Has anyone read girls? If you have what are your thoughts on it? I thought it was enjoyable

Has anyone read girls? If you have what are your thoughts on it? I thought it was enjoyable.

I didn't like it. It wasn't offensively bad or anything, but it wasn't good.

>Has anyone read girls?
yes we have, it got storytimed 3 times last year and just got posted last week

If you have what are your thoughts on it? I its meh as fuck, not really horror nor suspense and it doesnt even work in a erotic level

thought it was enjoyable.
nice opinion, but i disagree

>you will never fuck up your reply this hard
brb committing Sudoku

It's pretty fun. You're either going to really hate it or take it for what it is. It's not "The Unfunnies" bad.

I was drawn in by the mystery, liked the first 2 chapters. But it didn't take long for me to figure out that it was actually shit in disguise. After that if felt like a dumb M. night shymalan movie to me.

Well I haven't read that many comics(that aren't Marvel/DC Superheros) so I'm still getting into other comics.

Sorry but I don't get on Sup Forums as much as I use too so I didn't know.

Yeah so did I but I was disappointed that they didn't go into full detail what the "Girls" are.

Well I like I keep on saying I enjoyed it because it's weird and unusual ideas(Feeding a giant sperm dead woman).

Been avoiding it since it first came out. Read it here last year when it was storytimed.

I liked it. Based main character. Good supernatural and suspense story. The story totally offsets the passable art.

No I kept putting off reading it while it was storytimed but I was able to read the other comic by the same writer and artist about the sword and the cripple

How good I think it is is entirely dependent on how self-aware it is, which is something I've never been able to decipher.

I remember when it was still coming out and we would storytime and discuss it here on Sup Forums.

The plot was shit.

For me, it was like a train wreck, I couldn't look away.

That said, it's pretty awful. The art is hideous and none of the characters are likeable.


>The plot was shit.

So was the art. Regardless it was a very enjoyable ride for me, especially since I was reading it with fellow Sup Forumsmrades.


oh jesus for a second i thought someone was gonna storytime it again

100% shit, but the "HELLLLLOOO, I'M GAY!" page made it worth reading for me.

It's fucking wacky I love it.



It's a fucking experience to read when you're high

It was storytimed for the SoP weekend:

shut the fuck up you goddamn retard

I thought it was okay. Don't know that I'd ever give it another read or anything but I didn't hate it aside from the art which was truly garbage but still not the worst I've ever seen.

Thank u

I legitimately cheered when Nancy had the ladies dig a fucking tiger pit for them bitches

What the fuck?

Friend this is Sup Forums, rudeness is the background radiation of the universe

Just ignore the b8 and leave your jimmies unrustled

hehe u fell 4 my b8

o snap

i been trolt

After reading it I feel like I got a good social commentary of how r9k view women.

I... actually kinda liked it. Don't get me wrong, it's by no means good, but I do think it's not supposed to be taken to seriously. It's not really a straight faced horror, and it's not full blown comedy, but it is funny and surprisingly suspenseful. It definitely wasn't fucking boring.


I wouldn't say the art is hideous. It's bland at worst. The characters being assholes was kinda the point. A bunch of shitty terrible people being forced to reconcile and work together. The ending was where it completely shat the bed. It didn't even try.

sasuga luna bros. its in the top 3 of their works

its a good rage endurance and I think that is the point

because the girls are saving them
Nancy and most of the other women are overbearing controlling cunts