How does Sup Forums feel about "Amerifats" currently dominating the Olympics
How does Sup Forums feel about "Amerifats" currently dominating the Olympics
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>Per capita
you're still losing per capita france. but i'm sure you're used to it.
Sup Forums mostly consists of Amerifats so obviously Sup Forums feels good about it.
thats not how it works senpai
Your best isn't good enough.
Based British Colonies
Waiting 2 years for the winter olympics.
Norway wins winter olympics with norwegians.
USA wins the summer olympics with niggers and muslims.
Summer Olympics are easy for niggers. Your country has a lot of niggers
Um why aren't you posting the real table? If you're going to count Italy and France as separate then we're going to start counting California and Florida as separate as well.
No. Europeans are constantly belittling Americans for mixing up their countries, you don't get to pretend the EU is one country now that its convenient.
>unironically counting women's medals
>Muh per capita
I'm sure thats what your athletes are telling themselves as they watch us win they medals they wanted to win
EU is basically one big country more than the USA is. Some states in the USA are way more different than countries in Europe.
>Both federal republics
Nice try. We've even let you bring 50 states compared to our 28, and you're still losing.
>EU is a country
limey pls
Italy and France are two separate countries with two separate teams. California and Florida are the same country forming the same team.
In other words, you're retarded
If we have another gold can we have Transylvania back?
Sad most of euro cuck medals are from women, are there any European "men" anymore?
I don't think you guys understand how the Olympics work. If there was an EU team then yeah we could talk, but the EU has several teams whereas the US only has 1
>Federal Union
>Has a Union Constitution
>Has a President of the Union
>Has a Union Legislature
>Has a Union Judiciary
>Has a Union capital
>Has a Union national anthem and flag
Now tell me am I talking about the USA or the EU?
Our niggers aren't the ones winning the medals
There's no way this is true.
>USA wins the summer olympics with niggers and muslims.
Most medals so far have been won by white people from Maryland
I feel like it's business as usual.
As far as yuropoors:
>muh per capita
do you think Maine, California, New York, Alaska, Texas and New Mexico has much in common?
Limey, you're not a part of that anymore.
Shh, shh. She cant hurt you anymore. You did the adult thing and left that relationship before she hit you again. Youre stronger than her.
>many not so differebt disciplines of one sport
>a athlete can win all the medals for himself
you know this is retarded go fuck yourself
your official language is spanish and english, all over. Count the number of languages in Europe (don't forget dialects lazy boy)
You could subtract the UK medal totals and the EU would still be beating the USA.
Same two languages, same constitution, same national flag, same head of state.
Incidentally I've recently realized that Michael Phelps may be one of the most quintessentially American people ever born:
>just likes to party and have a good time
>doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks
>barely even tries yet is still ten times better than every other stupid faggot faggot in every third world country
Basically just like America.
sure, but only if the austrian gets you back too
Yeah the languages are different but the culture is the same mostly and shiet . USA also has different languages (Mexicans there speak Spanish)
Well for one they all speak the same language
>barely even tries
This clearly isn't true, Phelps is obviously a massive tryhard. He's successful, no doubt about that, but the last thing he comes across as is relaxed and nonchalant.
The EU isn't a team
Parts of Texas, New Mexico and Cali are actually the same place. Parts of Cali, New York State, Maine, and Alaska are also pretty much the same biomes with similar cultures.
it's because america is a wealthy 1st world country with lots of people
Stop defending your abuser, Mick.
Ironic really considering a huge percentage of your athletes are niggers.
>the USA
>1st world
the drugs good in Canada? xD
Have you ever seen him in person? I volunteer at the swim trials every time around, and every time I see him I'm freaked out.
The dude is a freak of nature. He looks like he should be 6' from the waist down, but 8' tall from the waist up.
I've never seen such a weird looking human as Michael Phelps.
Please, your country speaks
>Chink, gook, nip
>those Hungarian numbers
>tiny population, 5 gold
Truly the heroes of the Europe
>what is Ebonics
>what is Spanish
>what is chink
>what is inderiounous languages
>what is dialects
There are like 3 3rd world places I've been to in the states. Detroit, East St. Louis, rural Tennessee (but at least you have land and freedom). Other than that, the USA is pretty A1 Steak Sauce.
Burgers always win the summer olympics. We have more niggers who you send to train in the countries with the best coaches. our state doping is a little further ahead than other countries too because of greater funding.
