Love trumps hate

Whenever something fucked up happens, like a terror attack, I always see people say things like this. "react with love, not hate!". I don't understand it. Hate is a valid human emotion just like any other. We have it for a reason. Supposedly "negative" emotions like hate, anger, fear, sadness, all have their uses and aid for survival. It doesn't make sense to just say "don't feel any hate at all".

Sometimes when facing a problem you have to react in a strong way. Why is everyone these days so weird??

Because faggots are a thing now. So now everyone has to roll over and just get raped because "reasons". Liberalism is a disease

Love Clinton's Rape

Make love not war lmaooo

Can I have some money for weed


Hate is for the weak

it's subversion

Don't tell the leftists, but it's a coded message we've implanted in their rhetoric.
>love trump

It's hippy nonsense

These people are a lost cause they would greet the enemy with open doors and open arms

It's a horrifically nieve mindset born out of the abundance and safety of the west

Regardless of what happens in the world, always keep in mind that the people who are content in life do not want to rock the boat, no matter the cost.


Like people that chose to stay in their imprisonment than risk the dangers of freedom

These naive hapless imbeciles actually believe that the real hateful ones don't give two shits about their coexist bumper sticker

True. Calm, ruthless determination is what defeats the barbarian hordes.

Hate and retaliation just makes everything worse (see Iraq and Afghanistan).

It's a "valid human emotion" but one that is short-lived. Hatred is rarely a good casus belli and it will peter out. When it peters out, you get a quagmire.

Smart choices are more easily justified, more easily gotten out of.

*take out the don't

Funny how "hating" something has become bad, no matter which way it's looked at... especially seeing how nobody "hates" anyone or anything without reason. Not to mention, the word has lost much of it's meaning- you might be accused of hating people or things simply because you disagree with them.

These people who claim that reacting with love will conquer all have probably never experienced much in the way of physical pain. I don't think anything represents hate more than our own bodies and the potential in it to experience all kinds of excruciating things. You know what I hate? A hot iron pressed against the bottoms of my feet, a blowtorch in my face, a cheese grater on my genitals. I just HATE those kinds of things!

Wow way to be a bigot masochists are people too

>Inb4 love will help save you from that pain

Isn't that more a peace of mind kind of thing, like you might learn in Buddhism?

If everyone shared your mindset we would have been overrun by the caliphate 900 years ago.

Why is she sitting like that?

If we didn't respond with hate and violence then our entire civilization would be crumbling, which is happening now. Hate is the ultimate form of expression, there's nothing wrong with hating your enemies, no matter what liberal hippe retards tell you.

Lavren :3

Are you me, OP? I've been thinking along literally the same lines for a while now. Hatred can be a valid emotional response


Some people just want to watch the world burn without having to look like assholes

>implying hatred and calm determination are mutually exclusive

Nonsense. It seems you are incapable of differentiating between a good cause for war and an emotional one.

It's because love = good and trumps everything. Liberals get fantasy mixed up with reality.

>secularism is a disease
there is literally nothing wrong with the republic of the United States.

Because according to the current censorship aka PC, you can no longer hate

These people are champagne socialists who have no relation with the real world. They don't live or work amongst the minorities they champion, so from their gentrified neighborhoods, everything seems fine. Liberals preach love and tolerance but only because they have experienced the world on their terms. I can't wait for these people to return to the european countries thats used to be densely populated with whites, and are now overrun with refugees. How long until their love and tolerance facade breaks down and they realise these people are just animals.

emotional aka protect special group of people

Hate clouds your jugment. You devolv to your primal instincts. Not a a bases to make decisions at all.

just as fear can be - in fact, fear isn't even necessarily destructive, it looks out for you

You need Hate AND resolve to follow through no matter what the cost. Then you can have love and peace.

love blinds you. What do they say about those who fell in love? They wear pink glasses and all that


A good war is a war you win. A good cause is one that leads to a war you win. Fuck your "casus belli" slave morality.

These people are already whining about moving to Canada, cause:
>muh right wing parties getting too much votes, don't want to live among these barbarians any more ;_;

The fact that they are fleeing from the aftermaths of their own bullshit is completely oblivious to them.

It's a particularly bad slogan, it can be used easily by the opposing side because they "love Trump's hate".

Love is just socially accepted insanity. When get to the heart of it.

I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt(tainted/degenerate), when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is injurious to it. - Friedrich Nietzsche

There are Buddhist meditation practices to cultivate a virtue called metta, or loving-kindness, a kind of spiritual love.

Interestingly enough it's considered flawed metta to be compulsively altruistic to one's own detriment.

If love trumped hate, then why didn't it give those faggots in Orlando force fields?

I remember when I first read 1984 by George Orwell, and they had the 'Ministry of Love' to police people's language. At the time I didn't understand the name but it's scary how I could now imagine this generation supporting anything with love in the name.

The most effective hate is an icy, calculated hate.

They say that because you might get angry about some people sleeping on their job, people like policmen, soldiers, generals, bureaucrats, politicians or other civil servants. You know, the ones responsible.

Orwell may have been a time traveler

To be sure 1984 is extreme but we basically have everything he said we would

>perpetual war or threat of war with nameless hordes
>random explosions allegedly from said war
>mass monitoring of our communications
>control of our speech and thoughts
>a government+media apparatus that says the opposite of reality
>people are so fucked by this they actually participate in double think
>all the bizarre newspeak where the media and governments just parrot the same buzzwords and statements weather true or not

Honestly I think We just need to blow it all up

Nice one, Centurian!

Trips of truth.

> having any emotions at all in 2016

Anyway, it's been what, almost a month since the last religion of peace attack? Are we due for another?