Be Australian

>Be Australian.
>Go to LA.
>It is literally a Dystopian nightmare.
>Niggers, spics and homeless abound.
>Everyone is insane.
>People clamouring for my money, like they were beggars in Calcutta.
>Niggers in unwashed Spiderman costumes are running up and down outside the Chinese theatre.

Only thing worthwhile in LA was In'n'out - shit was fantastic.

So, my question to everyone in America is why haven't you exiled this filth yet?
We did it in Australia (quite frankly, we need to do it again, Melbourne is leaking "diversity") with Tasmania, so why can't you just send all your vermin to Hawaii or even better, send LA into the ocean?

Pic related, the average state of infrastructure in LA.

I found the US to be a mixed bag

>nig areas filthy and crime ridden with barbed wire everywhere
>white areas super clean and tidy

You ever seen falling down? Watch it.

This was released in 1993.

We haven't cleaned up the filth because of the democrats. Frankly it acts more like a containment zone if anything else.

>why haven't you exiled this filth yet?

We have for the most part. Blacks are largely concentrated in urban areas, with a lot of them never leaving the city they live in.

Huh, LA, looks a lot like metropolitan Michigan.

It was pretty neat in Manhattan.
Walking around Manhattan at 3am was really neat, shit was buzzing like day time, plus I really liked the Papaya dogs.

Also, nothing keeps nigs out like high rent.

Literally south africa tier.

why the fuck would anyone ever visit the west coast

LA is a facsimile of hell.

>TFW commiefornians keep moving to my state

Almost every large city here is that. white Americans don't live in large cities except the cucked liberal ones.

Yes. Best to pack a knife while in LA

wtf i hate america now

But LA is marketed at the culture centre of the US, literally every travel agent wants to send you there.

You land there and it feels third world.

We landed at LAX at a run down terminal that was worse than our terminal up in fucking Newman, and had to take a ride in a rickety old bus to the actual terminal, which was still run down to shit.

Our airports suck dick

New York City is better

You should have gone to Arcada.

Is it really that bad or are you trolling? I've had plans to visit LA for a long time, always saw it as paradise, especially the abundant expressway network.

We had to land there first, we're Perth cunts.

It was funny though, we landed in LA and ran into some old friends who had as well, and they felt the exact same way.

LA is a nightmare, LV is only worth two days max, I could do a few weeks in New England though.

You should've gone to the south. Best people and better food

Why socal???

San Francisco is waaaaaaayyyyy better.

Mate, if you can, carry a gun.

When we were there, a car crashed right on front of us and Americans just walked around it like nothing happened.
My wife and I were the only people to open the car to see if anyone was hurt.


I agree there.

Looks like northern italy desu

LA sucks. San Diego is much better and has a ton of awesome mexican places. Go there instead. Or just go to yosemite

It is honestly that fucking bad.

I'm not even shit posting.

LA makes SF look civilized.

>Culture center of US

Do people outside the country actually think this? I sure hope not. That place is a fucking cesspit.

More niggers in the south.
New England was my favourite.

Colorado famalam.

>Fucking Texans keep moving here too


It is billed as such.

You say travel to the US and they ask you, LA, LV or NY.

Lol. Sounds about right for LA. I live in Gentrified Oakland near Berkeley. Yes. I do carry a 357 in my car.

Just don't get shot

To try to get away from the californian and spic filth(jokes on them, you guys have both of those in spades.)

Nah cunt.

>Which commieridden shithole are you going to?
Sounds about right.

Well tell him I said hi

>Or just go to yosemite
I like to visit urban areas. Countryside is nice no matter where you go, it is in the city that you get the real experience.

Right. Imperfections on the tarmac is barely a sign of decaying infrastructure especially when you consider their road network is so extensive.
Have you ever been to any large Western European cities? How do they compare to LA in terms of urban tidiness etc?

Why would anyone visit the east coast besides the brick buildings of our past? You know the east coast is Niggers from NY to Florida, right? On the west coast they're contained way better in ghettos of a few big cities. The west coast isn't some liberal paradise, literally outside SF, LA, Portland, Seattle and now Eugene(and Ashland), there's zero liberal presence

I have never understood why foreigners come and visit CA of all places in the US. It makes me think ya'll are stupid as hell to be honest.

Eh, I'm not worried about that really, statistically I'm much more likely to have been hit by a car.

The Rocky Mountain spics were always fine. It's just the dalass faggots that crash their Audi SUVs when we get half an inch of snow that make me full of violent rage.

I live in la and i agree most of the city is shit and run down, it gets worse every year, i can't wait to move somewhere nicer

Yeh, will do Gurhan.

Go to the small towns in the south, Maryville Tennessee is God tier, just check the crime stats and demographics on Wikipedia before you go, another good indicator is if they are openly flying the stars and bars

How'd in N out hold up to Melbourne burgers?

Just got back from L.A.- it's cancer

Go visit the Reagan Library


SF and SD are better tourist cities.

I can't wait until we ship off our katrina niggers to you, hot potato!

