What the fuck happened to Stefan?

He's descended into total madness
I've been going through his old videos, listening to them while I work (because they're long and interesting)

I just listened to this one, here's what I heard.
>Stefan talks over his caller, going on a long 20 minute rant about race and IQ
>Freely associates welfarites with people on the low end of the IQ curve (which he previously explained were mostly blacks and Hispanics). Refers to them venomously as "stupid people", refuses to apologize for doing so "it's just a fact".
>Makes a mention that the free market will breed more intelligent people, says that government eugenics is wrong, but market based eugenics is just fine.
>Talks about black overconfidence, gangster rap culture. Emphasizes how SJW's are encouraging this behavior for political reasons
>Talks about the upcoming race war: "There's going to be violence", "There will be riots", discusses how the Rodney King beatdown was actually a justified use of force by police.
>Talks about how "when this all unravels", presumably during the race war, we shouldn't have any sympathy for their children
>Goes on a long rant about how they didn't have sympathy for white male children, so we shouldn't have sympathy for theirs: "I deal in the currency I'm dealt".

Somehow he's still clinging to his anarchist views in light of all this. I have no idea how the fuck he makes it work.
I blame you guys for doing this to him by the way

Any other moments you know of where Stef just goes off the reservation?

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot the link


He's clearly overdosing on Redpills.

From his videos on single mothers to his libertarian views being challenged by the recent migration crisis, it's only a matter of time before he snaps.

He finally realized that there was a variable missing in his equation, and that variable is RACE.

He learned
Sup Forums is always right

Nah, Stef definitely still wants his multiracial utopia.

>a honest conversation with a racist
>stefan is actually the racist in this conversation


I've followed Stef since the early days...when he made videos in the fucking car and later in a "red room" and he was fat. I do think something has happened psychiatrically. I know it isn't drugs or medications since he is against those things. It could be bipolar mania or some form of frontotemporal dementia.

Language acquisition starts in the womb. The foetus gets embedded in sound that the mother makes while conversing, yelling, singing etc, which it picks up and is why what we call "mother-tongue" mother-tongue. This must frustrate Stefan the closet Swiss, since he hates his mother.

His game Black and White was pretty cool

>Says it's crazy to believe 9/11 is a false flag
>Says that Jews aren't behind ANYTHING whatsoever!

He's not 'red pilled'
Just controlled opposition that plays on the racism of white nationalism just as the democrats play on the minorities. Just another side controlled by the Jews/masters for their divide and conquer based tactics.

The plan as you can see with this blankly obvious puppet election is to rise up the racisty pissed off white crowd, Trump is the forefront of that.

Any man who dedicates their life to finding the unbiased truth about society will inevitably OD on redpills, case and point Stefbot Memewew

He discovered the truth but is afraid to name the Jew.
It happens when you read a lot of history and facts.

I have gone from not believing, to starting to think Jesus is real, over the course of this election because of all the insidious evil that has been exposed.

Deus Vult.

He's slowly been getting more and more based every show.

>I have gone from not believing, to starting to think Jesus is real, over the course of this election because of all the insidious evil that has been exposed.

Same here. I have been reading and discovering what the j.. did over the past 250 years. I discovered I found Satan, or Satan's spawn. If Satan exists, God must be real, right?

>descended into total madness
He was always a lunatic.

The arguments, Dahnald

His book "The Culture of Critique" is breddy guud.

He needs to start researching on the financial history of the western world over the past 300 years

somebody, pass him this

>If Satan exists, God must be real, right?

You betcha, but you won't find him in whatever synagogue of satan that may be.
God is Calvinist and a native Dutchman.

He had the guy who wrote "The Creature from Jekyll Island" on, multiple times. He knows about the central banks.

> monetize youtube
> youtubers start speaking to the lowest common denominators.

Market forces bruh

Do you support me being shot? Because if you do...

this. Its not even a philosophy channel anymore. More like a News Organization with details.

that is not a synagogue of Satan, but the pure Orthodox eastern church. That is byzantine style of mural.

He simply started noticing which people are the most anti-libertarian.

> he knows about central banks
will now march in our ranks?

Does he know who controls them?

Does he know about ideological subversion?

Rants and anxiety is pretty much what happens when you stop being constantly apologetic and overdose on red pills. Happened to me too.

>implying far right wing idealogues get as many breaks/popularity as center-left, or social justice idealogues

If anything he's done the opposite.

Is his book actually good? I am considering getting it.


