I mean they would make better use of all that land.
Should China take over Siberia?
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Ukraine pls go
with that kind of mindset you really don't deserve any land east of the dnieper.
fuck no. Mongolia is based
China should kill 400-500 million of its citizens and a lot of problems with it would be fix.
Same for India and all of Africa and the Middle East.
>china takes over siberia
>build a city in 10 minutes
>terrible infrastructure
>falls into sink holes almost immediately
>sink holes release methane gas
>air quality in Siberia becomes Beijing 2.0
>China invades
>drunk russians hold them off
>actual russian army arrives
>russians just sit there turning chinks into red mist
>china collapses
>NK land grabs
>SK and japan land grab
>everyone else land grabs
>india and pakistan fight each ither in chinese territory and cull their population that way.
China would get slaughtered if they tried
>better use of land
Should Poland and Russia take over your shithole?
I mean we would make better use of all that land.
You now suck putin's cock?
Never expected this from pollack.
>Giving a few thousand square kilometres of land to commie chinks
Are you fucking stupid?
Have you even seen the China's population density by territory? The land they already have is poorly used, even if you take in factor that a large part of the land is mountainous, they live in massive urbanized smoggy communist shitholes, nobody would even want to live up in Siberia.
They can try, the end result will be Mr. Putin annexing China.
It should and it will.
>Implying with the collapse of China India and Pakistan wouldn't just turn to each other and fight on their own borders and not even look at empty China until one of them is dead
Everybody bullies Ukraine, which makes me feel sad for them but I think you guys deserve it.
shit, didnt know siberia was so THICC
The words "China" and "better" should never be used in the same sentence.
You are a Russian and Ukraine is Russian clay.
What language do you speak? Russian.
There you go.
Can we have Cernauti?
You guys can share the rest, thanks.
its like you live in the 1930s. Nobody is annexing land these days anymore. War is expensive and you make many enemies that may haunt you forever. also locals may start gorilla warfare.
Instead chinks roam around globe and buy stuff. They may buy anything of value in Siberia and Russians will actually be happy because they get chink money. thats a win win situation
I'd rather Siberia be free.
Siberia is uninhabitable. 80% of the Russian population lives in the European part.
Let's get it trending.
Also Siberia and Far East are white majority. The Native Siberians are minority like Native Americans.
Why? Nearly nobody lives there.
The eskimos don't mind Russians.
They'd be better off alone than Chinese, though.
Russian is a minority language and not even a state language in Ukraine.
And by you logic USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand are all UK's rightful clay.
It's enough that China takes places like Tuva from Russia. I doubt they will go further, but it may be useful in the future war with US/Canada
No real reason, let's just see if we can get a pointless hashtag to the top of twitter trending.
Tuva is useless. There is literally nothing there except for some angry Mongols.
That would pretty much kill off most of the middle east
>USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand are all UK's rightful clay.
We are.
The Russians will never give up a piece of land, they carpet bombed Chechnya when they started having a weird idea of becoming independent.
The Japanese have been aasblasted for decades over the tiny Kuril islands and the Russians still won't let them have them.
Why do Asians breed like rats? China and India have over 1 billion population. Fucking ridiculous.
This is the border between Russia and China
When China was weak, the Russian Empire humiliated them and took these lands by force.
China is not weak anymore.
First Outer Manchuria WILL be Chinese once again and then ALL of """"Eastern Russia"""" will become Lebensraum for the Han.
No, but Russia should take over Ukraine.
I mean.. they would make better use of all that land.
There is some big cities there though, and lots of mineral.
Kek. Dream on ukrop.
If Russia gives Siberia independence, they can go back to being a proper European country again.
Russians are basicly Jews and need to be exterminated
China can have it only if they use CRISPR to genetically engineer Chinese people to be White/European.
Nice fantasy you have there ruskie
However Russians are actually terrible at war. They don't have the numbers like they did in ww2 instead we have the number and even better tech
who are you trying to fool with that vpn?
The question is not "if" but "when". Pic related this is what China govt forced nationwide as a map of rightful chinese land.
