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Really makes you think
He didn't even mention Trump...
I don't follow.
Consider the record corrected
Who funds Occupy Democrats?
George Soros?
Patriotism = Love for the human garbage called "citizens"?
>patriotism should be about love and pride of country
How in any way does this disagree with anything Trump says?
The only love that should be commended is love of your own people.
Which for us isn't Muslims or illegals.
>love beyond age
So pedophilia legal when?
wtf I love terrorists now
wtf i am cruz missle now
Goyim cattle
The fact that Hillary is in the lead just proves most people think its worse to say bad stuff than to actually do them
wtf, that really made me think now...
Really makes you benis
wow currently pondering my existence. thank you for enlightening me, op.
Hillary Clinton: the most experienced at ruining the world and spilling blood. the most experienced at empowering terrorists across the world.
Experience... with invading Iraq in 2003
Experience... with destabilizing Libya in 2011
Experience... with arming Syrian and Iraqi terrorists that destroyed democracy in Iraq, allies of ISIS, Al-Nusra, and child-decapitating "moderate freedom fighters"
Experience... the experience she needs to invade Syria next year and Iran in her second term
Any Americans that votes for Hillary must have some serious self-hatred or an IQ of 60.
Hillary Clinton will usher in the North American Union for her globalist masters, there will be no more United States of America if she becomes POTUS.
John Cena is getting reported to the FBI for being a pedo.
Sounds gay but then that's what's so funny about gays against Islamophobia. They think you should be killed and yet you fight to bring more in.
>hurr durr patriotism should be redefined to suit my political goals
The only winners will be Wall street and the big banks, you American burger head
wtf i hate trump now
Thank god we cant see him.
How can you be patriotic if you love everything equally? Being patriotic is about being loyal and showing a preference for your own people. It doesn't mean hating others.
>Here is a quote from someone "famous"
Notice that the shit wasn't directed towards trump but Occupy Democrats place the title "John Cena slams Trump." John Cena's ad has nothing to do with Trump nor Trump's ideas.
John Cena has his own opinions, Obvious Dumbshits needs to not to speak for other people.
the guy works in amy schumer movies what did you expect him to say. also lables is not how you spell labia.
>John Cena
>love beyond age
Is he a pedo?
Islam is a religion of peace that can coexist with others just fine, they're just oppressed in europe
Sharia law? They just want to feel at home, let them. They want to expand their zone? That's ok, there's more of them than us anyways.
>I'm being oppressed now
As if these people could ever fucking look beyond their feelings at the time of what they say, once they realize they fucked everything up it'll be too late
They just assert these non-sequitur arguments over and over.
>john cena : patriotism shouldnt just be about pride of country. its should be about love. love beyond age
is john cena diddling the kids?!?!?
>Islam is a religion of peace
>they're just oppressed
Good Goy!
That does not follow from that, John. Patriotism is literally about pride of your country.
Meathead parrots left talking points for $500, Alex.
>Patriotism shouldn't be only about patriotism. It should also be about dancing naked in the times square. I know only about a couple of deranged hobos in NY who are truly patriots.
You know, when I read "JOHN CENA SLAMS TRUMP:," I expected something a lot more exciting....
didn't even make me think
The Rock and John Cena vs Clint Eastwood and Trump
White Republicans need to get stomped
I dunno, what do you think?
>current year
>being a Cena fan
>not being a fan of based KO
>popular figure
>not relevant
Probably more than most politicians for common people.
> love beyond age
What did he mean by that?
Underrated post
>Not about Lables
He's right, though. Dubya was a retard but he made sure people knew he loved Hispanics and harbored no ill will against Muslims, several days after 9/11, no less. To Sup Forums that obviously makes him a cuck, but it also made him a winner.
Trump can't win without love. Or at least the convincing appearance of love.
so when's Cena gonna embrace the hate
People chant Trump's name, they chant 'John Cena sucks' at Cena.
>George Soros?
he's just the front man for Rothschild
CTR shills on very concerned status after realizing they could easily happen across information that could get them killed working a shit job for low pay
>to be a patriot you need to love Muslims
I wish our countries could balkanize without problems and all these cucks could go and die in the part which we'll reclaim once it becomes a caliphate.
>Trump can't win without love
Hate is as powerful if not more than love young Padawan.
actually quite interesting - bush mentioned diversity earlier than we started to get all those posters from sweden, back in 2002
I guess the difference is that you could trust Bush to still act in the interest of white americans -- things are not so clear when Obama is responsible, or modern Democrats in general for that matter.
John Cena
>An actor
>pretends to be an ex-marine
Nice script and nice slide thread.
india looks like it's weaponized shit posting may god have mercy on us all
John Cena is a wigger, who gives a shit what he has to say? I find it sad that this is who kids look up to these days. He's the Hulk Hogan of their generation, a fucking wigger who pretends to be a marine/boyscout.
We'll see about that come Nov. 8. Keep in mind, Dilbertman thinks Trump will lose unless he can successfuly counter his public image of an unstable, hate-filled monster. And every controversy he inflicts reinforces that.
I don't think he knows what patriotic means
This is related to Trump why?
>Trump will lose unless he can successfuly counter his public image of an unstable, hate-filled monster.
True, but most of that is media shilling.
Even here on Europe media outlets portray him like a racist madman, meanwhile they aren't talking about Hillary scandals even a bit.
He only need to pay his own media shills.
If patriotism was the love and acceptance of everyone and everything, It wouldn't be called "patriotism", it would be called "altruism".
The english language is so vast, why the fuck do we keep redefining shit.
Transphobe= People who think transgender is a mental illness to be treated not embraced
Homophobe= Anyone who disagrees or disproves of anything a gay person says or does
Bigotry= Any valid negative assessment of a person, behavior, or ideology, regardless of whether the negative assessment is based on truths or unfounded personal bias
He's part of the entertainment industry. A puppet to the Jews.
What is Cena saying here that's necessarily anti-Trump?
Trump has never said he hates non-Americans. In fact, I'm pretty sure he loves the Irish.
If he did mention trump, which it doesnt say he did, then i think its more so that hes pissed trump didnt pick him in battle of the billionares at wrestlemania 23
You guys sure don't like him.
Goddamnit, I have shit to do and now I'm going to wind up watching all of the Babycakes videos instead.
thats it
im a cenation now
#chain gang
Brad Neely's new show in AS sucks ass, I wish they would just bring back China IL!
>Love beyond ages
John cena and Democrats confirmed for pedos
Famous people / celebrities whose career depends on people liking them will always endorse wooly, fluffy, disgusting liberalism.
I can't believe they think the common man should listen to a single fucking word of political babble that comes out of their mouths.
since he is someone who pretends to have served in the military, i will take cena's definition over trump's any day.
Yeah, she got less votes for her nomination than last time when she lost and she is somehow ahead in the polls.
Wimpy trash bags BTFO
john cena is a faggot
I fucking loved China, IL. Haven't brought myself to check out his new show yet, but I might just to see how bad it is.
I wish he would just make more queeblo and America now