NorCal is beautiful, you pleb

Shit and dangerous. January in 2014 I headed down to Cali on my motorcycle for some warmer weather. I was cruising along on my bike on the expressway trying to get into LA. Look down at my gps for a millisecond. See something out of the corner of my on the road ahead. Look up its a tradesmans ladder layed out across the lane - just swerved around it in time, very close to dying. Thought to myself fuck LA it's probably full of niggers and beaners and went to Joshua tree.

Go to SF. Much better than LA. San Diego is okay too.

Ah, you made the classic tourist mistake. You never go to LA, you go to places near it. Hollywood, Manhattan Beach, places like that. LA itself is a shit hole.

And yeah, In-N-Out is pretty great.

Why? Washington and Colorado are miles ahead of those three.

LA is the Jew capital of the country. They love the filth in the street.

I've been all across Western and Eastern Europe.

In terms of cleanliness and infrastructure Eastern European capital cities were the best, followed by Western European cities and villages, followed by Eastern European small cities, followed by small villages, which were largely on par (at least in terms of maintenance) with Large US cities.

There are exceptions to the rule (London is filthy and full of Muzzos), and Manhattan was quite clean compared to a lot of Western European cities (Paris and Rome are disgusting).

Easeys and Mr Scruffs shit on In'n'Out

Honestly, it's where we have to stop due to the distance of the flights.
If I did it again, I'd go to Asia first, then Hawaii, then the Midwest.

Burn their houses down. It's warfare with commiefornians.


If your idea of paradise is a beaner-infested garbage dump full of smarmy leftists, than you probably won't find a better destination than Los Angeles.

Why the fuck do you think we are voting Trump in?

Toronto is one of the cleanest cities I have ever seen. Was crazy

Hollywood was a shit hole mate.

>Clean city

Oh boy, is it really that filthy in the states?

I honestly have no idea.
Shit is just how it runs with travel agencies.

Im not going to move to your state! I was born in cali. Im staying. Relax

>>Everyone is insane.
Yeah, can't you convict-stock handle our caliber of IRL bantz?


Because your only other option is a literal traitor.

LA is a wonderful city.

>retarded festie kid from Oregon/Norcal talking shit

Wew lad, LA is shit and the shittiest town on the west coast, but for the point of your story to be a fucking ladder in the road when you could have walked down Santa Monica pier and had more than a dozen reasons to talk shit, then to end it with Joshua Tree I mean, I bet you go to The Oregon Country Fair or Lighting N a Bottle or even Burning man. Literally everything in the fucking world to complain about in LA and you complain about something I've seen happen in a half dozen states.

This is why you pay ten a hit famalam

Try Central and Eastern European capitals.
Prague is gorgeous.

I went to vancouver and thought it was a clean Toronto. Goddamn your cities must be in shambles

There was no bantz, just crazy black guys screaming at nothing and drawing swastikas over themselves.


Hive of all the Jews too.

Which is provably why it looks like absolute shit.

Post more travel pics

Great thread btw.

>be Australian
>go to worst area of the US and act like it's the whole country.
>give up your guns cause of one aspire

Everyone hates you and LA

>be foreigner
>go to the worst US cities

y u do this?

Yosemite is a huge national park. I wouldn't call it the "countryside".

You know all those threads where we list which state needs to be nuked off the map and 99% of us put down CA as number one? Yeah, we weren't kidding.

At least we don't get raped by refugees.

Do you people stay in really poor areas when you travel or maye you just have high standards. Never been to Australia myself, but when I visited Paris I thought it was ok in the central area. Sure you can probably find a lot of filth in the outskirts, but that applies to every city.

Pic related: a random side street in Paris. Hardly the apocalyptic scene everyone on Sup Forums likes to paint.

I have been to the east coast in the US and I agree Manhattan is generally tidy. It always boggles me when I see Americans saying NYC is a shithole.

is that fucking smog or just liberal brainfarts?

Atlanta airport is full of blacks. I feel like I will get robbed just walking around.

>Grew up in liberal city
>Blacks all over
>Know some nice black people
>still scared of black people
>I wonder if Obama will steal the white house silverware when he leaves?

I'm an active and paying member of the LDP.
The only party to further gun rights here in the past 20 years.

Going to LA changed my life forever. The very next year I bought a house in the rural Midwest and vowed to never go there again.

t. The usual butthurt American Norwegian who shitposts in every thread

I stayed in the centre of cities and villages.
Paris is fucking filthy in the centre, same with London.

Smog, I didn't know that there was a mountain range near LA until I left.

>even better, send LA into the ocean?
Soon. Their evil is too much for the Earth to bare.

>tfw your state will never attract a bunch of internationals to visit
>tfw internationals only focus on Texas, Florida, Washington D.C, and California
>tfw your state will die irrelevant and people will hardly know it exists.

It has nice tourist attractions, you just have to not stay there. I personally think the tar pits and the wax museum are pretty cool, but that's just me.

Is there any uncucked city in Commiefornia, just name one. Since I was young wanted to visit that state like Bay Area but I cannot stand all that deep cuckness they are drenched. Any suggestions?

Aus can't handle the bantz.

Would New Orleans be worth visiting for the music scene? Or would i just get mugged or worse?

Go to Monterey and Carmel

>go to worst area of the US and act like it's the whole country.

At no point did he do that you hypersensitive knee-jerk cunt.

>landlocked state
automatically disqualified from based status, sorry bro