We have a massive population too, and often are first initially because of the "sports"which require no physicality at all being in the majority in the opening games.
When athletics and swimming roll around in full swing we get more competition, with aus, sa, uk (and euro), and the Caribbean countries moving to their prime.
He spends ~ 90% of his time just smoking weed and banging bitches.
Ebonics takes an hour and a half to learn being around it. Spanish is only spoken between Spanish people. Never heard chink outside chink households. Indians have no idea what language their peoples spoke. Dialects don't matter unless you are absolute hill person.
You never hear any of those here unless you're actively hanging around niggers, spics, chinks, etc. They speak it amongst themselves. Everyone else uses English.
I'm sure he's talking about the "Amerifats" part.
Again, were not winning because we have more niggers. Most of the medals we are winning are by new England white folk
You send the most athletes and you put tens of billions of dollars into training them. It's not surprising that they do well (although, per capita, you are pretty mediocre). Nor does it change the fact that the average American is fat.
Outliers are simply outliers, chub.
So the US, because the EU can't have a constitution because many member constitutions forbid it; hence the treaty of Lisbon.
The Olympics are shit everyone should die that went.
>the country with 5 times the population has 5 times as many gold medals
Whoa, i'm shocked, this really made me think
Not our fault the rest of you are poor. Git gud.
How many of those medals were won by blacks?
>european union
country with almost best pharmaindustry has most olympic medals
Again with the "muh per capita" argument.
Do you really think your countries athlete is comforting himself by thinking about per capita standings while our athlete wins the medal that your athlete trained his whole life to win?
Or do you think his heart is broken because per capita doesn't mean shit when you lose?
>Thinking the UK is part of the EU.
No longer a valid excuse since you imported millions of niggers and still can't compete with us.
Which is ironic given that bronze is the colour of most Americans.
The UK, it says, has the third-highest rate of excess weight in western Europe behind Iceland and Malta. 67% of men and 57% of women in the UK are overweight or obese according to the study which uses a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25 to define 'overweight' and a BMI of 30 or more to define 'obese'.May 29, 2014
Oh father Britain. How well you've taught us.
this is a weird meme when i, and my countrymen are objectively far wealthier than you
grats on your sports gold plated circles though. summer olympics are important and the blacks
Its mostly Phelps though.
On his own he is the 40th best performing nation of all time.
>caring about drugged up freaks competing for bits of metal
> Hungary is superior to England and France combined
They were mostly won by white girls from the east coast. Our niggers only show up in basketball and track, but they usually lose to African countries in track
I feel horrible about this Olympics because I'm deprived of opportunity to expound on how I don't care about it. Because of the ban any such musings will inevitably be countered by a sour grapes riposte.
I feel gagged.
Lol what about brexit
oy you fucking traitor get your hands off our medals
That's what you get for having Putin as a national leader.
Your country is the size of a medium sized city. New York is wealthier than you too.
It is you fucking morons
It's not about how the athletes feel, it's about competing with an huge country, chances are that somewhere in that huge country there is someone better than you... if you beat them you can feel even better about yourself
he's married with a kid and spends 5 hours a day in a pool.
We dominate every year, this isn't anything new.
Are you actually fucking retarded?
>i'm european when it benefits me and british when it doesn't
The eternal anglo has learned a few tricks from his jewish pals, it seema
When did that happen? He used to be on social media every weekend doing lines of blow off stripper's tits.
Yeah, yall all uninspired pointless proto Americans with zero drive or passion. Enjoy your chucking socialism faggot
>It's not about how the athletes feel
>It's about how the athletes feel after they win
Do you even read what you write?
No, are you?
I think he cleaned up in the last few years from what i've read.
Hang yourself, retard.
Literally all of them are Basketball-Americans.
Your whole nation is a disgrace to the White Race.
Congratulations. I'm sure "George Washington" (aka Adam Weishaupt) would have been proud.
Eh, probably for the best for his health. You can't party forever.
As always
It's actually all Michael Phelps and our white teenage gymnasts.
But most of our population is obese remember?
So the percentage of the population that is actually athletic enough to compete in the Olympics would be lower than other countries.
You can't simultaneously claim were all fat, yet still claim were churning out better athletes just because of numbers.
Sad that most American medals are from niggers isn't it.
>USA not a white country