>i havent watched a single video
Watch the truth about Israel and Palestine.

He's just selling what the customers want.

Fuck Stefan, he's never addressed any real criticism of his ideas only picked stupid comments and used them to springboard into one of his talking points that wasn't even the one under criticism
He regularly disregards actual arguments against his ideas as "not an argument", what the fuck is his criteria for this? I guess pointing out logical inconsistencies in his argument doesn't count because you seemed aggressive in your delivery.

He literally refers to himself as a philosopher, when all he's ever done in his entire time online is regurgitate things better men have said in simpler terms
He doesn't even cite his sources half of the time, take the video he made recently that everyone was hailing as some kind of masterpiece, the entire ending to the video was a summary of The Fate of Empires and he didn't mention it once, and he does this all the time

He isn't ideologically consistent, for example he used to file false copyright claims often but claims he wants to live in a world without such things as copyright/ patents and trademarks

I'm generally slow to anger, there's not much that pisses me off, but I want to crush this smug cunt's skull whenever I see his photo on here


As long as it's high IQ.
That this won't mix escapes him, or he's denying it.

Cancer has a way of making you realistic, whether you die from it or in his case survive.

Some people can't handle this board

Not an argument


Read through this

The good news is that eventually you run out of fresh redpills. I'm at that point now, it's pretty calming not to be punched in the face by reality. Nothing but smooth disgust from here on.

The Inner Circle bits and about Molyneux himself are startling.

So it would seem


Daily reminder if you are shocked at Stefan you're probably a newfag that needs more exposure. I left earths orbit with this shit years ago. It's all so fucked you can't even imagine

>Hates his mother
Rightfully so, if his stories are true she almost beat him to death as a child.

Il Duce Stefano Mollinetti

he knows

He used to be an anarchist

Now he shills for the GOP

His political views have vacilated from shit to shite

The only thing I respect him for is keeping a semblance of a British accent despite being in North America since childhood

you can tell from the jew OP and from the shills posting in this thread that kikes are starting to take him seriously

that's actually bad

the closer he gets to the truth, the more kike scrutiny he will come under, the more they will attempt to hyperbolize and polarize his information, and the less useful his information will be

the reality is that someone like him, who is being rational, can't redpill people. you have to actually listen to what Jesus Christ said about jews, or get attacked by a real jew or nigger to snap out of your complacency

its better for someone like Molyneux to keep his presentations professional and sterile, and not bring race interaction into his rhetoric, so that more people can be informed

But, his subscribers and views count has exploded.

This vid is 8 months old tho

His channel isn't monetized. He runs entirely on donations.

Saying the free market will breed more of X shows naivety. The free maket sucks at being a steward of the environmemt it exists within. Look at what it is doing to the Earth

im pretty sure he stages the conversations. its almost like he has jokes ready and the 'caller' ALWAYS stop talking when he decides its his time to talk. i dont know.. he could be very witty and everyone just too cucked to stand their ground

>Somehow he's still clinging to his anarchist views

Well of course he built his whole business on that.

He was always crazy. You just didnt notice.

in other words he's based

Obligatory molymemes


I will also say it was the Free Market that was responsible for shipping Africans all over creation

>Somehow he's still clinging to his anarchist views
In an extremely mediated way, perhaps. More importantly, it's called perspective. It's no suprise that some random Amerifat doesn't understand how perspective works, what is surprising is that you seem to dislike the fact that he is red pilled.

You're either a shill or too stupid to realise your own shilling.

>this. Its not even a philosophy channel anymore.
As if it ever was.

Redpill, not even once.

He correctly realizes that his libertarian ideals are only remotely achievable in a white, or as he calls it "western" society. Freedom of speech, personal liberty, and self reliance are all white ideals and are under threat. Therefore he came to the obvious conclusion that the only position that matters is to preserve western society because once it's gone none of the lofty idealism will matter.


>He isn't ideologically consistent, for example he used to file false copyright claims often but claims he wants to live in a world without such things as copyright/ patents and trademarks
How is this ideologically inconsistent? Copyright, patents and trademarks don't go away because he stops using them.

