Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you for correcting the record. You truly are my greatest ally


Good goy.


Because time clearly knows what it's talking about. They only hire the best and the brightest there I tell you what

Every MSM outlet except fox news is pointed directly at him and totally away from Hillary. But the time will come. People aren't this easily fooled


ITT: Let's assume this (obviously) very fake story is actually true. Would you jump into the campaign and help out, Sup Forums?

I would do it in a heartbeat.



Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I'm guessing Trump thinks he needs to shake things up, and that anything "controversial" he says will be forgotten in three months. It's a pretty good bet, but he could also handle shit better, like by pointing out that Khizir Khan's legal practice focuses on visas for rich Saudis.

>implying that the wild cheers from normies about the media being a bunch of fags isn't indication these articles are meaningless

>literally less than 15% approval rating

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up corrected record my name is huma but u can call me t3h R3c0RD c0RR3cT0R oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very committed to correctin the record!!!! thats why i came here, 2 correct wrongthinking Trumpetts like u _… im 23 years old (ive corrected a lot of records tho!!) i like 2 watch hillary rallies w/ my trigender lifemate (im pansexual if u dont like it deal w/it) we luv when hillary mentions shes a woman!!! bcuz its SOOOO feminist!!!! ze's feminist 2 of course but i want 2 meet more feminist record correctors =) like they say at this point wut diffrence does it make!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 correct a lot of records here so ill give u lots of downvoteses!!!!


Oh yes good old time

The same Magazine that has declared the young people the "me genneration". Every 20 years since 1964

It's literally the same article it come out every 20 years

CTR? Don't you actually work for Media Matters for America?

t. Hillary Clinton.

from OP's link: Ask him about these struggles and the braggadocio fades to fatalism. “All I can do is tell the truth,” he says. “If that does it, that’s great. And if that doesn’t do it, that’s fine too.” Even the best salesman must bow to the realities of the marketplace.

This clown is practically asking trump to be a phony like every other politician. I can understand not agreeing with what he says, but criticizing trumps blunt comments is pathetic.

This, he's also reckless and sexist. I supported him for a long time but he's just gone too far.

>fucking euros

Who gives a shit what side you support

It's literally irrelevant


fuck off you insufferable faggot, go make yourself useful and drink some bleach you cunt

>posting an optimistic projection and acting like it's an argument

Only a fool could believe that's elremotely accurate

Arizona? South Carolina, Georgia ? Please

>no, s-seriously goys, the polls aren't r-r-rigged




fuck off you insufferable faggot, go make yourself useful and drink some bleach you cunt



ohh the sweet tears

say bye bye to guns

It's hilarious how desperate the media is to sell the idea that Trump's campaign is imploding on itself.

And yet every fucking rally and event he holds just keeps drawing bigger and bigger crowds.

here OP have a sage

Go hunt a kangaroo.

Huma will you be my brown qtπ sugar momma?

Is that supposed to be an insult to every post you linked?

fuck off you insufferable faggot, go make yourself useful and drink some bleach you cunt

Please remind me what chances he had to be the republican candidate.

Was it a 1%? What did the polls and Time said back then?

fuck off you insufferable faggot, go make yourself useful and drink some bleach you cunt.

>drink some bleach you cunt

I hope he does not do this.

I just can't understand why somebody would honestly be happy about that.

Some fucking Yugoslav thousands of miles away is really happy that they will try to take away our second amendment and in doing so cause a war that the left will inevitably lose.

Why do you want such death and destruction

>100% mad

Nice ID, CTR. Reminds me of where Clinton is headed to.


>1 post by this id

So funny to see Sup Forums's daddy finally realizing he stands no chance against Hillary. Most normal people, outside of this pathetic anime forum, realize how hateful, racist, and edgy trump is. I sure am glad my family in the US is voting for Hillary, it's about time a woman, who actually has political experience, unlike trump, is given a chance to become president.

Sup Forums likes trump because he's edgy and has the mindset of an edgy 15 year old like you faggots do.

b-but the g-generals are different!!!!

shitposters ought to be collectively gassed

thanks for the (YOU) XD

Media is 24/7 attacking Trump non-stop
making up completely false claims

Any regular human would at least be phased somewhat

Every thing you say is misinterpreted intentionally.

There's no honesty

It's just a 24/7 hate machine.


I saged it, newfag.

>There are people on this board who unironically think trump is going to lose

>Every thing you say is misinterpreted intentionally.
>There's no honesty
>It's just a 24/7 hate machine.

Really made me think.

>Nate Silver never predicted anything correctly!

