraft are much more dangerous than poorly maintained cars
>flying safely requires constant monitoring and guidance from ground based support staff
>flying safely requires cooperation between everyone sharing the sky
get a sport or private pilot's license.
Ford toyed with the idea of a cheap 'people's plane' at a time. The chief engineer of the project used to go to work with it.
Until he crashed and died.
Forgot pic.
I think a decent number of people could be trained how to do it. I figured it out and i consider myself to be of average intelligence. I'm willing to bet about 25% of the population would make for decent aviators
The problem arises when people inevitably start cutting corners in things like weight/balance, takeoff/landing roll clearance, weather briefings, endurance planning, etc. Those things already contribute to aviation deaths, and the numbers would skyrocket with more pilots
>turn of the century
which century?
>The B-58 Hustler
>The F-111
> B-1A
>There is at least one GA airplane manufacturer that i know of with a parachute recovery system.(Cirrus) But if i recall properly, deploying it stresses the airframe beyond reasonable repair.
The firm that makes plane sized parachutes for Cirrus also makes those for few Cessna models. C150, C172 and C182 IIRC as type certified aftermarket kits.
>It can be made to work, but dont expect to have a functioing vehicle afterwards
Club planes or kit builds.
we already have flying machines.
I'll have to look into that. Depending on weight, i might stick one on my 182