OP your apart of the pussy generation

Its a cult you retard. Catholic , orthodox w/e its a cult . Do you even realise what wealth and property these people possess ? And the affairs they're meddling in ? But when it comes to God and the bible they're fucking impotent and stale and do nothing but accumulate massive amounts of power and wealth for their own appetites and sing shitty double faced songs for the retarded and gullible massesw while wearing silly gowns.
If you don't believe me i suggest you start reading what both the pope ( since john paul the 2nd ) and the patriarchs have brought out as cathechisms or anything else in books , articles or official statements - all of these are 100% absolutely contrary to scriptures , all of their writings and practices.
Synagogue of Satan is clearly anybody who practices judaism ( Judas Iscariot - the betrayer) , because the word church has been mentioned many times throughout the new testament.

>Goes on a long rant about how they didn't have sympathy for white male children, so we shouldn't have sympathy for theirs: "I deal in the currency I'm dealt".

Reality is not very nice now is it?

Stefan is right and.

>only Jan 3
You're a bit behind lad.


Reminder that Molyneux himself created this dox site to dox those who left his "inner circle" and also to rant about himself and his family, about how great they are.

Has been reported to Stefan numerous times, even by me personally, about the fact that it's marked at the bottom of every page as a "sister-site" to his own. Never has he responded or denied it.

I listened to almost every one of his videos, just found this last night. It makes me feel sick.

Dude OD'd on the redpill.

>mfw every week for the past year i've donated 1 dollar to his show

I don't get what pic related and doxing people who left his inner circle have in common

Go to the website, scroll to the very bottom, you will see the picture. Then follow this link:

I promise you won't ever think of Stefan the same way again.

Maybe his move towards self-improvement gave him a more nationalistic outlook than unrealistic anarchism

ITT: uneducated rhetoric spewers who mis-label everything to make themselves more comfortable about the facts of life.

>What the fuck happened to Stefan?
Sup Forums happened.


Here is a page about Ricky Crisco, you can see a quote from him about why he cut himself off from Molyneux- his "inner circle" actively censored information about another "inner circle" member's suicide.


>Not sending him Zimbabwe dollars

there are no "black people" niggers and shitskins only with an occasional pooinloo type sandnegro


>Beats cancer
>Gets fit
>Embraces nationalistic behaviors

He pretty much wants to increase everyone's IQ.

Holy fuck man that was awesome, why have i not heard this til now.


Under Stefan's guidance, this man was able to "vividly remember his brutal circumcision experience".


now that, is a cult

"I'm not a racist, that's what's so insane about this." -Stefan Molyneux

who cares faggot

Read thisand tell me it's not fucked up.

It was probably the cancer.

"Nikki was having regrets about marrying a beta male. While they were separated, Nikki had sex with Phil Crimmins, another member of the Inner Circle. For this, she was ostracized from Freedomain Radio forever. Ted being a sorry excuse for a man was happy to get back together with Nikki. The two are still married today. Ironically, Nikki broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years to move in with Ted. Apparently Ted hasn’t heard the saying “If she will cheat with you, she will cheat on you.”
Nikki Wray is the breadwinner of the home. Ted is stuck in his early childhood and thus has no desire to work. He is using Nikki in place of his mother. He didn’t get his needs met as a child and now is using his wife to satisfy those needs. This undoubtedly is a huge factor in Nikki’s lack of attraction to Ted. She sucks alpha cock on the side and stays with Ted merely for appearances. Funny enough, Nikki actually takes care of babies for a living. She works for Postpartum Doula as a nanny of sorts. Together, Ted and Nikki make for one truly dysfunctional couple."

>Talks about how "when this all unravels", presumably during the race war, we shouldn't have any sympathy for their children

Holy shit, I didn't think he was THIS based.

he knows his audience

He took his Red Pill anally.

read half of it and got bored. it looks like a meme cuck story written by an australian from pol

I don't understand any of this.

>As the Freedomain Radio conversation turned to the topic of familial corruption, some members became particularly interested. As part of becoming morally consistent, these young followers donated thousands of dollars to Molyneux. These generous donations were enough to earn personal therapy sessions. Therein, Molyneux would analyze dreams, initiate parent-child roleplays, and instruct the subject on DeFOOing. These listeners came to know Molyneux as one of the greatest philosopher of all time, and that they themselves were enlightened, philosopher kings of the highest virtue.

>i stumbled across this website recently
>researched it
>numerous people have asked Stefan about it, he won't respond about whether or not it's him writing in (judging by the ego, probably is)
>i send in a question asking as well
>no response
>full of information only he would know, and obvious disdain for those who have left his "inner circle" (as he calls it) and stopped the monthly donations
>also full of dox information
>sister website of FDR, which even that Stefan will not deny