Posted from my gas grave city
>However Russians are actually terrible at war
A few people made that mistake before
It's like they never learn
There's actually a good chunk of Siberia and the Gobi desert that was stolen by Tsarist and Soviet Russia from China in the late 19th and early 20th century. Too bad Nationalist China didn't win the Civil War and not play cuck to Stalin. Outer Mongolia could have been recovered.
That's Republic of China (aka Taiwan) claims. People's republic forfeited all those territorial claims. Only way it could happen is if ROC took over mainland again, which as nice as it might be will most likely never happen.
>Ukrainian flag
every time
>He thinks that Mainland China isn't as much imperialist as Taiwan
Ya dun goofed
>Russians are actually terrible at war
I guess that explains why Russia is the largest country in the world.
People who can't fight always get the most clay.
>Russia is better dead
wtf are you on about?
This is fantastic.
China has 20 million left over men who can never marry.
These men can now have pretty Russian wives ;)
Also China should annex Mongoloid looking territories to the West. Free them from the west and Islam.
t. ladyboy Phuk Mi Dip
>kill 400-500 million 120 iq people
>What happened in Ukraine recently?
>Whats happening in South China Sea?
Shouldn't you be busy paying your debts kebab?
But Siberia is going to be your new home soon
>by you logic USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand are all UK's rightful clay.
they are
China forfeited a while shit Tom of land to the USSR, probably because it was in a weak position but still it happened. Don't be too butt hurt because of muh islands.
>Russian is a minority language
Cockhole, pls
Does wilderness scare you ukrop ?
Do you realize that you just complitely blew this cockholes mind, you bastards?
Just do it, China.
Really Russia would be better off w/o Siberia. The Russian government justs robs the people to pay for upkeep for many Alaskas worth of nothing.
Russia needs to be the Carpathians to the Urals
>Russia needs to be the Carpathians to the Urals
> free them from Islam
remember the Uygurs, motherfucker.
Even better
Ukraine, my pleasure!
Chinese are not interested in Siberia. They can already buy what they want from Russia and they don't have to deal with any administration issues associated with the region. It is a win win for them, they also like Russian military support in Asia and do lots of joint exercises. China wanting Siberia is just a meme.
Russia has been itching for a war for so long they're starting to look for reasons to fight
If China invades, Russia has an excuse to go all out
GG, China
I think that russia is not just annex and lose territory, its actually slowly moving to the west.
What about the US?
China would be in Moscow in 3 days.
The US should take it over
Resettle all the niggers and spics there
Put them to work harvesting resources and working in factories
Create white utopia here at home
Russia conquered, colonized, and maintained that land before the original inhabitants left the tribal stages of civilization and developed nationalism.
It is theirs to do with as they wish.
If by better use you mean completelly turn it into an ecological disaster, then yes.
I think the world your be a better place with Chinese Global dominance/supremacy...
It is well-known fact that chinks only copypaste others' tech :^)
He is not Chinese. He is a shitposting American expat. Guarentee it.
Hands off Russian land Poland. All of Ukraine are belong to Russia.
How will you feed your army at least for one week, Chin-Ku-Hui?
So is Russia wanting Ukraine.
>implying casus belli isn't entirely fabricated
No, that makes strategic sense. Siberia does not. It is just pushed by Americans mostly to try to break Russia-China security ties.
Eat shit Lwow is Polish clay you fucking leaf.
>muh warm-water port
>for muh dogshit fleet
Was it worth it?
This. Not interested in eastern Ukraine. No need for Warsaw pact II.
They won't even settle west China what the fuck would they do with 8 west China's worth of nothing?
I will be in Moscow in 3 days.
t. literally everyone ever
no, they wont
Nah, everything coloured on that map should belong to Mongolia
Russian huge territory is just a sweet bait hard to swallow. And we, as an Evil Empire soldiers just die laughting knowing that they wouldn't get their hands on mother Russia
хoхлы нo фopчe нe пepecтaют дocтaвлять
1for1 Russia would have 0 people and china would only lose 100 million, you're fucked, pay tribute to new mongol masters.
If we all are going to die than we will surely use all the biological, chemical and nuclear weapon.
China will lose the whole population too
Yep, our ancestors.