The delusion is real.

I shouldn't let you but it makes me fucking rage


Winning a primary is far easier than winning a general election. Trump appeals to uneducated white males, which pretty much ARE the GOP. Many people underestimated how much this group makes up the Republican party:

>I don't think that Trump can win, frankly," wrote Bill James on Feb. 23, before adding dismissively, “because I don't think there are enough morons to elect him."

A general election is a far cry from a purely Republican base, because you now have blacks (educated and not), hispanics (educated and not), women (educated and not), and educated males.

All the above groups are conveniently not there in a Republican primary.

Meanwhile the MSM is riding the Democrat's dick.
>These email leaks look pretty embarrassing.
>With the cronyism, collusion and racketeering aside which are non-issues, let's focus on what's really wrong here.
>Russia is the one at fault because they're trying to meddle in our elections.
>Donald Trump is smart enough not to use emails. "The Russians are playing favorites because they won't hack Trump's emails."
>Proceed to paraphrase how Hillary is the first female candidate for president [spoiler]of a major party[/spoiler] fit the next 20 mins.

He predicted 2012 correctly

He has been wrong since then

>if you don't vote for Hillary you are stupid

Right because nothing shows intelligence like being shamed and pressured into a decision

>who actually has political experience
This. She demonstrated with Benghazi that she understands the true value of both action and inaction. Someone like Trump would probably have flipped out and killed a lot of innocent Muslims.

I'd rather kill every Muslim on earth then let 4 Americans die like that



>Khan argument
"Trump is finished."
>2a comments
"Trump is finished."
>The next 'scandal'
"Trump is finished."

>Trump wins

>It's literally our times Watergate.
>Poor Democrats can't be expected to behave corruptly in privacy anymore.
Sup Forums how do we help them and give them the support they si desperately need.

Trump is a mess.
A high energy fool is way more dangerous than a low energy one.


Keep dreaming, he is done.


Why do people keep saying this when Hillary is literally a corrupt embezzling war-monger who may be behind several political assisinations

>being this buttblasted

>a fucking leaf

take it from me, snownigger, the media will do everything it can to insulate itself into a reality it can accept. it is not representative of reality.
>see: brexit

Hillary isn't unpredictable.

>>It's literally our times Watergate.

Except that every major newspaper and TV news show spent literally every fucking day harping about how criminal Watergate was, as compared to today where they all compete to explain how Hillary's bullshit is not very important.

I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't over yet. In fact, the election is nearly three months away. Does not leading in some inaccurate or doctored polls count? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the election campaign is still on? Trump is giving speeches right now and has been the top Republican candidate for how many months now? He's up against one of the most crooked politicians to have ever lived, who just happens to have a lead because she rigged a poll. But you know what? She still belongs in prison. Trump is one of the single greatest individuals in the world, he turned a small loan of a million dollars into billions and would have made more if not for constantly thinking about running for president. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and somebody shows you a screencap of this. Oh look at that, a poll was released showing Trump ahead of Hillary. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making these anti-Trump posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll Trump on this board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

>take the garunteed criminal embezzling war monger

>over a guy that has never said anything to make him seem more dangerous

Yeah I've listened to trumps policies and he is without a doubt less "dangerous" than Hillary




Hillary is attacked 24/7 by the media just because she has an e-mail

Trump is just a pussy

>Winning a primary is far easier than winning a general election.
Reality is literally the exact opposite of this statement.

we're gonna build a wall around NI and kick out the irish!

wow the CTR containment thread is working really well.


I don't think the plan to ignore Hillary as much is possible is going to give her a de-facto win in November, talking about Trump non-stop is a far more effective way to get people to vote for him.

>. Priebus told Trump that internal GOP polling suggested he was on track to lose the election. And if Trump didn’t turn around his campaign over the coming weeks, the Republican National Committee would consider redirecting party resources and machinery to House and Senate races.


Trump supporter here

That's it. Trump is just too weak-minded. There is no way I can support this man anymore.



Kek is real.


Look mom I posted it again xD


vintage shop

Don't forget...

>Rapists from Mexico comments
"Trump is finished
>McCain comments
"Trump is finished"
>repeatedly retweeting White supremacists
"Trump is finished"
>there should be some form of punishment for abortion comments
"Trump is finished

Seems like he should have been finished months ago.

But the fact is that voters have short memories, and 3 months is a long time for Trump to get back on track.

1% chance to Trump nomination
Carson at 15%
Cruz at 50%
Jeb was at 40% at one point
Fiorina even had a better chance than Trump under Silver
Are you fucking retarded?